View Full Version : I NEED PRAYERS AND HELP, if possible.

12-22-2005, 03:36 PM
My mother, handicapped brother, and I are out visiting my brother for Christmas. She was trying to piggy back my brother down the stairs and ended up slipping shattering her knee.

Because of this, she will be unable to fly back to California (her home) and take care of her cats. She has a friend currently taking care of them but I do not think this person will be willing to care of the kitties for the 4-6 months my mom will be out here.

Here's where I need help. My mother has two 12 year old cats--a Siamese and a mix kitty that will need a foster home for this length of time. They do not do well with other kitties and will need to be separated.

My oldest brother and I are unable to take them as we already have issues with our own pets. I cannot bring any more cats into the house with the three I have and I would not want to bring them to my brother's house.

Is there anyone who would be able to foster them for this length of time? I could bring them to Raleigh, NC potentially and be willing to drive them somewhere within a 500 mile radius. Food, litter, vet care will be paid for.

Thank you.

12-22-2005, 04:29 PM
Oh dear! I'm so sorry that this happened. You might try the no-kill shelters in your area. One of the no-kill shelters here is taking in fosters for up to 5 months for a nominal fee because of all our military personnel being sent to Afghanistan and Iraq. Let's see... A Scouting troop might offer to foster as a project. A 4-H club? I'll keep thinking on it. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_12_12.gif

12-22-2005, 05:14 PM
I doubt I am within the 500 mile radius of you and I certainly have CATS here, but I tell you, I'd help if I could.

So sorry to hear about this accident. :( Prayers for a solution to your problem.

12-22-2005, 05:41 PM
Where in California? North or South?

12-22-2005, 07:56 PM
My mother lives in Palmdale, CA which is about an hour and a half outside of Los Angeles.

I have to be honest and say that the Siamese is only really nice to my mother and the mix kitty has issues with pooping outside the litter box. BUT my mom only cleans the litter box about once a week :( :mad: so when I house sat for her two Christmases ago I never saw a poop outside the box.

This has just turned into a horrible Christmas. I would love to take the cats and I feel horrible for not being able to but I just can't with the pee issues Shadow has. She has been doing so well and I'm terrified to stress her out again.

Please pray that everything works out. We have to find a home willing to care for my handicapped brother as well. I would take him in a heartbeat but Jason is going to be gone for two months and I work 10-12 hours a day almost six days a week. When I'm home, I'm studying and just do not have the time to take care of him right now.

I don't know why this had to happened. My mom has not been doing well for the past year and a half. She had a mini-stroke June 2004 and was not found for four days. May 2005 she was in a car accident and broke her ankle. NOW in the same leg, she has completely destroyed the bones in her knee and will never be the same. The doctor said she will always have pain in her leg and may not be "normal" again. She's only 55! :(

12-22-2005, 09:51 PM
I MIGHT be able to help if someone can get them near-ish to San Jose, or from Palmdale to Irvine within the next few days. It's very up in the air, but DBF wasn't completely opposed to the idea.

12-22-2005, 10:02 PM
Im so terriably sorry for all this for your family..your in my prayers, that all is taken care of and the healing of your mother n help n pryaers for you and your brother..I just feel so bad for you..

12-22-2005, 10:29 PM
Sorry I can't help with the cat issue, but I am certainly going to be praying for you and your mom, poor woman! I'm only a few years younger than she is and I can't imagine going through all that-- hope things will improve for your family. Stay positive ;) things will get better.

12-22-2005, 11:56 PM
I too am not in the position to help but will offer up prayers and thoughts for you and your family for the holidays.

12-23-2005, 01:17 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this. :( Unfortunately I can't help either but I can send some prayers and positive thoughts your way. I sure hope that everything works out.

12-23-2005, 07:55 AM
I am sorry that I can't help with the kitties, but I do have a suggestion for your brother. He should have Medicare coverage (because he is disabled) and if he has Medicaid insurance also, you might be able to hire an assistant to provide care for him if he is staying with you or your brother. Finding a group home is tough, but this might be another avenue for you.

Anita Cholaine
12-23-2005, 08:31 AM
I'm really sorry this happened :(... I wish I could help, but the only thing I can do is to send my prayers and lots of (((HUGS))) Hope everything works out well...

12-23-2005, 08:40 AM
I'd love to help, but I'm a little out of your way. If you could get them down here I am manager of a wonderful pet boarding facility. Our cats aren't kept in little cages, we have "cat condos" with 4 levels, they're actually quite roomy. It's not unusual for us to have cats stay with us for an extended period of time. We currently have a pair of cats who have been with us for 4 months. We let the cats out to walk around because they are with us for so long. Our cats have plenty of entertainment too, they have several birds to watch and we are in and out of there all day too. I know it's quite a distance, but I'd be to help.

