View Full Version : Any PT Ladies Go To Curves?

12-26-2005, 11:34 PM
Just wondering if anyone else works out at Curves? I just joined about 2 weeks ago, so far I like it. Anyone had good/bad results from going there?
I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding next year... :p

12-27-2005, 02:37 AM
I won't go to Curves because of how the owner spends his money, but the place where I work out does circuit training also, and I've seen great results.

12-27-2005, 03:00 AM
I have gone in the past, as I recieved a free trial. I enjoyed it and am planning to become a member in the new year.

12-27-2005, 07:14 AM
We have gym in town that is set up like Curves (circut setting) plus other machines on the other side (2 rooms). Great results if you go 3 days a week.

12-27-2005, 10:14 AM
I started Curves Jan. '04. By Feb. '05 I had lost 10 1/2" and 6 lbs. Then I added Nutrisystems for three months. Today I am at goal with total inches loss is 22" and total weight loss is 21 lbs. Curves works for me! :)

In fact I'm leaving for Curves right now!

12-27-2005, 11:06 AM
i´m not too much of a gym gal, but i´m intended to join curves and see how it works, i just need to get a rutine done so i can adjust my time and be able to go. i also was wondering if it worked because every time i "went" to a gym i was there for like a week two at the most, but i really want to loose some weight and if its worth it i´ll join, just let us know how good /bad it works

12-27-2005, 11:09 AM
My mom has been wanted me and her to join, maybe in the new year we will. We have a free trial thing but havn't used it :o

12-27-2005, 01:01 PM
My mom does and in the summer I'm going to join with her, they let me do a trial on the machines and boy was I tired! My mom loves it there and lost I think 50 pounds.

12-27-2005, 01:38 PM
How does one receive a free trial? I'd like to check it out, but would like to try it out for a month to see if I'd like it and would stick with it.

12-27-2005, 01:45 PM
Umm I'm not sure but my mom was talking to the women that run the place and they told me I could do a trial exercise on all the machines. Then they made me stretch. So it was about 45 min of messing around.

01-04-2006, 10:45 AM
I just signed up to go next Monday for a free 1 week trial. They said I had to bring my shoes as opposed to wearing them. They don't want to get the mats dirty. I thought that was kind of strange. I hope I will enjoy it. It's down the street from where I live so I could even walk to it. Wish me luck!

01-04-2006, 11:05 AM
There's a place literally a block away thats just likes Curves. If I were to join a gym of any sort, I'd go there... keep the money local and all that ;)

I actually HAVE been thinking its time for me ot get out of the house and into the world again. For the past two years, I've been nursing my wounds after a major professional disaster (badly sexually and emotionally harassed at my last job) and I've been "hiding out" from the real world.... now I'm ready to go out and enjoy life again outside. New Year, New Kim. I think I'll make a stop at the gym today and call hubby's work ot see what kind of insurance re-imbursement they offer for me to go to a gym. If its only gonna cost me $5 a week or so, I'm gonna do it!

01-04-2006, 11:51 AM
Whether it is Curves, the YMCA, a local gym, a park, your home, wherever.....doing anything consistently, 3 or 4 times a week, with conviction, works.

If you need a Curves environment, do it! If you need a buddy, find one! Don't get sold on "I must belong or go somewhere", as you don't. If you have a TV, and a VCR or DVD player, you can do alot. Even without that, just get out and walk. Stretch. Do situps. Whatever- just move.

01-04-2006, 03:01 PM
I went to a slummy gym back home for 3 months & lost 20 pounds & toned up a little, I loved it. My sisters childhood friend decided to go to Curves to loose some weight, she was always a chunky kid. She was prob about 180 pounds & she looks to be about 100 pounds now. Shes not a toothpick as shes a small person, but she looks GREAT!

Like said above, aslong as you get your mindset, it'll work :)

01-04-2006, 03:25 PM
Whether it is Curves, the YMCA, a local gym, a park, your home, wherever.....doing anything consistently, 3 or 4 times a week, with conviction, works.

If you need a Curves environment, do it! If you need a buddy, find one! Don't get sold on "I must belong or go somewhere", as you don't. If you have a TV, and a VCR or DVD player, you can do alot. Even without that, just get out and walk. Stretch. Do situps. Whatever- just move.

I agree wholeheartedly. Find what works for you. Start out at whatever level of intensity and duration that is comfortable and work up from there.
Even if it is only 10 minutes, it's a start. Keep at it and you will find you will find it gets a bit easier and you can go a bit longer (and faster). I now do a total of 40 minutes a day, six days a week, but I didn't start out like that.