View Full Version : Anyone have/like smooth collies?

12-27-2005, 09:17 AM
Does anyone have or like smooth collies? I'm thinking about getting one in a few years. I know I may change my mind but I have loved them since I was ten and love them even more 3 years later. They are so beautiful. If you know or have one are there personalities good? Many websites say they are loving,intellegent,and very nice dogs and I truly believe that.

12-27-2005, 10:12 AM
I like smooths. Especially white ones with coloured heads. Same personality as a collie. If you want one, get ready for wedge shaped bruises from their noses when they greet you. The three collies I have the joy of often visiting in their home are very rambunctous. The older was in many obedience trials but is in no way well-behaved in the home. They are hard-headed and stubborn. As much as I love these three, intelligent is not a term I've learned to connect to collies. The older boy they have was worked with more and he had the better personality, but something still seemed missing. Once they get excited about something its like their brain freezes and they go deaf to commands. But they're still big and lovable. Just not a breed for everybody.

12-27-2005, 11:10 AM
Oh, really? Well, I think they are for me. I don't know. Thanks for the info. It's was veyr helpful.

12-27-2005, 04:48 PM
I love the smooths! Parnone has 2 gorgeous smooth boys, you should try PMing her if you ahev any questions :)

12-27-2005, 05:37 PM
Thanks Orangutango. I'll keep that in mind. :D

12-27-2005, 06:33 PM
I love the smooths! Parnone has 2 gorgeous smooth boys, you should try PMing her if you ahev any questions :)
Yeah, that's what I was going to suggest.

Collies are wonderful, wonderful dogs. I thought about them a lot when I was thinking of a good breed for a therapy dog (ended up deciding on Labs and Great Danes :D). Collies are very gentle and kind dogs. And since you like smooth Collies I don't have to tell you how awful grooming would be. But then again you have a Maltese so you probably know a little bit about grooming long-haired dogs!

12-27-2005, 06:42 PM
Well, Smooth Collies have pretty short hair. Roughs have very long fur. But Smooths fur is ALOT shorter so its not as hard to groom. Though, my aunt told me their ears were hard to keep up with. I don't believe her. She doesn't know anything about dogs. My uncle does everythign to take care of their grey. Anyway, here is a picture of what a smooth looks like: http://www.amissa.com/sitephotos/dog2.jpg

12-27-2005, 07:23 PM
Oh, I know the difference between smooths and roughs. I said I didn't have to tell you about grooming because you were interested in a smooth... meaning I know they don't require much grooming. :p

Suki Wingy
12-27-2005, 08:02 PM
I have always liked them

12-27-2005, 08:38 PM
OH! Okay, lol. Sorry, I am stupid.:P

12-27-2005, 09:16 PM
Hi There!

Yep, I've got two Smoothies, Oz and Gull. They both are very intelligent. I think it's that intelligence that could maybe get them a hard headed/stubborn reputation. They don't do well with harsh training methods or repetition or if they know something's wrong, they won't blindly go along. Oz was barking the other morning, while I was trying to sleep, and I asked him to go back to bed. He totally ignored me and then started whacking me in the head, while whining and barking. I finally got up to see what was up and sure enough Murph was sick. He was trying to tell me something was wrong, so was persistent until I listened to him.

I train mine with positive methods and we only train a couple of minutes a day. That's all that's needed. They don't need drilling over and over to get something. They will get bored with that. They both were at the top of their obedience and agility classes. Easily besting Border Collies, Aussies, Labs, Goldens, Poodles, etc. They don't have the speed, drive and intensity of say the Border Collie, but my two picked up new concepts much quicker then the Border Collies in class. I think maybe because they were much calmer and more focused on me then the other puppies in class.

They're very well behaved in the house. I trusted them free in the house, when still puppies. Totally reliable on housebreaking. Not destructive. They pick up pretty quickly what's allowed and what isn't. If they start to get too rambunctious in the house, I just tell'em to go get in their bed and they trot right off to their beds for a short time out. We'll usually then go outside to run off some of that energy. I don't view their energy level as too unmanageable, but they are herding breeds. They need to run, so I play frisbee with mine. They picked that up quick too.

They're easy to groom, but they do shed. A lot. So I have found that if I take mine to a groomer to blow their coat out, it does reduce the shedding. I've never had any issue with their ears. No infections. I spent a lot of grooming socializing time, when they were puppies, so that I wouldn't have issues with nail clipping, brushing, etc.

