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View Full Version : Aggressive to other dogs

12-18-2000, 06:13 AM
Remember me? Well my black shepherd has calmed down and does not growl at everyone in the street, unless they look suspicious and then it is only a warning growl as in "keep away". I dont mind that! BUT what I do mind is him being aggressive to other dogs. Its tiring and frustrating!!!! What I TRY and do is use the choke chain, grab his face, look him in the eyes and yell "NO!!!!!" I only started that today to be honest. Is that a fair enough strategy?? What else can I do?? Thanks for your help

12-18-2000, 06:26 AM
It sounds like an excellent strategy to me. I'm presuming you are using the correct technique with the choke chain - the quick jerk and release.

[This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited December 18, 2000).]

12-18-2000, 09:16 AM
Did you try the method Ryan mentioned?

My dog is still very dog dominant but he
definetly has backed off a lot where I
can walk/train him among other dogs.

(I found a great Trainer)

I walk him at a heel with a loose leash,
if I notice another dog close by, I grabb the leash with both hands, (making shure the leash is LOOSE)and I keep on walking my normal pace so he
will not even know what I have just done.
If he starts to lunge/ or growl, I yell "OUT" and he gets a very strong quick jerk/release correction, and I keep on walking.
If he walks nicely, I am quick
to praise him.

Keep us informed. : )

As Rachel mentioned, make shure you are
doing the jerk/quick release correction correctly.

[This message has been edited by KYS (edited December 18, 2000).]

12-22-2000, 06:37 PM
I don't believe in choker chains, there is an effective head harness on the market. It applies pressure on the top portion of the snout when the lease is pulled back, it comes in several sizes. A friend of mine has an aggressive dog and this seemed to have calmed him down when he sees another dog because he has no control...the owner does.

12-22-2000, 07:48 PM
I have said this before but I will say again - the type of halter you describe does the exact same job as a check/choke collar but - and here I go sounding like a cow again but it is not meant in the way it sounds I promise you (actually, it might just be time for me to accept that I am a cow!!). I just can't think of another way to put it - so if the halter works for you all well and good, fantastic and please don't take offence, think about it though.
The halter will give a correction, of sorts,to the dog. The only difference is that you are telling yourself that the dog brought it on himself - you didn't do it. A properly used check/choke collar will give the dog corrections in a constructive way at appropriate times and stages in training. The handler has control over what type of distraction is acceptable to a puppy, young or slow to learn dog. The handler also has control over the level of correction.
The halters are indiscriminate - the dog does not learn what he is being corrected for - is it putting force on the lead, barking while approaching strangers/dogs, searching for food on the floor etc. etc???
You may stop the dog pulling on the lead but are you teaching the dog not to scavange, be aggressive on the lead or that you are really in control? No, you are teaching the dog that pressure on the lead gives a correction and that he needs to find ways to do what he wants without putting the pressure on the lead. As he is only corrected for tension on the lead that is the only thing you can expect him to avoid.

If this is not the case with your dog have a think what other verbal and visual clues you give him when the halter is on. Also think if it is acceptable to you that the dog doesn't pull on the lead and that is all you are asking of him. If it is then that is fine, I'm not trying to make everyone think of what is the norm in dog ownership - as long as you are happy and the dog is happy then all is fine.
Thank moooooo, I mean, thank you for reading!!

12-22-2000, 07:49 PM
Sorry, posted twice!!

[This message has been edited by carrie (edited December 22, 2000).]

12-22-2000, 08:48 PM
Carrie, you are the most kind and caring of posters, albiet opinionated (ha, got you!). No, you are not a cow. I don't agree with all your stances, especially the one about not letting your dog sleep in the bed with you which is absolute BLASPHEMY, but you are not a cow! I love you for your caring and generous advise. Please do not ever stop giving it. Except the part about the dogs not sleeping in the bed. Blashphemy, absolute blasphemy!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/tongue.gif

12-23-2000, 07:56 AM
Thank you so much Rachel, you always make me chuckle to myself.
Isn't it funny how we are all so different? I would never dream of letting a dog onto the bed! I am amazed how many people do, but then again most of you smell your dogs feet too!!
Thanks again and Merry Christmas!

12-23-2000, 11:29 AM
If I had a husband, I don't think my dogs would be so welcome in my bed, either, Carrie. Hope that makes you feel better! I must admit that after they went outside in the cold this morning, Honey and Lilly joined me in the bed for a little more sleep and proceeded to squish me into about six inches of the queen sized bed! They only do that if Helen isn't home! I can't tell you how much sleep I lost when I was married and Chuck, the yellow laborador, slept in our bed. He proceeded to push me out every night! Maybe that's why I'm single again!

12-23-2000, 12:06 PM
Rachel and Logan, you should team up and get on the telly!! Very funny!