View Full Version : my story...............

Sampson-my guardian angel
12-29-2005, 05:00 PM
i thought that I would share a storie with you. I wrote it. I am not finished so i will only post the first chapter now. Then tomerow (or later tonight :) ) i will post the next chapter. So... here is the first chapter:

I'm not sure how to start telling you about my first year. First years are supposed to be when you get adjusted to your home and family. But it took me three years.
My first year was when I was being trained. It wasn't fun. First, they hit and punched me. They called me names and shoved me into walls. Might I add that when this 'training' first started, I was only 3 weeks old. My mother was put into a cage to watch me be hurt by big hands. Anyways, after being shoved and hit for a day, it was over. I didn't and never will take crap from humans. I turned and clamped onto his hand. Ooooooo! Was he mad! Then I relized that that wasn't very smart of me. He picked me up and threw me back onto the ground. I lost my breath and couldn't yelp. Mama barked and tried to get out but the trainer, Cory, kicked her cage which loosened the door.

MORE COMEING SOON................
What do you think so far?

12-29-2005, 05:11 PM
o the suspence i love it i personally think everyone should make one of their dog , im gonna make one of mine now lol, its really god cant wait to hear more!!

Sampson-my guardian angel
12-29-2005, 05:32 PM
thanx. i really don't know what should happen next but i've kinda got the idea. i want to wait till more ppl read the first chapter though. I hope ppl like it. :)

12-29-2005, 06:03 PM
i made one would you liek to see it? its about my dog though thunder the first dog in my sig

Sampson-my guardian angel
12-29-2005, 06:44 PM
sure. heres another chapter:

Cory then proceeded to nudge me softly with his shoe. When I opened my eyes, he kicked me hard in the back. I went sliding into the wall but was able to stop myself with my paws. Then I heard Mama growl and Cory scream like a girl. I heard Mama beating the crap out of Cory. After Cory's 'team' came rushing over, Mama backed off the crowd and came over to me. She licked my wounds and treated me softly. I was happy in those few moments with my mother by my side, treating me, and with her loveing eyes staring into mine. After only minutes of her comeing over, two men came up behind us and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck. They thrust her to the side, picked me up, laid me softly onto a blanket, and then the next thing I heard was a loud, loud booming. It boomed three times, then, silence.

12-29-2005, 06:50 PM
aww your story is so sad!!!!

Thunder's Story

my life started off as many others do, being comfy indside my mother and the next minute being pulled out by a cold hard thing with long sticks coming out of it(i later learned these were hands belonging to a human), i came out gasping for air and finally got some, i was scared at first but i soon felt a rough wet thing all over my body, i knew right then that was my mother, i couldnt see her or hear her but i just knew it was my mother.

the next few weeks were amazing ,my eyes opened my ears started working and i could play with my siblings, aside from sleeping and eating , playing with them was my favorite thing to do. After playing for a long time with them mother would call us over so we could eat(mmm....)*drools* sorry im going off track, after eating it was time for sleepy , even though sometimes we werent mother would make us. She would clean us while we were going to sleep witch would usually make me and my siblings sleepy.

a few more weeks rolled on and i herd the humans saying something about time for the puppies to part, i was a little confused so i ran over to mother and told her, she said it ment me and my brothers and sisters were going to leave her, I DIDNT WANT TO LEAVE HER!! i layed there i cried for a really long time , so long that the humans came to check on me. They saw that i was ok and left. I spent every minute with my mum after hearing that awful news.But then the dreadful day came.....

The big man human came to see us and said to say god bye to mother , he was a very nice human and took care of us well.But i didnt understand still , did i do something wrong..why was i leaving ..was i a mistake? I said my good byes to mother as did my siblings and we were soon put into a big box and put in the human mover.

we were brought to this weird place with tons of puppies cramed into tiny cages . The man human said his good byes and wished us luck then left....we were also cramed into a small cage. A few days went by ,at first we would jump up and try to get the humans attention as one walked by seeing if they were the man human coming back to get us, but it never was , they'd stop bang on the window or smile then keep going, some would get as far as holding us and for a few seconds one of us would feel loved and we would try to impress the human by licking them and trying to play with them in hopes they would bring one of us home.

Soon my brothers and sisters were going out to be held and not coming back, slowly they kept dissapearing, a few weeks later it was just me and my brother left, the big scary man human who feeds us came to get us and he put us in a pen so the humans could pick us up and pet us.
Finally my luck had changed after being there for so long a lady human came in and fell in love with me, but put me back . Soon after a mean looking man human came and played with me(he was actually really nice) and bought me. My brother was also bought by a young lady human.

A couple days after the man human came to pick me up and took me to my new home. The nice lady human was there!! i was so happy i ran up to her and started licking her, she said welcome home. They even had little humans, a boy and a girl. They even had another dog who was big and black,they called her Rockee. Later that night i smelled something gooood and naturaly followed my nose, it led my to a room with a bunch of chairs and a big table. All the humans were there eating. I sat there looking cute hoping for some of that food, but i never got any. After they ate they sat there and started talking about me , i didnt like it, last time humans did that i left my mommy, i let out a big bark and they called back and said THUNDER. I gave them a puzzled look, i had never herd that word before.

The humans kept calling me that , i assumed that, that was what they would be calling me now.

I started growing more and more every day, and eating more and more. Soon i was bigger then Rockee(who i call mom).

Alot of year laters we moved into a new house and i found one of my brothers , i kept seeing the humans that had him but one day hes stoped coming out, the young lady human said that he had gone to a better place called the rainbow bridge.

And now at the ripe old age of 11 I'm still with them, and they still love me , and even mom is still with me.

so ends my life story..for now