View Full Version : Miz Flutter's First Christmas

12-27-2005, 06:43 PM
Hi folks, Flutter here.

I just wanted to tell you all about the wonderful day I had! Its a big holiday where people all come together and make lots of great food (I have to say I am very fond of cheese cake!!! YUMMY! Why doesn't meowmie have this cake every day?)

I was a little scared to come downstairs at first. There were lots of strangers in the house, and two new DAWGS. :eek: But it turned out the dawgs were ok, so I came downstairs for a few cuddles and got lots of oohs and ahhs from the strangers :)

Here I am sitting on the bed with meowmie when I first heard the DAWGS enter the house.
Like my pretty red bow? Meowmie put one on everyone, and only Abby and I were nice and kept it on all day. I won't tell you what the boys did to their bows! :eek:

My skin sister got a new camera from Sandy Claws, and she tried out her new camera on me (what better model is there?) Meowmie is jealous of sis's new camera because she says it gets my coloring better than her camera.

All in all, I think I like this whole Christmas thing! I got lots of gifts, got to meet lots of new people who adored me (of course). The only thing I am disappointed on is that meowmie never did fill out my adoption forms like she said she would. Would somebody PURRRRLEASE tell her she needs to do that?

12-27-2005, 08:14 PM
We are sure that it was an oversight Flutter,as your Meeowmie would never let you go away,no matter what.
She loves you TOO MUCH!
And you are her Kitty,Come Hell Or High Water!
And we all MEEEOW For You Flutter,You Brave Little Kitty!!

12-28-2005, 04:31 AM
Tell Meowmie to get on the ball! (not that you are going anywhere else)

What a wonderful day you had, sweet little Flutter!!! Santa was very good to you and YOU were such a good girl, wearing your lovely ribbon. I know everyone loved you (who couldn't?) and you got lots of attention.

Your pictures are beautiful and yes, your colors are gorgeous.

(that first picture is priceless!!!) :D :D :D

12-28-2005, 05:18 AM
Flutter, that is very dissapointing, but not to worry all of us are making sure that no one ELSE fills out an application for you either. ;)


12-28-2005, 05:34 AM
Aww, Flutter, you’re such a good little girl and you look so adorable with your red bow.
I’ve noticed her little tongue sticking out in the second picture – so cute.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-28-2005, 06:42 AM
That red bow flatters you, Flutter!!

12-28-2005, 09:08 AM
That red bow looks lovely on you!

I am sure that Meowmie will get those papers signed real soon!

12-28-2005, 10:14 AM
Flutter just tell your meowmie she should send these adoption forms to me. I'll fill them out ;)
You are just too cute with your red bow.

12-28-2005, 10:20 AM
Flutter you are TOO CUTE! That last picture should be framed! You look SO BEAUTIFUL in your red bow and that little bit of tongue sticking out is priceless!:)

12-28-2005, 01:00 PM
Oh Flutter, you look SO BEAUTIFUL in your pretty Christmas bow!!! :D
I am sure your mommy will be making your adoption official really soon, as she is most definitely wrapped around your tiny little paws! ;)

12-28-2005, 01:52 PM
Flutter! Tell Meowmie that she needs to fill those papers out or the Tribe of 6 might kitnap you. They've been wanting a little sister and Scooter Pie and Tiger think a tabby with a red Christmas bow would be purrrrfect!
Glad you had a great first Christmas. It was Scooter's first too. HE can't wait until next year!