View Full Version : How often do you change your dog's water?

12-21-2005, 06:38 PM
I was just wondering how often you change your dog's water. We change ours around 4 times.

12-21-2005, 06:41 PM
Hmmm...we usually don't ever have to change the dogs water actually...we have 2 bowls upstairs and a fountain thing downstairs and they are usually empty multiple times a day with 3 cats and 5 dogs constantly drinking out of them. So we just refill them constantly....not sure how many times a day though http://dogaddicts.com/smf/Smileys/default/dunno.gif

12-21-2005, 06:41 PM
Usually just once.

12-21-2005, 06:41 PM
well we refill the bowl usually twice a day, but i scrub both water and food bowls once every 2-3 days.

12-21-2005, 06:45 PM
I have a recirculating water fountain, it needs refilled once a day unless the dogs have been chewing large bones, that makes them extra thirsty so it need changed more in those cases.

12-21-2005, 07:17 PM
Per day?

Just once a day.

12-21-2005, 07:22 PM
Probably 3 times a day. Sassy goes through water like there is no tommorow. Even when I give her alot :p

12-21-2005, 07:25 PM
once per day cause we have one of those water jugs kinda like what us humans have for water...

12-21-2005, 07:38 PM
We have a big bucket for them all to drink out of.
They drink a lot, though....I'd say 2-3 times a day.

12-21-2005, 07:42 PM
We have a large bucket and I probably change it around 3x's/day. Not because they drink all the water, but because Bon leaves so much slime it in :eek: :p

12-21-2005, 08:03 PM
i have one of those things that fill themselfs up when ever it empties

Suki Wingy
12-21-2005, 08:24 PM
Whenever it gets dirty or low, usually morning, daytime and night

12-21-2005, 08:38 PM
I just keep an eye on it and wash the bowl and fill it up evey time it gets low..

12-21-2005, 08:42 PM
We've never had to change their water because it's never been there long enough for it to needed changing - however, we fill it atleast 5 times a day. Three thirsty Muttlies - it gets low a lot!

12-21-2005, 09:27 PM
Well sammy will drink the whole bowl in one sitting!! so 2 or 3 times a day, depending on how thirsty he is. Molli doesn't drink very much.

12-21-2005, 10:12 PM
How many times per what? Day? Week? Hour?

Star and Wilbur's water gets changed at least once a day.

12-21-2005, 10:14 PM
I don't know how many times per day I change their water bowls. I have three large water bowls, one in the kitchen, one in the living room, and one in my bedroom. I fill them whenever I see them getting low. I'd guess I change each of them twice a day.

12-21-2005, 10:15 PM
About 3 times a day, just to keep it fresh, and when it is getting low. :)

12-21-2005, 10:24 PM
It realy depends on the weather, at the moment the inside water is getting topped up about 5 times a day and that is even with one of those self refilling bowls. The outside big bucket gets topped up atleast once a day and a full clean out every few days.

I had to get up at 3am this morning to fill the water up in my bedroom C & E were thirsty and had cleaned the bowl right out :rolleyes:.

12-22-2005, 12:36 AM
I change it whenever needed. Sometimes the cats play in it, and it gets a little dirty...I clean it then, or whenever they are low (atleast once a day)

12-22-2005, 12:42 AM
Gonzo has a huge stainless steel bowl outside, 1 big ceramic bowl downstairs and one upstairs in my room, and all are re-filled every morning. :rolleyes: I guess he has too much water to go through.

12-22-2005, 08:02 AM
Raustyk isn't the cleanest drinker in the world and sometimes Kaige likes to step in it so to keep the water fresh I change it at least 3-4 times a day. In the summer I change it at least 5-6 times a day to keep it fresh & cold.

12-22-2005, 08:04 AM
I never need to change the water here. But I do fill it probably 3 times a day...Harlee empties it dry...I feel like I am ALWAYS filling up her water bowl!! :) She actually runs to the water bowl, when she sees me filling it, silly dog!!

Anna66~ I use to have to change Dale's water bowl, for the same reason as you...Dale's slobber :) Yuck!! :) Harlee must drink more than he did, b/c I don't have the slime factor, as I did with him...her's is just always empty :)

12-22-2005, 08:37 AM
sorry for the confusion. it's how often do you change your dog's water per day?

12-22-2005, 08:42 AM
sorry for the confusion. it's how often do you change your dog's water per day?

Do you mean how often do you have to refill your dogs water bowl daily?

12-22-2005, 09:00 AM
I refill it when Oz scratches on the bathroom door to let me know it's empty.

12-22-2005, 12:08 PM
One time a day, just to keep it fresh. Our dogs don't drink much and don't spill it. Sonny prefers the fish tank for water.

12-22-2005, 01:22 PM
I change the dogs water every other day, they drink out of the toilet a lot, eat snow outside and they have a water pail outside too.

12-22-2005, 01:31 PM
i usually clean her water bowls every day.i also clean her food bowl twice a day. :)

12-22-2005, 11:27 PM
Do you mean how often do you have to refill your dogs water bowl daily?

Yea. I clean the water bowl whenever I refill it so I just call it changing your dogs water. sorry again. :o

12-23-2005, 12:55 AM
About 4x a day..1st thing in the morning, 2x in the afternoon and before bed. Since Logan's bowls are in the kitchen and there's always heavy traffic, I like to make sure it's clean of dog hair or anything. In the summer when she's outside, I change it constantly.

12-23-2005, 04:27 PM
I usually rinse out & refill the water 5+ times a day.Smokey & Maggie share a bowl for water. Maggie drinks like a fish. :D The kitties often
drink from the dog's bowl rather than go downstairs to drink their own

12-23-2005, 04:58 PM
i fill up their water bowls whenever they are empty..i only change the water if it gets dirty(like when ozzy plays fetch outside and comes in and puts his ball in the water :rolleyes: )
i change the outside water if it feezes or gets dirty..and fill em up when they are empty

i probably fill up their water bowls 4 maybe 5 times a day

12-23-2005, 05:07 PM
I've never counted, probably about 5 though. Winston drinks a lot. I never ahve to change it, it always just has to be refilled....

12-23-2005, 05:09 PM
i usually just refill it when its empty or if it looks dirty (pieces of food etc in it)

Buddy Blaze Lover
12-23-2005, 06:29 PM
I usually clean/fill Blaze's waterbowl twice a day, more in the summer when he gets really thirsty.:)