View Full Version : Hunter & Hope

12-23-2005, 07:05 PM
I wanted to start them on training so it will be a lil easier for when they go to their forever homes.. and I was wondering if you all thought these were good collars to get them

(Either the 3 or 4th one)

Or do you all think they are too young.. they are just over 9 wks old...

12-23-2005, 07:07 PM
Bleh...I wouldn't use a choker on them, especially with them being so young! I don't really like chokers a whole lot period, I think just a regular collar would work well for them.

12-23-2005, 07:08 PM
Bleh...I wouldn't use a choker on them, especially with them being so young! I don't really like chokers a whole lot period, I think just a regular collar would work well for them.

that is what i was thinking too but i wanted to see what everyone else thought about this...

thanks for ur input

12-23-2005, 07:48 PM
I've never used and most likely will never use a choke chain on my dogs, expecially puppies. On older pups (usually 9 months and up) I've used a prong collar (for healing) but only as a very last resort. I always start with either a flat collar or a martingale and those work. Hopefully that all made sense...