View Full Version : My knee update...and pics...

Anita Cholaine
12-27-2005, 12:17 PM
Well... It's been a week since my knee surgery... I went to the doctor yesterday, and he took off the huge fat bandage I was using. I was a bit scared, because I didn't know how my knee would look like (the doctor had told me that it would be a bit deformed and swollen :eek: ) But to my surprise (and the doctor's surprise) it looks really beautiful! It only has 3 little scars...

Now, the most important thing is to start walking and moving the leg. I'm still using a bandage, because my knee is not strong enough yet, and it's hard to walk (after a week without moving my leg at all, it's hard to start moving it again) but the good thing is that I don't need to use those horrible crutches again...

One day (when I couldn't walk) I was so bored, that I decide to take pics of my leg with my cell phone... (my knee was huge on that moment)



On Christmas eve, with my crutches... (my knee was smaller that day...)



And yesterday, with the best nurse I could ever have... (I didn't have the huge bandage anymore...)



Ginger's Mom
12-27-2005, 12:30 PM
Wow, that was huge. I am glad to hear that the knee looked better than anyone expected. Just take it easy until it gets strong again. And yes, I am sure that Anita will be happy to help nurse your knee back to health. :)

12-27-2005, 01:02 PM
Hi, Natali how well I know the feeling of a huge bandage on my knee! My bandage was that big after my knee replacement.You're not going to believe this, but about an hour after my surgery they had me trying or attempting to walk! After a while I was using a walker and pretty soon a cane and now I seem to forget I have an artifical knee! So, Natali hang in there and and make sure your nurse Anita sees to your every whim! {{{{HUGS}}}}

Toby's my baby
12-27-2005, 02:02 PM
After only a week your not useing your crutches?!?! That's great! I had ankle surgery, and it took me about a week to before I was fed up with those AWFUL THINGS!! I got in trouble (by my doctor and physical therapist) though :p. Good luck!!

12-27-2005, 03:11 PM
Hope you're doing good. I'm sure you'll be fine with all of the help from your 'nurse'! :)

12-27-2005, 03:21 PM
great your doing fine, hoping for your quickly full recovery,and with that nurse it will be piece of cake ;)

just to push it, be patient

12-27-2005, 03:21 PM
Yowie! Hope it heals quickly. Take it easy and I'm sure Anita will spoil you with love. :D

12-27-2005, 04:18 PM
That looks like it really hurt. Ouch. It does look better now though and with your nurse you will get better in no time. :)

12-27-2005, 05:52 PM
That stinks that you had to have knee surgery. At least your better now. Anita, you are such a sweetie being there for your mom in a time of need. Your REALLY brave. I would NEVER go on a balcany with crutches lol!

Anita Cholaine
12-27-2005, 06:02 PM
Thank you everybody!! Anita was a bit scared when she first saw me with all the bandage, and when she realized that I couldn't walk... Last week she's been all the time with me, and yesterday, when she saw that I didn't have that horrible bandage anymore, guess what she did: she brought me her tennis ball to play... :p

I started moving my leg. The doctor gave me some little exercises to do, but I find it really hard. I'm a bit scared of moving it too... :o

And Maltese_love, it's true! I've been on a balcony with crutches and only one useful leg! I didn't realize about it before, but that was a bit dangerous, lol

Daisy and Delilah
12-27-2005, 09:03 PM
WOW!! :eek: That's a big bandage for such a petite young lady. I am hoping that you have a very speedy recovery and with that beautiful little nurse, you'll be well in no time! (((((HUGS)))))

Toby's my baby
12-27-2005, 09:11 PM
I started moving my leg. The doctor gave me some little exercises to do, but I find it really hard. I'm a bit scared of moving it too... :o

Lol, this remindes me of when I broke my arm, and after a month and a half they took the cast off, and I just held it in the air, and didnt bend it or anything, and my mom, the nurse, and the doctor were all laughing at me and told me that they promised I could move it and nothing would happen. :p

12-27-2005, 09:20 PM
Just like you I had an operation a eight years ago becuase I have a heart condition. I HATED IT! IT stunk. Staying in a hospital for two weeks afterwards was no fun. But it was so worth it. Because I got Sassy.

Miss Z
12-28-2005, 05:42 AM
OUCH! Fortunately, i've never had an operation, and the only thing i've ever broken is my little finger:o and that hurt so much!!!!! I'd probably pass out if that happened to me. You've probably already said this, but what did you do?

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-28-2005, 06:57 AM
Ouch!! That was one huge bandage!!! I am glad to hear you heal so quickly :) . Don't overdo things, hey, better walk one day later than hurting yourself....
Get better soon!!

12-28-2005, 07:12 AM
You have just about the cutest nurse ever, and the knee looks great. And now she can be your physical therapist - just by saying "Momma - PLAY with me!" will get you up and moving faster than any old doctor's orders, I bet! Go slowly, but not too slowly, but then, how could you resist Nurse Anita with a tennis ball!

12-28-2005, 09:58 AM
I'm glad to hear that you are healing well and I hope your knee is good as new really soon. Looks like Anita is doing a wonderful job of taking care of you;).

12-28-2005, 10:20 AM
oh aw poor you sweetie! you'll have another one to do!

yes, anita is being a wonderful (best) furnurse - hope you're feeling good too!

(((gentle hugs))) until you're able to run! ;)

Anita Cholaine
12-28-2005, 10:28 AM
Thank you.... Anita is doing a great job... It's so boring not to be able to walk and run, and go everywhere I want....

About running... I dreamt the other day that I was running... it was so great.... :rolleyes: