View Full Version : Reece's Day

04-05-2002, 12:13 AM
Hello ebbrybuddy!! Reece man here. I got to go to wurk wit mommie today and boy did I have sum fun! I am a little 'barrassed to tell you guys but I eben gots a girlyfriend :o She is a beagle/basset mix named Marley. Mommie let me an her be together behind da front desk! Eberyone keeped on sayin we wuz cute an stuff. We wuz good cept when I standed on her back and jumped on da counter to try to find my mommie when she disappeared for a minute :eek:

Well mommie says we gots ta go to bed now but we will post pictures tomorrow!

04-05-2002, 02:53 AM
It sounds like you had a really exciting afternoon Reece! Are you going to show us pictures of your girlfriend? I bet she is beautiful.

04-05-2002, 06:17 AM
Reece, Bella here!! I wish I couldda come wiff you to your mom's work. You gets to meet so many friendly pupsters and sometimes she even brings them home wiff her for overnighties! I live here wiff these two cats and really got sorta jealous readin' about your day at the shelter and bein' around DOGS! I got to go to the groomer's yesterday and saw lotsa dogs, but then it was time to come home to the CATS! Don't get me wrong, they are nice but they sleep so much! I am a girl with lots of runnin' to do and places to sniff and all and they are always catchin' zzzzzzs. Do you think your mom is gonna bring Marley home for an overnightie? I bet she is pretty. Does she look sorta like our old friend Daisy? See if your mom will post a picture, Ok? Gots to go now. Your pal, Bella

04-05-2002, 08:59 AM
Reece, you all sure gets to have lots of fun with your mom. Can we see a picture of your new girlyfriend? I kinda like Rocky up at Colleen's house but everytime he comes over to check me out, Perry got his big nose in there pushing him away. those big brothers ain't all their cracked out to be.lol
Miss Daisy

Dixieland Dancer
04-05-2002, 11:30 AM
Perhaps a Pet Talk Wedding in the future???? :D :D :D :D :D

04-05-2002, 12:15 PM
Reece, I'm not surprised you found a girlfriend. You're so darn cute :D We just bought a cottage so I'm sure Fritz will find a girlfriend there this summer although he's much more interested in me than in other dogs. I don't mind being his girlfriend :D

04-05-2002, 01:20 PM
Ha ha ha... Go Reece!! And Tanya is right, you are way to cute to be single... it's about time you got yourself a chic. She sounds like a cutee-patootee!!

Reece, you're a stud. Think mommie will ever let you go back to work with her, to visit your main squeeze?

04-05-2002, 03:42 PM
Oh Reece Man, Star and Cody here! Boy, you sure are lucky! You get first dibbs on them purrty girlz!! Yer Mom is surrounded by hot chicks all day long! And eben brings some a dem home! But Reece, yer soooooooooo cute, you could katch any girl wid just a swish a yer tail!!:) Kan we see a pikture of Marley, pleeeeze??? Love, yer pals, Star and Cody

04-05-2002, 06:37 PM
What a great day you had, Reece!!! There is nothing better for us moms than having our "kids" come to work with us!! I am lucky because I get all of mine, every single day!! In fact, Roger sings tunes to my customers on occasion! :o

I know you had fun!!! :)

04-05-2002, 09:56 PM
Hi ebbrybuddy! Itz me again, Reece! Jus wanted to post some pictures for you guyz! When my mommie was takin dem, she kept mumblin how me and my girlyfriend wuld NOT cooperate - heehee. we keeped actin all cute til she went to take a picture, then we'd stop playin and turn our backs :D :cool: So my mommie says sorry for da crummy pics.

Herez my woman http://www.plauder-smilies.com/love/loveya.gif


We wuz nice and taked turns with da rawhide....


...but she got it most of da time! My mommie doesnt like me to have it anyway.


She taught me fun houndy stuff like sniffing EVERYTHING!


Well dats all da pics I have of her. Ain't she beautiful?? My mommie is going to post a couple more pictures of other shelter dawgs after she taks a shower.

04-05-2002, 10:02 PM
Awww, Reece and Marley sitting ina tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.....

Youz two look like youz had a great time together! WoZah! That Marley suure is a looker isn't she Reece. Someone's a Lucky Dog! You Tha MAN, Reece! You Tha MAN!:D

04-05-2002, 11:06 PM
Reece again!! I jus snucked on the puter to tell you guys a secret. My mommie has been eyein this dog at da shelter. He has been 'dopted and returned THREE or FOUR timez!!! Mommie is 'fraid somethin bad might happen to him but she won't tell me whut. I meeted him before an we had a GUUD time! His name is Jeremy and my mommie sez he's da sweetest boy in town - I think she forgotted how sweet *I* wuz!!!! Anyway, mommie sez if he doesn't get moved into adoption area den we will have a new big brudder! She sed Lolly is goin to meet him next week. Here are some pics of Jeremy:




This is Sweet Pea, a little Chihuahua:


An here's Cha Cha:


04-06-2002, 09:49 AM
A big brother for Reece? You sure are a lucky dog. I've been cut off at two :D Jeremy is absolutely adorable. He looks like he has the head of one dog and the body of another. I mean that in a good way :D

04-06-2002, 11:49 AM
Oh Reece! You and your girlfriend look soooo cute together ;) In the second picture you look like you are standing guard behind her so nothing bad happens to the dear little pup :cool:

04-08-2002, 01:33 PM
Oh boy Reece!! You are one lucky dude! Marley is beautiful! You sure know how to pick 'em:D!

I love Jeremy too:) Why was he returned 3 times? All of the dogs are just adorable:) I hope they all get good homes:)

04-08-2002, 03:39 PM
Oh Reece, you sure know how to pick em!!!:D What a doll baby!:) And you two make the perfect pair! And Aly, Jeremey is such a cutie! Why was he returned???:( Is this the one????;)

04-08-2002, 04:46 PM
Reece, you and Marley look stunning together!! And I love her "come hither" eyes with her long luxuriant (sp?) ears!! What a beauty!
Jeremy is adorable!
He looks like he has the head of one dog and the body of another. I mean that in a good way

LOL!!:D He does look that way! What a neat observation!!
Aly, why do they keep returning him? :(

04-08-2002, 05:17 PM
Lets see. I forgot the first people who adopted and returned him because I don't think I was working that day. The second guy was in his lower twenties who lived with his wife and mom. He returned Jeremy after a week saying that he was snappy. He thought the snappiness was due to fright but he couldn't deal with it. His owner release form from the first time he had come in said he did get snappy when pushed into doing things he doesn't want to do. The third people who adopted him was another young couple with another dog. They said the brother had come over the night they adopted him and was laying on the floor with Jeremy. Jeremy got really intimidated and growled at the guy. He got up to get a drink of water and when he came back, Jeremy lunged at him. They returned Jeremy in less than 24 hours.

Now after saying all that, we have never had ONE problem with him at the shelter. I am constantly touching him all over and gently bumping him around to test him. The clinic has not had one problem even when they were sticking needles in him. No male volunteers have ever had any problems either. I wanted to take him home to test him to see if it was any different in a home environment. It is so hard to believe this sweet dog could get snappy. Well actually sometimes it looks like he's snapping at you, but when he snaps towards you he'll just lick you.

Who knows. If it gets to the point where he can't be put back in adoption, I WILL take him home.