View Full Version : Loki

04-06-2002, 12:58 PM
My Loki aren't you the prettiest little birdie and it sounds like you are leading Mowgli astray. LOL I love your coloring and your photo is just beautiful. I'll bet it's a lot of fun to see you two out of your cage and getting into some mischief with you Loki, leading the way. I love birds and I think they are just wonderful companions. It also sounds like you two are great friends and have a wonderful time together. Congratulations dear, sweet, beautiful Loki and Mowgli ( we will include her) our Very Best Pets of the Day. I'm sure your family will be glad to give you some extra treats on your extra special day.

04-06-2002, 01:10 PM
My what a pretty birdie you are!

I once had a parakeet that looked very much like yourself! Her name was Gertie (aka Gertie the Dirty Birdie)! lol

What a cutie! Congrats on your special day!

04-06-2002, 03:01 PM
Hi there adorable little Loki!!! I am SO glad to see such an adorable budgie boy honored here today!:) Birds are such amazing creatures!! We are always so happy to welcome our feathered friends here on Pet Talk. And like your very PROUD human has told us, you guys are filled with so much personality!!:D One of my first ever pets was a budgie named Bobby! Like you, he was such a scamp! But unlike you, he did not have a partner in crime!:D:D:D Now I have a furry tag team at my house; there's got to be a ring leader in every group, and her name is Star!:rolleyes: How lovely a sight it must be see you two fluttering around the house, happy and free...even if you do like to munch on the walls! It was a pleasure to meet you sweet Loki! You are a most deserving, lovely and sweet, very WELCOME!!!!!!!! Pet of the Day!! Enjoy your very special day dear boy!

04-06-2002, 04:34 PM
Loki! You are beautiful!!! Congratulations on being the best budgie Pet of the Day!!! :D

04-06-2002, 06:57 PM

You are a very Handsome Budgie Loki !!!
Sounds like you and Mowgli are Great companions
for your folks. Congratulations on being honored
today as our PET OF THE DAY !!!

04-06-2002, 08:47 PM
Oh, you look so similar to my Wendy (RB) in coloring . . . but Wendy was not as "active" as you; she (actually a "he") was content to fly a few laps around the house and then back to her cage; we would mimic each other's voices and carry on "conversations" back and forth from different rooms of the house. Your picture brought back such nice memories . . . congratulations on being our special POTD!:) :)