View Full Version : A good night's sleep???

12-29-2005, 03:02 AM
Just wondering if ANY of us EVER sleep all through the night, I mean without one single furry disturbance ( :cool: :D :) )

have to say that Max will never come up for cuddles during the night, he is a kissy and huggy boy while we are watching TV.

As for Candy she will NEVER EVER EVER EVER (she means it!!) come up and sit on your knee. She will waken you for kisses several times during the night when it suits HER (right!) and nudge you so as you move into a position that suits her i.e. so she can lie on your chest, in the crook of your arm....

Little Tom too pays several visits a night and purrs like a huge diesel train in the black of night (he likes to place his bottom right at your nose !! hehe :eek: :eek: ) and will be all kissy and wake you up regularly to make sure you were having a good sleep - what a helper!!! :D :rolleyes: ;)

If i ever wake up and don't actually remember any little nighttime visitors instantly I worry what might be wrong. And as for non-cat people who actually suggest that you might just close the bedroom door at night..... AS IF!!! :eek: :D

12-29-2005, 03:24 AM
Tigger is a mellow, laid back boy so he usually sleeps through the night. On warm summer nights he likes to be outside, but isn't allowed so he keeps bugging us.

Emma is a different story. I swear this girl rests all day so she can go crazy at night. She runs around the house, carrying toys in her mouth, hitting things across the floor, jumping in her box causing it to SLIDE across the floor, etc at 3-4-5 AM. If I can't sleep(I wonder why?), and I get up, then she goes to sleep :rolleyes:

*Edit* I have to add that this is hilarious:

And as for non-cat people who actually suggest that you might just close the bedroom door at night..... AS IF!!! :eek: :D

LOL They think it's that simple! ;)

12-29-2005, 04:58 AM
Archy will come in and snuggle with me, competing for legroom...he always wins! And, when the alarm goes off, he is right there, encouraging me to GET UP and feed him!

Binky? Not so much. Once in a great while he'll sleep with us; if there is movement under the covers, he's gone!

Lightning SuperCat
12-29-2005, 05:10 AM
Lightning likes to sleep way, way down on my feet, and I'm not allowed to move AT ALL!!! Then he demands to be petted and ear-rubbed but when I hove to get down there, he pounces on my moving feet and doesn't understand that I'm not as flexible as a cat! :rolleyes:
He does make a good pair of slippers, though. ;) :p

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-29-2005, 06:39 AM
Our cats sleep in their own room, so they cannot disturb us at all :D .
But I wake up several times anyway: nature calling ;) :p :(

12-29-2005, 06:49 AM
There IS no such thing as a good night's sleep when you have cats. I've become a contortionist sleeper, having had to switch from a king sized bed to a full size. But I wouldn't have it any other way!! ;)

12-29-2005, 09:17 AM
There's a whole user's manual for all the "cat rituals" we have to go through before we can get to sleep.
First, William TELLS me it is time to go to bed. He's the snuggle all night cat, so he wants to make sure he gets his 8-10 hrs.
Tiger requires "blue water dish ritual" before retiring. You have to clena out the blue water dish, fill it with cold (not warm) cold water and he will meow and drink while you are supposed to pet him. (3-5 minutes for this).
Like clockwork, if William comes into the bedroom for the evening, Norbert gets up from the bed and is officially "on duty" as the night manager. He's up all night racing up and down the hallway and playing with Percy, Tiger, Scooter and Pippin until around 2AM.
Meantime, William tucks me in and he is on the bed for the night- no matter how much I move, he just re-adjusts and snuggles in. An assortment of bed visitors may show up - usually Tiger, sometimes Scooter & Percy but never Norbert. I get locked into place pretty solid with 2-4 cats in a king bed.

Hubby gets up early - 4:30AM - and does not require an alarm clock. Pippin, without fail, comes in and does the "wake up" dance on his head until he gets up. The dance also includes a furry butt in the face -that usually does the trick. ( On weekends, I get the dance treatment - guess he knows it's not a work day for dad.)
Rarely do I sleep through the night without needing to re-adjust the furry bed covers, but life with sleep would be life without cats, so I just take a lot of naps when I have a chance.

12-29-2005, 09:35 AM
A good nights sleep? What is that? I don't believe I know what you're talking about. Why just this morning, Cosmo kept hitting the cord to my bedroom lamp because he knows it will hit the heat register and make a lot of noise so that I can get up 2 hours before my normal wake-up time, just to feed him!

I'm finally facing the facts.............I'm just a servant.

:D :)

12-29-2005, 09:38 AM
Sleep all night? With cats? Abby can't eat without me so when she's hungry, she chews my hair until I get up and go downstairs...usually around 3 or 4 a.m.

When my husband and I filled out the application for Becky & Abby, one question asked: "What will you do if the cat keeps you up at night?"

Hubby's answer: "Sleep at the office." :D

12-29-2005, 10:22 AM
Fister usually tells me when it's time for bed, he sits on it, looks at me and miaws. If I don't come immediately, he gets angry and race around to get my attention.

When I do come to bed, he knows the excact procedure and helps me arrange the pillow and duvet. The minute I hit the pillow - in fact ten seconds before, he claims half, and I have to adjust. He'll walk around my head a bit and give me headbumpies, and then make himself comfy, but he will let me put my hand under or over is paw. He'll often fall asleep before me, and after a few hours, he'll go for a snack (dry food) and a drink, and then come back and lay next to me in the morning. All in all, a good boy! :) :D

Occasionally, he'll race around the flat and miaw, just as I'm falling asleep. :rolleyes:

12-29-2005, 10:34 AM
life with sleep would be life without cats, so I just take a lot of naps when I have a chance.

I've come to the conclusion that naps are TOTALLY underestimated!!!! ;)

12-29-2005, 10:59 AM
Felix loves to lay on meowmie for a purring session before bedtime.He sleeps through the night but is a EARLY riser.If he's up so does everyone else,He is very LOUD.

12-29-2005, 11:40 AM
As you can imagine, there is no such thing as not getting woken up around here at least once! :eek: However, I had a pleasant surprise last night, as my very shy Marmy actually was on top of me in bed for the VERY FIRST time EVER!!! I was so happy! :D