View Full Version : When will people learn?

12-29-2005, 06:26 PM
I've complained about my MIL in the past but today just takes the cake. My SIL just informed me that my FIL released their cat into the desert because he sprayed. :mad: They never neutered him so, of course, he will spray! AND THEY RELEASED HIM INTO THE DESERT!! Great..they weren't even kind enough to take him to the humane society.

This is their 8th cat. She collected five in all of two months and took all of them to the pound when they found out their youngest daughter was allergic. They then got two cats and I *think* took them to the pound because they were loud. :mad: :( I'm so darn tired of their neglect.

My SIL told me that the youngest daughter (she's 5) threw their chihuhua over the balcony. They have a turtle they are keeping in an inch of water in the bathroom sink before SIL comes to get it. They have kept this turtle in a plastic bin and never gave it the proper lighting, filter, etc.

I feel so sad for these animals. My husband has asked them about the behavior and they just blow him off or ignore the comment. Why don't people get it?

12-29-2005, 07:14 PM
Because they are Stupid Ignorant People who think that Animals are second class,and have no feelings.
I would never have anything to do with them,no matter how they were related.
And I would do everything in my power to get them charged wit Cruelty to Animals.
I pray someone takes them to a desert and leaves them there to die.

12-29-2005, 07:24 PM
I totally agree with what Gary says...wise words from a wise man :)

12-29-2005, 07:30 PM
It is so tiring having to deal with them. I don't understand how anyone would think it would be okay to just dump an animal in the desert when it has been a house cat all its life. They keep the animal until it grows out of puppyhood/kittenhood and just dump it somewhere. It sickens me.

12-29-2005, 09:40 PM
OMG!!!!!!! I cannot believe how cruel your MIL & FIL can be. :mad: When are they going to STOP having animals that they DO NOT deserve to have. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes for that precious cat that was thrown in the desert like a piece of trash. Is there anyway that you can find out where exactly they dumped this poor cat and go and look for him?????
Oh gosh, I am so upset by this. You would definitely have to stop me from literally strangling my FIL if he ever did this.

It just boggles my mind how heartless some people can be. :mad: :(

12-29-2005, 09:46 PM
That poor cat. Is there possibly any way someone can go and find him before he turns really feral or dies?
Some people should not be permitted to have pets of any kind! :(

12-29-2005, 11:08 PM
This is horrible!!! :mad: They should never ever be able to adopt an animal ever again!!! :mad: I'll never understand these kinds of people. :mad:

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-30-2005, 04:42 AM
There should be a "pet-ban" for people like them :mad: :mad:

smokey the elder
12-30-2005, 07:36 AM
You should contact the rescue groups in the area and have them put those people on their "do not adopt" lists.

12-30-2005, 12:16 PM
Well the problem is is that I'm not sure where exactly they are adopting these animals from. I know the chihuhua they "currently" have was from a friend they were dogsitting for and the friend never came to pick the dog back up. For the cats, no idea. I think they look for animals in the paper and get the "for free kittens."

I'm going to speak with SIL today and ask her to at least stop by where the cat was dropped off to see if she can find it. Again, I'm not sure how long ago this happened...it was one of those "Don't tell my mom I told you." :mad:

It just upsets me because they keep getting animals and getting rid of them. I've been with my husband for 8 years and I know of at least two dogs they have gotten rid of and the 8 cats. :( Jason doesn't want me to say anything to his mom because he doesn't want us to dislike each other but this is seriously out of control. Why do they keep doing this? Who should I contact to make sure the chihuhua is at least being treated properly? Animal control???

12-30-2005, 12:21 PM
OMG!!!!!!! Is there anyway that you can find out where exactly they dumped this poor cat and go and look for him?????

Believe me, if I lived anywhere near them I would have gotten that cat in for neutering and found it a proper home. My in-laws all live in California and we're WAY on the opposite side of the country...perhaps for a reason. :(

I sometimes think I'm the only one in my family who cares about their animals. Everyone teases me because "I'm the crazy cat lady" but I at least treat living beings with respect.

I don't take on the responsibility of an animal and dump it when something doesn't work out. :(

Miss Z
12-30-2005, 12:30 PM
I sometimes think I'm the only one in my family who cares about their animals. Everyone teases me because "I'm the crazy cat lady" but I at least treat living beings with respect.

