View Full Version : Do you perfer male or female dogs???

12-28-2005, 07:51 PM
for me its female's because I would be afraid the male would have to mark the agility ring, because I love showing in agility. ;)

12-28-2005, 08:04 PM
I have a thing for males. They are usually (in my opinion and observations) a bit more goofy and cuddly and I really like that.

I have actually never seen a male dog mark in an agility course. I show my Aunt's male Lab Robert in agility (*does happy dance*, I get to show him in another trial, New year's eve weekend...soo happy :D ) and he is a huge marker, has to mark everything...but in the ring he has never done anything like that, he is way more concentrated on other things.

12-28-2005, 08:10 PM
I don't really have a preference, but both my dogs are female (by accident, not by design, I actually wanted to get a male before I got Adele but then I saw her on petfinder and couldn't resist :) ). However, they still mark on walks but not as much as a lot of male dogs do. They don't do agility but I would be more worried about them trying to greet the audience then anything else!

12-28-2005, 08:12 PM
i have no preference, either is good for me :)

12-28-2005, 08:15 PM
Males! I love females too, but I agree with k9krazee when she says that they are more goofy and cuddly. They are more loving and gentle and more "wanting to be with you" whereas females are more independant.

12-28-2005, 08:20 PM
I really like both. :) since I have both..;) so no preference for me..:D

you should have the option both for the poll..:)

12-28-2005, 08:22 PM
Male, I suppose, since I haven't had any personal experience with females... but I don't have any specific reason to prefer males.

12-28-2005, 08:24 PM
Males! I love females too, but I agree with k9krazee when she says that they are more goofy and cuddly. They are more loving and gentle and more "wanting to be with you" whereas females are more independant.

I've always seen it to be the exact opposite.

As most know, I have 2 females and 1 male. I love all of them equally, and I really have no preference - but, every female dog i've met has been 10 times more affectionate, playful, etc. than the males.

My girls have to be by my side 24/7 whereas my boy is usually doing his own thing. Same with my grandma's dogs (2 females, 1 male) & aunt's dogs (1 female, 2 males.)

12-28-2005, 08:26 PM
Males! I love females too, but I agree with k9krazee when she says that they are more goofy and cuddly. They are more loving and gentle and more "wanting to be with you" whereas females are more independant.

I'm sorry but I don't agree with you on that. I had female & male dogs in the past. The female dogs I had were always more cuddly and loveable then the male dogs.

12-28-2005, 08:45 PM
I honestly don't know if males or females are more cuddly... but I think that how they are raised plays a big part.
Such as my two dogs.
We got Frisk when he was six weeks old. Since then we raised him as a part of the family.
We got Ethan when he was a year old, and his old home was abusive.
Ethan is more reserved... he'd rather sit on the other end of the couch than sit on your lap. On the other hand, Frisk would like to sit no where else but right in the middle of your lap, and you never find him sitting by himself unless no one is around.
Thats just my opinion...

12-28-2005, 08:59 PM
Before I go on I just wanted to say I'm basing most of what I say on Tollers and my experiences as that's the breed I love and am interested in so I doubt it applies to all breeds.

I much prefer females over males generally because they're smaller, coats aren't as thick/long, more athletic looking and I just find them prettier to look at. In my experience they're also more independent and not always in your face trying to see what you're up to, they do like to cuddle but aren't constantly wanting to be by your side or up on the couch with you. Females, I've found, are usually more active and willing to learn/please than males. Females also seem to be more attentive to things and have a higher drive than the males. For me, the only downfall to females is that they seem to be more aggressive than males. Males dont seem to take things as seriously as females either IMO.

12-28-2005, 09:02 PM
I've always had female dogs and male cats (of course thats no longer true) but when I go to get another dog in the future, it'll be another female. I've never had a male dog and doubt I could ever get used to the idea of a male dog.

12-28-2005, 09:06 PM
Males! I love females too, but I agree with k9krazee when she says that they are more goofy and cuddly. They are more loving and gentle and more "wanting to be with you" whereas females are more independant.
ditto and there also more well bitchy and teritorial in my HO

The Cat Factory
12-28-2005, 09:16 PM
I voted for male, since I have only ever owned 2 male dogs :)

12-28-2005, 09:18 PM
I voted for females. :) Girls are the best. I am a girl to. :)

12-28-2005, 09:19 PM
I have a thing for males. They are usually (in my opinion and observations) a bit more goofy and cuddly and I really like that.

I agree. There are always exceptions, but from most of my experiences, the males are always a bit more laid back.

