View Full Version : scotland

boxer lover
12-28-2005, 07:58 PM
Has america or some parts had a white christmas?. Let me know cos scotland hasnt.There's nothing better than dogs jumping about in the deep snow boxers love to chase snowballs and eat them :)

12-28-2005, 08:25 PM
A lot of places in America got snow this year. Where I'm at, we had 12 inches and a snowstorm every week until xmas, and then everything almost melted away! Most of it is gone now, but I don't really mind too much, it's a pain to drive in and shovel! :D

12-28-2005, 08:26 PM
We've only had snow once this year... and it was around the 8th of december or so... none since then.

12-28-2005, 09:29 PM
I think boxer lover wants snow dog pics. Am I wrong?

Here is MAXIMUS, in what little snow we've had so far.......
We really don't expect any more here until Jan. or Feb. But,
here's these. It's not much, but....
These are actually of his new friends in the beginning of the snow that

These are his "hopefully"...new friends.
I am quite sure, I've shown these recently. Here's one more......

I don't know the girls names.......I think the pittie girl's name is ANGEL.
I have no idea what the rottie girl's name is. We call them Sweet Girls.

That's all we have. I hope to take him on the mountain when there is
snow. But, we have only a car now, so, we'll have to see. MAXIMUS
really loves the snow. I just hope I can get him some. We may try the
mountain in the car, or maybe borrow Auntie Genie's truck. She has
another unaltered male(until the begining next month), to concider. We'll see.

Let's see more snow pics......I know alot of us other PT'ers have them.
So........let's see.

boxer lover
12-28-2005, 09:33 PM
I think boxer lover wants snow dog pics. Am I wrong?

Here is MAXIMUS, in what little snow we've had so far.......
We really don't expect any more here until Jan. or Feb. But,
here's these. It's not much, but....
These are actually of his new friends in the beginning of the snow that

These are his "hopefully"...new friends.
I am quite sure, I've shown these recently. Here's one more......

I don't know the girls names.......I think the pittie girl's name is ANGEL.
I have no idea what the rottie girl's name is. We call them Sweet Girls.

That's all we have. I hope to take him on the mountain when there is
snow. But, we have only a car now, so, we'll have to see. MAXIMUS
really loves the snow. I just hope I can get him some. We may try the
mountain in the car, or maybe borrow Auntie Genie's truck. She has
another unaltered male(until the begining next month), to concider. We'll see.

Let's see more snow pics......I know alot of us other PT'ers have them.
So........let's see.would love to see them let loose on the nevis range

12-28-2005, 09:35 PM
We don't get snow either!! However, about 30 minutes away there's tons of snow to play in, we're actually going to our cabin up there tomorrow and staying until Monday.

=0) here's some pics of my little snow pup!

12-28-2005, 09:39 PM
These are his "hopefully"...new friends.

Who do the girls belong to? They're VERY cute! They do look painfully shy but sweet.... I noticed some sores on the Pittie girl. Maybe I missed a thread -_-

boxer lover
12-28-2005, 09:43 PM
We don't get snow either!! However, about 30 minutes away there's tons of snow to play in, we're actually going to our cabin up there tomorrow and staying until Monday.

=0) here's some pics of my little snow pup!that looks crazy have you ever seen a dog jumping in the water after a seal ?

12-28-2005, 10:19 PM
Who do the girls belong to? They're VERY cute! They do look painfully shy but sweet.... I noticed some sores on the Pittie girl. Maybe I missed a thread -_-
They belong to a......let's say a house....three houses down from us. The best
thing right now, is that he let them go free. The pittie was starved when I
first met her. And so timid, you could see the abuse marks on her. I will PM

As I said, the best thing is the girl's owners decided, was to let them roam.
He was tired of getting the police at his house, for less than the dog reason.
They have never been so healthy. A few of us neighbors have been feeding
them and putting blankets in places they have been shivering in. As far as I'm
concerned, they are doing better than they have since I've known them.

Am I off subject again??? Sorry.

12-28-2005, 10:26 PM
We did have some snow but with the warm weather and the rain it's all melted. I do have a couple of picture but they aren't very good, but I'll share them any way:)

12-28-2005, 10:43 PM
we got like 6 inches a couple weeks ago

12-28-2005, 10:49 PM
We've had quite a bit of snow since Thanksgiving, but it rained & got warm right before Christmas. I don't have any pictues handy, but I hope we get more snow soon.

12-28-2005, 11:34 PM
We had a white Christmas, though it was warm that day and a few following, so we now only have snow where it was deepest. But I LOOOOOOVE having a white Christmas! And New Years. And, well, even St. Patrick's Day if I can!