View Full Version : Foxy's getting thin

Miss Z
12-28-2005, 01:41 PM
My hamster Foxy is a little over a year old, and i've noticed that she's getting quite thin. When you pick her up, she seems so fragile. Also her fur is thinning out a bit, but this just happens as she gets older. I've never heard of hamsters getting thin though. She eats as much as ever, in fact, she can be quite the little glutton at times:rolleyes: and she's also fine, acting as young and as dare-devilish as ever! Does anyone have any more info on this? Would be much appreciated. I don't think that i need any suggestions of taking her to the vet as she is perfectly fit and fine in herself. I'd just like to know why this could be happening:)

12-29-2005, 11:20 AM
Did you change her food recently? Maybe she doesn't like it. But you said she's eating. So tell your parents and take her to a vet. Good Luck to you and little foxy!

Miss Z
12-29-2005, 04:22 PM
Did you change her food recently? Maybe she doesn't like it. But you said she's eating. So tell your parents and take her to a vet. Good Luck to you and little foxy!

No, same food she's always had, and she stuffs her little face with treats! Maybe she's just getting old. I don't think a vet would find much wrong with her and i dont think anything can be done about it as she eats loads anyway. Thanks for the help though;)