View Full Version : Funny Picture-Doesn't Like Thunder!

07-01-2001, 10:35 AM
This is a picture of my sister-in-law's 110 lb. GSD as it was beginning to thunder right before a storm yesterday. Her other favorite place to "hide" is underneath a big old roll top desk.


[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

07-01-2001, 11:00 AM
How absolutely adorable!! Killlian, when he used to weigh 110lbs. would squeeze under the computer desk at my feet. When he heard a noise, watch out!! He'd go flying from under the desk! LOL :eek:

07-01-2001, 11:06 AM
What a great picture, that's one in a million. She is so cute, what a sweetheart.

07-01-2001, 11:23 AM
That has got to be one of the
funniest pics.
Poor baby!

07-01-2001, 11:49 AM
Awww...that pic is soo great!!! :)

07-01-2001, 10:50 PM
Awww, that pic is really cute :)

07-02-2001, 08:34 AM
The pictures isn't coming up :( I'll have to try again later.
The last storm we had, my Shepherd mix (80 lbs.) was trying to climb on top of my husband and 4 yr. old daughter to get closer to me. I was holding her back with my legs so she couldn't walk all over us. She settled down so I was getting ready to grab my pillow and lay at the bottom of the bed with her. I was laying flat on my back. The next thing I know, I feel this wet nose running up my thigh as she tried to bury her head under my butt. :o Boy, I was wide awake then!!! It's amazing how scared some dogs are of these storms.

[ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: Stenograsaurus ]

07-02-2001, 11:58 AM
Beth, that is so funny and probably shocking!! :eek: My two are not afraid of thunder or even firecrackers going off. In fact, while on our walk, some kids on the block blew off some firecrackers after we passed and were down on the other end of the block and my two didn't even flinch. However, my Great Pyr used to go into attack mode whenever she heard a firecracker, in fact my first GSD used to do that, too. I always said that if they got loose during the 4th of July, there would be bodies everywhere!! :) :)

07-02-2001, 12:27 PM
Oh gosh is that pittiful and so cute and sad...that poor, huge baby :)

I have never had a dog that was afraid of storms but my yellow lab, Beener, was deathly afraid of fireworks of any kind. Poor fella would jump into the bathtub, and he absolutely hated baths when there were fireworks happening!

I bet that GSD feels so much safer in her "tent"

07-02-2001, 01:09 PM
My Golden before Carina, Irina/ 80 lbs., was terrified of storms. And the storm could be 25 miles from here, she knew about it. She always tried to dig under the base-board radiators. No amount of training or Valium ever stoped her from doing that. :mad: I can't tell you the number of times I went to work without having had any sleep the night before. :mad:

[ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: Albea

[ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: Albea ]

07-02-2001, 07:03 PM
Adorable picture, Pam. We had a terrible thunderstorm a few nights ago, lots of wind rain, thunder and lightning. I was talking about the storm with some people that work in my building. I normally like this one guy but he said something that made my blood boil. He was talking about how his dog had ripped the screen from the porch during the storm because the dog is afraid of thunder. Another person asked "was he trying to get out"? He said "no, he was trying to get in". So this other guy asks why doesn't he put in a doggie door. He said "Oh, we don't like him in the house, too many fleas and ticks, and hair". I felt like screaming "WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE A DOG? Have you ever heard of a vet? They have meds for stuff like that!".

07-02-2001, 07:09 PM
Genia...sadly he sounds like someone who probably would never take his dog to a vet. I for one have never understood people who keep "outside" dogs. I know there are probably lots of people who may write and criticize me for this, but to me a dog is a family member. You wouldn't keep your children outside. I feel so bad for that poor dog. Not only was he frightened but he is probably suffering from fleas and ticks and who knows what else for no reason at all! Makes you wonder why they even have a dog! :mad:

07-02-2001, 09:57 PM
That reminds me of a segment I saw on the TV show Miracle Pets. It was about this dog who let orphaned kitties nurse on it. They showed the little Cocker chained to a dog house in the midst of a dirt yard (no grass) with a big thick chain. Obviously that was where she lived. I was livid. The "wonders" of this animal allowing kittens to nurse was far outweighed by the bleak existance of this poor animal's life. I can imagine how may litters of puppies she had to produce as well.

07-03-2001, 12:08 AM
Some people don't deserve the privilege of owning a pet. I believe that once *YOU* are adopted, you take on a life-long responsibility and dedicate as much as possible to ensure that your pet is safe and happy.

Just the other day, my mother and I witnessed some guy wiping up where his little dog had peed...WITH THE DOG! How sick is that?! We were completely dumbfounded.

07-03-2001, 09:00 AM
Rachael, I saw that episode of Miracle Pets and felt the same way you did. You know, they probably even cleaned up for the show!! The poor dog.
Genia, I think that statement from the guy at work would change my opinion of someone too!! The poor dog probably got punished for breaking the screen. Sadly, Pam is probably right. His dog probably doesn't go to the vets.
And, zippy cat, does that idiot that used the dog for a mop live nearby?
Oh, in a perfect world, we would not have to witness or hear such awful things. This is too depressing.

07-03-2001, 11:40 AM
Thats a great picture. Poor boy!

Felice is terrified of thunder and fireworks. She scared of them because when she was a puppy(I didn't have her then. She lived up the street)some kids threw fireworks in to her dog pen outside. :mad: so ever since she has a huge phobia of them. I don't blame her!

07-03-2001, 05:04 PM
Cute picture!!! :D

Daisy's Mom
07-03-2001, 10:37 PM
Oh how cute! Fraidy-Dog ;)