They are a protective breed and they're communicative, with a very loud bark. Ear Shattering Loud. So training as far as barking, is a lifelong process I think. I'm always working on coming to me and being "quiet". I live in the suburbs, with neighbors right on top of me more or less, so I'm more paranoid about it then if I lived out in the country. I think they'd be a very hard breed to have in an apartment environment and I can't see them doing well being stuck out in the backyard either. They'd be a barking nightmare.

They are nose pokers, which could be annoying to some I guess, but I love it. That's a much nicer herding technique to live with vs nipping. I remind my Mom of that everytime they goose her in the rear. ;) They use that nose for affection too. Both of mine come and touch their nose to mine vs licking.

They're both very friendly and excited to see people. It does take'em a couple of minutes to calm down when they meet new people. I've read they're suppose to be standoffish to strangers, but my two are pretty gregarious. That may have to do with me I'm sure. I really encourage mine as puppies to be outgoing.

They've got a major sense of home and loyalty. I never worry about mine bolting out a fence or the house or running from me. I accidently left the gate unlatched one day. I was busy working in the yard and Gull started barking. I looked up to tell him to stop, to see only half his body inside the fence. He was barking at some kids walking by, but he never attempted to leave the backyard.

The Smoothes are just starting to gain some popularity, but they do come from the same litters as the Roughs. So you do have to worry about the popularity issues from Lassie. Stick with a rescue or a good breeder to try to reduce health issues and temperament issues.

Although they may not be for everybody, I just love this breed. I hope to always have one in my life.

Here's Gull:

and Oz:


12-27-2005, 10:04 PM
Par, thank you so much for all that information! It REALLY HELPED. Your dogs are to handsome for words I LOVE THEM. Oz is so handsome and I love Gulls color. He's also veyr handsome. I love Smoothes so much I truley think I will never change my mined about getting them. Agian, I wrote all your info down. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE HELP! :D Just one thing, are they reconized by the AKC?

12-27-2005, 10:26 PM
Just one thing, are they reconized by the AKC?
Yep! :)

Par, that post made me understand Collies a lot better than any stinkin' book ever would. There is a very nice rescue in my town and eventually I will adopt from there. But, for now, I am just focusing on getting my Dane and there will probably not be any more dogs for years to come once I get him. So it will be a while, and in the mean time I'll just have to drool over Oz and Gull :p

12-27-2005, 10:33 PM
I can see you like big. Very good luck with your Dane. For the record, when you adopt tell me first! :p

12-27-2005, 10:34 PM
I looooooove smooth collies! I love all herding breeds. :)

12-27-2005, 10:37 PM
I can see you like big. Very good luck with your Dane. For the record, when you adopt tell me first! :p
Hehe yes, the bigger the better in my book. My mom still hasn't gotten over the "I need a bigger house and yard if you want a Great Dane" thing. She mentioned it today, and I told her about a lady that owned 4 Danes in an apartment. She was just like "...really?! Oh ..." LOL.

Tell you first when I adopt a Collie? Or when I get a Dane? Either way, I'll be posting on Pet Talk. No way I could keep that a secret!!

12-27-2005, 11:00 PM
I was just kidding lol. My mom is the same way! I was like today "Mom if we have enoguh room for Sassy we have enough for a Smooth Collie." She siad. "I told you when your about to move out ONE big dog can live in my house but ONLY ONE. WHen your about to move.I'll watch them AT your house and at YOUr agility competitons." I was so mad at her. lol

12-28-2005, 12:39 AM
I was just kidding lol. My mom is the same way! I was like today "Mom if we have enoguh room for Sassy we have enough for a Smooth Collie." She siad. "I told you when your about to move out ONE big dog can live in my house but ONLY ONE. WHen your about to move.I'll watch them AT your house and at YOUr agility competitons." I was so mad at her. lol
My mom used to be against big dogs too, but now she doesn't like small dogs lol. What happened was, when we adopted Mandy they told us she was a Fox Terrier mix and she would be about 30 lbs. 60 lbs later, my parents realized that Mandy was the best dog we had owned, and that they were never turning back. Again, when I asked for Nova, my mom said "but Labs are so big" and I told her how big the parents were and she was okay with it. Nova is only about 3 in. taller than Mandy. And now of course we have Luka. And, I want a Great Dane. My mom and I just went to Waffle House and had a talk about them. Her concern is their size. I promised that the Labs take up MUCH more room, as a Dane is very sedentary (well, compared to our hyper-active Labs!).

If you can, take your mom to meet some Collies. Collies are not hyper and they are very intelligent. My mom has never met a Dane, but as of late we seem to be running into more and more Dane people and they keep talking about how wonderful the breed is. My mom isn't blowing me off about it anymore, in fact, tonight she asked me why I wanted one so badly. So, just take your mom somewhere where there might be Collies (some kind of charity event where people can bring their own dogs). It may take a while, or it may never happen, but it's worth a shot!

