View Full Version : losing my voice

12-25-2005, 08:32 PM
I can barely talk right now. Between two days of being in the choir and just getting over a bad chest cold, my voice makes me almost sound like Elmer Fudd!`I'm still coughing and getting a headache from coughing. I tried the tea and honey route, but it's only temporary. I hope I'm not coming down with something worse. I'm glad I'm typing this instead of speaking it! LOL!

12-25-2005, 10:00 PM
Better losing it now than BEFORE Christmas - that would have been torturous, not being able to sing at Christmas!

I was the entire choir this morning (most of our choir are high-school students whose parents wanted them home for Christmas morning), and two others were traveling and the other adult had to work. We had today's service in the church parlor with a fire in the fireplace - that's where we hold all our January services. So the congregation and the choir are physically closer than usual. So I did the "choral introit" solo, then when it was time for the anthem, one person in the congregation, Tim, said "Should we sing along?" I told him no, it was out of his range! Sang "The Rocking Carol," which is told from Mary's perspective, so usually sung soprano. But I made everyone sing along with the "choral closing" as it was "Let There be Peace on Earth," and they all usually mouth the words with us when we sing it anyway!

12-26-2005, 03:53 AM
Karen, yesterday I had just enough voice to squeak through "He is born". Last night we sang four songs plus we sang "Silent Night" in German! No wonder I sound gravelly! I'm normally a tenor!