View Full Version : Thanks for all the help

12-29-2005, 10:57 AM
I did try a nuetralizer however it still hasn't worked. Maybe I need to go back to basic potty training for my big ones!!! Just to let you know about my pet population here we go. I have six dogs and six cats, they are as follows:

1 Dalmation, 1 wolf, 1 chiwawa(spelling?)/rat terrier, 1 dachsund, 1 labrador,1 labrador/wolf (imagine this one haha).
all my cats are mixed breed.
Everyone is fixed and no more babies!!!!
I love them all and as soon as I can figure out how to post their pictures you will see them all.

12-29-2005, 11:17 AM
Wow that's a lot of fur! :eek: Welcome to Pet Talk, looking forward to pictures :D I am owned by two cats, Katie and Belle, and my german shepherd mix Roscoe (all three are below in my signature).