There is a similar facility closer to you. One of my bosses good friends has a kennel with similar cat condos (actually I think they're the same, I've not seen them though). That kennel is just outside of Charlotte, N.C. I feel confident recommending this kennel to you, as I "know" the owner. I know it's not ideal as the kitties would have quite the trip across the country, but if no one can help you I do recommend one of these kennels. I know the care is exceptional.

You may be able to find a kennel in California, just be careful as there are more bad kennels out there than there are good ones. Most kennels have 3x3 steal cages where the cat has to sleep and eat next to their litter box. Kennels like that would not be able to keep the cats together either, and it'd be horrible for a cat to stay in that kind of a facility for a long time.

Good luck. You, your family, and the kitties are all in my prayers.

12-23-2005, 08:41 AM
I'm so sorry all of this has happened to you & your family.
I would help if I could, but I don't think I'm in the 500 mile radius AND I have dogs, cats, ferrets etc... and not enough room to seperate them.
I wish you the best of luck.

12-23-2005, 10:19 AM
I will be sending prayers your way and your familys

12-23-2005, 10:54 AM
Thank you everyone for your prayers. I believe we have a plan regarding the animals. My SIL's parents are flying out to CA in January and the FIL is willing to drive the dog and two cats back to GA with him then. In the mean time, my mom's friend or my husband's family can go feed the cats/clean litter boxes for a few weeks. I will fly down to Atlanta and take both my mom's cats and her car as she will not need the car for a while. :( I'm more than willing to keep the cats in my bathroom for a few weeks but do not want to do it more than that as I know it will aggravate my kitties. I think KBlaix's suggestion of a similar kennel would be a great thing for the kitties and I have PM'd her to ask her the name and contact information.

I will let you all know how things are developing in the meantime. The social worker at the hospital is looking for a place for my handicapped brother and we should know in the next few days. He had Medicare or Medicaid (not sure which) and also receives Tricare Prime because of my father's military service.

I just need to know he will be in a safe, loving home until my mom gets better. I will be flying down to Atlanta periodically to visit and will bring my brother to visit for the weekend. My mom will be staying with my oldest brother for several months until she is better and we are going to sell her home in CA so that this will not happen again. Again, thank you for the prayers.


12-23-2005, 11:08 AM
I am glad that you have a plan worked out. It sounds like it should do the trick for you, your brother, and the pets.

If the social worker can not find a home for your brother have her look into the possibility of getting home care for him. Then he could live with either you or your brother and have supervision so you don't need to be there all the time. From what you describ your brother should have Medicare coverage and Tricare. Make SURE that you look into his Part D benefit for Medicare. He MUST register for it before May 15, 2006 or there is a penalty. If he gets his drug coverage through Tricare he should be okay, but you need to look into this. If you have any questions about this PM me.

12-23-2005, 11:37 AM
I'm kind of confused why would you sell her home when this is only a tempory situation. Won't she and your brother need a place to live after shes better?

12-23-2005, 02:18 PM
Yes, my mother was planning on moving to GA anyway so we are just going to go through with the move sooner rather than later. If we can sell her home now, we can get money to put a down payment on a house only 5-10 minutes away from my brother. They live in a nice area that has a lot of residential communities so we should find something to suit my mother and handicapped brother perfectly.

The problem with my mother is is that she lives on the other side of the country from the rest of the family. In May when she broke her ankle, she wanted either my brother and I to come out to help take care of my handicapped brother but there was no way either of us could do it for an extended period of time. If she lives near family, it would be no problem for us to take care of my brother for a weekend or something if she needs time for herself.

12-23-2005, 02:23 PM
Ok I thought the one member was the only one out there sorry didn't mean to be so noisey

12-31-2005, 11:54 AM
My mom left the hospital two days ago and will be staying with my brother for several months. It has been decided that my handicap brother will be flown back to CA as there are no decent day/evening programs that my mother can afford for him. Everything is very expensive in Georgia and the waiting lists for a Medicare waiver are simply too long even in an emergency such as this.

The CA program is really good. My brother has gone to this day program for seven years now so everyone there really loves him.

It has been decided my mom's dog will be brought back to GA to keep her company and the kitties will either find a foster home in CA or will be kenneled for a couple of months. I cannot bring anymore animals into my home and my oldest brother already has 3 cats and now 4 dogs that live with him (4 inc. my mom's dog)..so there is simply no space for the kitties. They should be fine until my mom gets this back.

Thank you all for your prayers and I will keep you up to date with any changes.