12-28-2005, 09:34 PM
Sorry if I (or anyone else) offended you somehow (your post seems a bit aggrivated.) However, I too was just posting my opinion and experience. Female dogs that i've owned/known have always been more affectionate - at the shelter, in my family, friends, etc. My Nala is the goofiest, sweetest dog i've ever met. Whereas, Simba is far too regal and good to act goofy.

12-28-2005, 09:53 PM
I just wouldn't know, I have only had MAXIMUS(male), so, I really wouldn't know. But he is the loveiest thing I've ever met. Although, I would choose a female puppy for his next friend. I just want to make
sure he can deal with "it." Yes, IT, I'm still not sure. The pics I've shown of the "free girls", he is so far ok with. I would take them both in a second. I think MAXIMUS would too. But, we have restrictions......a very new business(cash to concider), and, mostly not enough room. Although, if I could get them inside, we would probably keep them both. There can ALWAYS be enough room. That would have been our Christmas wish. I think he likes them.

And, I think three big dogs in the house......would be just wonderful.
OOoo!!! So sorry.....got off the subject.

12-28-2005, 10:03 PM
I really love males. I don't know why.. I get along with them better than females, lol. They are also more relaxed and outgoing than females. Females tend to be more dominant.

12-28-2005, 10:48 PM
males...i don't know why, i guess it's because i've never had a female dog.

12-28-2005, 11:03 PM
My two canine soulmates are both females, but I prefer males for new additions. Females are much more difficult to integrate into a pack. There are only six girls here.

12-28-2005, 11:33 PM
I don't know if males or females are more cuddly/playful..I know with my 2, Zeke is by far more cuddly. Josie will, but Zeke will do anything to be snuggled. That's why he's so easy to train.

That being said....I don't have a preferance really. I think my next dog will be female though..

12-28-2005, 11:41 PM
I can only speak about Akita's since that's the breed I have experience with.That being said I prefer the males.My females were always the ones trying to dig out and run were as my males were quite happy being at home.My males were always a bit more lovable and believe it or not a little less aggressive.They also seemed to adjust to new people and new surroundings a little easier.I have a male now but I'm planning within the year to adopt a female from a local Akita rescue sometime in the spring.Even though I prefer a male I do equally love the females.

12-29-2005, 08:18 AM
I always used to think there was difference in personality between males & females, but over the past 10ish years I have changed my mind. After being around a lot of dogs often I personally think there really is no difference between the sexes anyways. I think what makes the difference is a combination of things, what breed, how the dog was bred, raised, cared for & trained.

To me it doesn't matter one bit as long as they have a good personality, are friendly & healthy.

12-29-2005, 08:25 AM
Undecided. I've never owned male dog so I really can't compare which is easier to care for. :)

4 Dog Mother
12-29-2005, 09:01 AM
I didn't vote because I don't have a preference. Until May we had 3 females and 3 males. I really don't think you can say that one sex is more independent than another. I think it more has to do with the breed. I have two male airedale mixes - they are more independent and can cuddle but are more likely to be off at the end of the couch or floor. I have a male Dalmation mix who thinks he is a part of me. 55 lbs. is a BIG lap dog! Oreo was a poodle/beagle female mix and she was the most independent dog you would ever want to meet. I think she had more cat in her than anything else. Dazzi and Pippi are both cuddlers so again I am not sure it has anything to do with sex. I would say that I would rather take a female to someone else's home. I think males tend to mark even in homes quicker than females do. At least that is my experience from the terrier twosome.

I don't tend to pick my pets by whether they are female or male but by who I am attracted to or needs me the most. (And right now there is a little male terrier calling my name but my husband says he thinks I am hearing things again.)

12-29-2005, 09:10 AM
I had female dogs growing up and a male now, and I adore them all. I think it depends on the individual dog - my RB Lady was the sweetest, kindest hearted, most loveable girl ever, and not a day goes by that I don't miss her even though she died over 10 years ago. But Roscoe is such an awesome dog, he is so cuddly and affectionate and protective and cute and...I could go on and on. I am completely undecided :D

12-29-2005, 09:16 AM
Buddy was the first male dog I've even had and I couldn't believe the difference! In my own experience, females have been more independent and stubborn at times where as males attach themselves to you and tend to be babies. The only draw back from my first male dog experience (Buddy) is the whole Marking thing. Ugh, my poor flowers and trees in my yard, check that, the flowers and trees that USED to be in my yard :rolleyes:

12-29-2005, 09:52 AM
I prefer females. I have a male and I love him dearly, but I have always had female pets and I am biased I suppose to them. Sadie and Maggie are always with me, much like Kay's Nala and Kiara. I can attest to that since I have met with her. Grant will go outside all by himself and love it, not my girls, they want in with me. Grant will lay with me on the couch but it takes him a while to settle down and just lay there. I don't think it has to be with a dog being a male or female in terms of cuddliness/affectionate, I think it stems from the dog's personality. I know my 3 all have very distinct personalities.

