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12-29-2005, 06:03 PM
Toby is getting older. :(

And I can see it. He turns 10 in February and I know, that's not even old, right? Not really. He's a Lab mix, he could easily live well into his teens. So then why is he worrying me so?

Some of you will remember last year when I nearly lost him (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=60554&highlight=toby+surgery). But all this year he's been doing so great and now ... I don't know. His ears have been bothering him more (he's had reoccuring ear infections all his life) to the point where he hardly ever pricks his ears any more, and almost always tilts his head to the side. He went to the vets last week for his monthly ear cleaning but it doesn't seem to have made it any better. He's on pain meds for arthritis which you guys already know, but recently he's been yelping when he gets up, not often, but when he does he screams and it breaks my heart. :( The vet is going to up the dosage of pain meds, and we're also waiting to hear the results of two lumps that've appeared on his left side.

Don't get me wrong, he's still a ham for the camera, still loves to pose, loves his treats. His whole body wiggles when I get his lead out, he loves to play tug, loves to show off his tricks to people ... but he just seems to have lost some of his sparkle. He's picked up since we've had Spike, I think he likes his new play buddy, though sometimes Spike gets a bit too much for him, Toby gets tired a lot quicker now.

I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid. Here are some of my favourite pics of him, most were taken just last summer ...





And here's a pic of him today:


And he looks like a completely different dog. I just don't see that sparkle in his eyes anymore.

:( Like I said ... maybe I'm just being paranoid, 10 isn't even old. I just hate the thought of losing him. He is my first dog, and my soulmate. I still remember the day we got him, but I don't remember what I used to do before I had him, and I certainly can't imagine what I'm going to do when he's no longer with me.

Tell me one thing - he will let me know when it's time, right? :( :(

Sorry for such a depressing thread, guys.


12-29-2005, 06:19 PM
Awww *huggies*

dont think like that..
maybe he was just having a bad day.

and yes.. i believe he'll let you know when its time.
but try not to think about that and enjoy what time you have left with him.

12-29-2005, 06:34 PM
:( (((((Hugs)))))))) Its hard when they get older isn't it :( My Shadow is 10 and a half and you can tell shes getting older everyday. She sometimes can't make it up the stairs in the mornings and it breaks my heart. I don't know what to say :( I hope the lumps on his side are nothing serious and maybe the pain meds will help a bit. Sorry :(

Toby's my baby
12-29-2005, 06:48 PM
{{HUGS & PRAYERS}} I hope you are just being paranoid, Toby is still a pup!! ;) He is a stunning dog, either way. I hope he is just haveing a hard time right now, and he is o.k. I wish dogs could just stay young .. .:o (but i guess then there'd be and over population . .:rolleyes:) Good luck Toby, I hope you are ok!!

12-29-2005, 09:15 PM
I think most dogs loose that sparkle in their eyes as they get older, both Buttons and Retread did, and they were still happy. We knew when it was time for both of them. Buttons' tail quit wagging and he wasn't eating. He also wasn't giving kisses which is what he loved to do (though his breath stunk horribly!). We helped Buttons to the bridge on February 10, 2005. With Retread, he didn't move much and (I think) wasn't eating. He died peacefully in his sleep one night after my mom promised to take him to the vet in the morning. I guess he just didn't want to stay here any longer.

Both deaths broke my heart, especially Buttons as he was my best, BEST friend growing up. Having him for 14 years, and getting him when I was two, I can't remember a day in my life where Buttons wasn't there. But, I took comfort knowing that he was pain-free and that he knew he was loved and still is.

Even though it's hard to think about, it's something you must go though as a pet owner. Just know that Toby is still happy -- if he's not he will certainly let you know. Just take comfort in that. You still have years left with him, he is much too young to die.

So, instead of preparing yourself for the worst, go lie down next to him and just spend time with him. Give him some treats and just talk to him. Give him a hug and a kiss and tell him you love him. My dogs love that, no matter how tired, cranky, or hyper they are, they love to just lie down with me, and I'm sure Toby would too.

12-30-2005, 11:09 AM
It is hard when they get older. I can relate, I'm in the same position you are, with my Nanook. I've been that way since he turned 10, but each year it gets worse. The last 4 years have been total hell for me, as each year for the last 4 years the vets have been saying that he's probably got about one more year left. Well obviously they were wrong. He's got major arthritis, 3 cancerous lumps, one is huge, weighs in at about 6lbs and many fatty tumors, his eyesight is going & so is his hearing but I'll be damed if a day goes by where he's not happy. Thats all that matters.

They have their good days & bad days just like us people.

As long as he's happy, eating, drinking and acting normal most of the time he's still got some time left with you.

I hope the lumps are nothing. Hopefully the pain meds will help. Have you tried any supplements for his arthritis?

He still looks like a pup, and he hardly even has any grey hairs. Raustyk is 8 (almost 8) & she's got way more grey than him. lol

I wish you & Toby nothing but the best of luck. Cherish every moment you have with him. I'm sure you'll be enjoying his company for years to come.

12-30-2005, 11:38 AM
I know you must be so worried about your baby. I think he would definately let you know when it's time and I hope that he lives for a long long loooong time, I've not had an old dog recently, when I could remember things, when I was younger we had older dogs but I can't for the life of me remember, so I don't have advice for anything like that really but I think it sounds like he's just experiencing what, probably, all older dogs do.

12-30-2005, 12:15 PM
It's okay, Mom, lots of critters - human and non - don't sparkle much in the dead of winter. He's still a handsome boy, and young - enjoy every minute!

12-30-2005, 12:50 PM
maybe he doesnt look puppy anymore hes matured and have a grown up look now.

when my dog got 8 you clearly saw he was a Mr. now, he still played and all but with a more serious look and prescence (sp?) and he passed until 14 years so it took a while, he never showed age and he died peacefully on his sleep, otherwise than one of my females, my first one she died also at 14 but she sure showed age, she could barely stand up, she woobled when she did, it was really sad but she got better at RB i´m sure.

dont worry i´m sure he´ll give you some more years of joy

12-31-2005, 08:12 AM
Thanks everyone :) Toby looks a little better today ... he and Spike have been cuddled up together for about 2 hours, they're so cute together. I'm still worried about him, I don't think he has many years left, but I'm going to try and enjoy the time I've with him, rather than worrying about losing him. Thanks for replying though, guys, it's nice to have people who understand and don't think im 'crazy' or overreacting. :)

12-31-2005, 08:49 AM
He's a beautiful boy!

I feel ya...my lab will be 14 in February. She has arthritis and i think her hearing and sight are slowly going away..plus she has mange...it feels like you're fighting a losing battle..but ya just have to hang in there...you'll know when it's his time.

Get him on some liquid glucosamine, it will help alot with his arthritis.

syn flex is the best

maggie got arthritis when she was 8...the vet put her on rimadyl and prednisone(i think?) and they didnt really help...so i took her off of those and put her on glucosamine and i noticed a difference....she even runs and plays with ozzy sometimes..only for like a minute but i think that's pretty good lol.

12-31-2005, 09:03 AM
I know how you feel - my Sadie is 13. I wish she was still 10! Vet visits become more important with an older dog. Sadie has blood work every year just to check for potential problems.

You can't stop aging but you can enjoy your time with Toby now. Have fun with him!