With my mom I'm so lucky that she gives in so easily to both me and dogs ;) She told me that she would go to dog shows with me so I could talk to Dane breeders, which is just awesome! Somehow I knew that this may happen while I live with her. I told her tonight that I'd be moving out at 18 so I could get a Dane. While this isn't completely true (how could I move out at that age and support 3 large dogs and another giant dog?!), it certainly made her realize just how important this breed is to me, especially since my 18th birthday is only a year away. I told her that I never wanted to live without Labs and Danes, and I think she took it seriously. Dogs are everything to me, and she knows that.

Geeze I could babble forever. I think you get it ;)

12-28-2005, 08:28 AM
Your so lucky your Mom is so easy with dogs. My dad is REALLY easy but my mom isn't. A collie was one of the dogs we considered when we were reasearching breeds. But then they were given a no because of the grooming. My mom loves collies to death but would never let me have one. I have taken her to the Park and Petco where collies are everywhere. She loves all of them. Even the one that nips. But she doesn't like the shedding part:/

12-28-2005, 12:37 PM
Your so lucky your Mom is so easy with dogs. My dad is REALLY easy but my mom isn't. A collie was one of the dogs we considered when we were reasearching breeds. But then they were given a no because of the grooming. My mom loves collies to death but would never let me have one. I have taken her to the Park and Petco where collies are everywhere. She loves all of them. Even the one that nips. But she doesn't like the shedding part:/
Aw, that sucks. I don't know what to say about the shedding. Mandy sheds SO SO much that any other dog couldn't possibly be as bad! Nova and Luka aren't as bad as most Labs, but they do shed quite a bit. A Collie probably would shed a lot. Sorry :(

12-28-2005, 01:21 PM
my old neighbor had a smooth collie. they are very pretty.

12-28-2005, 09:57 PM
I don't need to worry to much about it. I'm getting at least one Smoothie when I move out. Which, will be in like 5 years. UGH! Oh well, Sassy is still great and I think I'll last. Hey, maybe I'll get lucky! My mom is so mean sometimes :rolleyes:

12-28-2005, 10:01 PM
I don't need to worry to much about it. I'm getting at least one Smoothie when I move out. Which, will be in like 5 years. UGH! Oh well, Sassy is still great and I think I'll last. Hey, maybe I'll get lucky! My mom is so mean sometimes :rolleyes:

That's gonna be a long 5 years. Until then.. work on your Mom. ;) LOL

My Mom loves dogs, but she really only enjoys having one.. It was hard convincing her about Molly!

12-28-2005, 10:12 PM
Don't remind me lol! I can't stand thinking about it. I'm not even in highschool yet! GR! :p :rolleyes: :mad: :( :confused: :o

*future vet*
12-29-2005, 10:29 AM
You just have to keep working on your parents, although you've probably worked very hard already :D . My mom and dad let me get a bunny and another dog, but they were/are all outside animals. Right now I want another husky so it's easier to dogsled.
I also think Smooth Collies are gorgeous. Good luck!! ;)

12-29-2005, 03:25 PM
Thanks alot for the help! I'll work on my parents, but I probably won't succeed. :(

12-29-2005, 04:26 PM
Thanks alot for the help! I'll work on my parents, but I probably won't succeed. :(

That's what I thought aswell when my parents were being the same way about me getting a Toller but eventually I was able to get one and am getting another probably when I turn 18. So, don't give up! Your parents might change their minds, and if not, you know you'll definitely be able to get a smoothie when you move out.

12-29-2005, 04:34 PM
Thanks alot for the help! I'll work on my parents, but I probably won't succeed. :(

Thats exactly what I thought when I only had Shadow. And then a few years later she brought home Micki and Mini, I was shocked!! I was upset because all of my research of finding a good Jack Russell breeder went out the window :rolleyes: And then before I knew it we had 5 dogs, lol! And I kind of feel bad now, I'm going to college in the fall and I will have to leave home and live in the dorms, the weight of all of my pets will then fall onto my parents and I feel extremely guilty about it. But I'll get over it :p

I'm sure it'll happen when your parents are ready, there must be a reason right now for them not wanting another dog.

12-30-2005, 01:12 AM
There is: Vet bills and Kennel Bills. My mom said she would love to adopt a dog and have another one. But she doesn't want the cost of vet,grooming,food,kennels,toys,ect. But, I'm am sure she'll change her mind one day. I hope.... :(

12-30-2005, 01:14 AM
:D Yes, at least I will get a Smoothie when I move out! I can't wait. I'll post like a million pics on PT when I get it LOL!