Buddy Blaze Lover
12-29-2005, 10:35 AM
I prefer males, and to tell the truth, I've never owned a female dog!:rolleyes: I'm not sure why, except that my dad has a preference for males and has never really liked females...I do notice that female dogs I know tend to be hyper and skittish (not all, but some) and Blaze is a pretty laid back Border collie, so I'm happy with him. But it really doesn't matter to me, and I like both males and females!:)

Suki Wingy
12-29-2005, 01:52 PM
well, I've had both but I couldn't exactly count Layla as she was not really a normal dog. I voted males, at this point, most of the females I know tend to be submissive and I really don't know how to train such a scardy dog like my neighbor's dog. Niņo is also my perfesction and he's a male so that is why I voted male.

12-29-2005, 03:02 PM
I like both. But, I would have to say female. All of my pets except Rufus are female, and they are the absolute most loving pets we've had. I've had a male before, but he had aggression problems (he was an ACD) My parents (mom and stepdad) were told he would get aggressive, and my stepdad got him anyways. He loved me to pieces though, but my heart and soul dog, Roxy of course, is female, so I definitely say Female!

12-29-2005, 03:37 PM
I personally prefer Females. My only real reason though is that males mark. Charlie is good at home, but if I take him anywhere he wants to mark on everything.

After being around a lot of dogs often I personally think there really is no difference between the sexes anyways. I think what makes the difference is a combination of things, what breed, how the dog was bred, raised, cared for & trained.

I agree. I've been around a lot of dogs almost everyday for over 5 years.

I have 5 dogs, 3 female & 2 male. All of my dogs like to cuddle, with the exception of Bitsy. Nacey and Nova follow me everywhere, when I'm standing Nova is usually either on or between my feet.

12-29-2005, 04:25 PM
It depends on the breed of dog whether I would choose male or female. When I was doing my practicum at the SPCA, the males were the ones constantly jumping in the kennels and barking, while the females waited patiently. The females were easier to treat, easier to walk and less aggressive. I voted male because I have always preferred males over females. :p

12-29-2005, 04:36 PM
I voted males buuut I like both :) My Rebel is much cuddlier than Claire, I think it just depends on the dogs and their moods I should add, there are times when Claire is the biggest cuddle bug! :D

12-29-2005, 04:38 PM
And, I think three big dogs in the house......would be just wonderful.
OOoo!!! So sorry.....got off the subject.
Yep...it is wonderful:D

Well I've had the pleasure of having both boys and girls and I honestly don't think I can say I prefer one or the other. My girls have mostly (with the exception of Huney) been the more aggressive ones and maybe even a little bitchy:o but loveable none the less.
But my boys, oh my boys! They are the sweetest most lovable goofiest guys ever:)
So I choose "undecided":D

12-29-2005, 06:32 PM
I really do like both but I prefer males :)

Toby's my baby
12-29-2005, 06:53 PM
I think the whole thing about, males being more goofy and cuddly just has to do with the breed and/ or your own dogs personality. imo

As Kay said, with my dogs, I see the exact opposite. Boo boo (male) would much rather you pet him once a day, and let him do his own thing. Where as Maggie and Autumn follow you everywhere, and beg to be pet and played with. I prefer females. :p

12-29-2005, 09:54 PM
females for me. I have two females and one male. Molly and Astra are more lovable whereas Prince just wants to do his own thing. Prince loves to cuddle though. They are both really lovable and cuddly but Molly and Astra are more active and playful. I don't know but I choose females.

12-30-2005, 04:07 PM
Yep...it is wonderful:D

But my boys, oh my boys! They are the sweetest most lovable goofiest guys ever:)
So I choose "undecided":D
You know......I thought so, but still wanting to get a female pup. It is really great to get some.....knowledge to actually deal with. I have had MAXIMUS for five years. He was, let's put this delicately, 'done.' Jus recently, I have noticed that he IS less agressive. But, I also noticed, that he wanted these friends before 'the done deed.' Just a week later, he wagged and whinned
about the girls wandering. Not growling and doing the mean fur when he saw
them. I think, he wanted friends before. I was just too afraid to let him. I only wanted to get him 'done' so he could have friends. I know for a fact, he wants them. I wish that for him. You know, he'd rather have kids.......all the time. He wants people.........just someone other than me, I think.

And, Anna, your boys are and were just wonderful. I just imagine what ANGUS was....ooo! Just the original yummy. The boys are kinda great aren't they? Oh, and with boys.....I think the goofy is a given.

I love it.