I don't take on the responsibility of an animal and dump it when something doesn't work out. :(

Same here, sometimes i get teased for liking animals. I usually fire back at them to get them to shuttup, i guess i'm just that kind of person, but it's really best to turn the other cheek and tell them they don't know what they're missing.

As for your SIL, FIL and MIL, i hope that what goes around comes around for them to teach them a lesson:mad:

12-30-2005, 12:34 PM
How on Earth can you,in any way shape or form like someone like that.
Thats like saying you have to get along with a murderer just because they are in the family.
I would never have anything to do with them,no matter whi it offends.
Sometimes you have to take a stand.

12-30-2005, 03:30 PM
How on Earth can you,in any way shape or form like someone like that.
Thats like saying you have to get along with a murderer just because they are in the family.
I would never have anything to do with them,no matter whi it offends.
Sometimes you have to take a stand.

I do have to agree with you Gary. I am saddened that my husband's family acts the way they do and I speak to them as little as possible. I don't know what to say. :(

12-30-2005, 04:31 PM
We understand that you are just venting here, and this is pretty much out of your control. I agree that I would stay away from these people as much as possible. However, I think a call to animal control to check on that puppy might be a great idea!

Good luck!

12-30-2005, 04:53 PM
I'm sorry Sarah, I thought you lived close to your in-laws. In reality, I should have known better. I'm sure if you did live close, you would have already gone out to the desert to search for the cat.

It seems that no matter what you say to your in-laws, it just falls on deaf ears. :(

Tora Oni
12-30-2005, 05:33 PM
This is obviously a very sad situation and tossing a dog over the balcony window is consider animal cruelty as the neglect If I had any proof or evidence that solid enough to put it against them I would. I hate to see any other pet in their hands. The local shelters or rescue group should know some Animal cruelty services. Thats alot of cats they gone through and quite a couple of dogs.

12-31-2005, 04:49 AM
The whole thing just makes me cry. How horrible for that poor cat. He was doing exactly what instinct told him to, and for that he was banished from his "home", left out in a strange, barren place and has to fend for himself. :( :confused:

I wonder how your FIL would feel if someone dumped HIM in the desert 50 miles away from civilization? :mad:

12-31-2005, 10:04 AM
I totally agree with Gary!!! :mad:

CalliesMom, I'm so sorry you have to deal with them! These poor poor kitties! People like that make me sooo mad!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


12-31-2005, 10:36 AM
OMG, how is it possible? I feel so :mad: :mad: :mad:
You all had the perfect words, I have no more to add, just say that I agree with all of you.
Some people rescue cats, some other ones just throw them away... :mad:

12-31-2005, 11:00 AM
I agree with Gary too...I would cut these toxic people out of my life, pronto - and let them know why. Doing it is one thing - TELLING YOU is another. They know you love animals and torture you by telling you of their abuse of them - I consider that a form of verbal abuse of YOU.

Good riddance to bad trash, IMHO.

12-31-2005, 11:38 AM
:( Believe me, this is not easy for me either. I hardly ever talk to his family and it's one of the reasons I moved away.

I've tried to get a hold of SIL but she won't return my calls. I'm afraid I must have angered her when I went off about what her mom did. What did she expect me to say? "Oh it's okay your step-dad just dumped a kitty in the desert."

I just want her to go and find the kitty. I've left her 2 messages and no response. I hate selfish people.

12-31-2005, 12:21 PM
I obviously don't know which state your in-laws live in but in most states abandoning an animal the way they did is against the law and is punishable. If I knew your in-laws I would be informing the police and other local authorities about the abandonment of the cat in the desert and the dog thrown off the balcony. Unfortunately for the animals I don't know your in-laws so I have no way of making this information available to the proper authorities.

I am sorry for you that you have such pathetic people in your family. They say you can pick your friends but unfortunately you can't pick your family. I know as a cat lover you must be very upset to hear of such things. Just also keep in mind that if you are aware of an illegal act and do nothing to prevent or report such occurances then at the very least morally you are also responsible. However, I also understand what a horrible situation you are being put in because it is your IN-LAWS and as such you have your husband to contend with.

Good luck to you and the cat. I hope it is not still out there dying of thirst and hunger. Most likely not.