View Full Version : My own multi-cat household/king cat question

12-28-2005, 06:36 PM
One thing I'd like to know about multi-cat households and the King position: I can tell Harry's vying for King status himself. The vet even said it sounds like he is and that he'll most likely win out since he's young enough to push the "old man" (Allen's all of 4 years :rolleyes: )

Anyhow.... how does the new king thing work? Will Harry finally work up the nerve to challenge Allen directly? Or will it continue to happen in small little things. Like recently, Harry has NOT been covering his poo. He's always covered and always covered everyone else's but not anymore. He'll still cover someone else's and leave his uncovered. All the cats but Allen are submissive to Harry.

12-28-2005, 10:28 PM
Eleanor pretty much came in a wanted to be "queen" :D She hasnt challenged anyone yet. Eleanor is only one that doesnt cover her potty (man it's stinky) :eek: Thumper is the "queen" of our bed although she is allowing others to come sleep with us at night. Skinny is just being his old sweet self and Cindy is being a cutie.
Guess we really dont have a true "king" or "queen" situtation at our house.
It's just a house hold of spoiled rotten furry kids :D

K & L
12-29-2005, 06:59 AM
All I know is Mouser would try and intimidate anyone that crossed his path....WELL...Leila is giving him a run for his money. She doesn't back down to him and actually makes him back off and run. He's now obsessed with her and follows her everywhere, even sleeping wherever she is laying. I think it's love! :D

12-29-2005, 11:08 AM
I think it is a subtle and slow transition, and one that can slide back without notice. The book I read describes it as rungs on a ladder....

I saw it with Monte. He was 2 in August, and while he bowed to Tex (until May), he took over. Funny, as I think Gus- who will be 2 this April- will give Monte trouble. Maybe they will rule as co-kings? :D