View Full Version : My Pit Bull Got Taken Away From Me!

12-20-2005, 09:49 AM
I loved him SO much! But I guess Day County (where I live in Miami) decided they were getting too many calls about pit bull attacks. They just went around taking pit bulls and killing them. It's just not fair. Ugh... I hate it! I have been crying and crying for days. It is all my fault I let them take my boy. I truly did hit to police officer... which was not a good idea, but luckily they let me off the hook this time. I should've got him back! I fell SO bad!

12-20-2005, 09:54 AM
Oh my word, how horriable..they are able to just come to your house and take him.. :confused: ,did they pass a law or something..Im so sorry for you..
Thank you for coming to Pet Talk..so sorry..Im so shocked..

12-20-2005, 09:57 AM
Miami is not in Day County, it is called DADE County!!!!! You live there and don't even know the name of the county? :confused:

12-20-2005, 09:57 AM
When did this happen? I live in Florida and haven't heard anything about this - they are legal where I live and my Humane Society is constantly rescueing Pit Bulls from others that kill them. It's rare that they ever let anyone off the hook for hitting a police officer.

Also, there is no such thing as Day County in Miami.

12-20-2005, 09:59 AM
Troll? :confused:

12-20-2005, 09:59 AM
Do they have a ban there? I dont think they can come take your dog unless there is a ban and you have them registered. :confused:

12-20-2005, 10:00 AM
Your kidding? I hadn't heard about anything like that, but of course I live on the other side of the country. I am so sorry... :(

12-20-2005, 10:01 AM
Well, I was playing with him at the park, he was off the leash because he is a good boy, not one of those attack dogs. Then a police officer came up with a club (he wasn't going to hit my dog... don't worry. I wouldn't've let him. He just had it for protection ). And he said "Mamn, are you aware that Pit Bulls are now illegal in Day County". I didn't answer, just stared at him. He took the leash from me and snapped it onto Lily's collar and began to walk away with her. I screamed "What are you doing!" and made a mistake by... hitting him, and I hit him hard. He let me off the hook... but not Lily. I screamed at him again, "What are you doing with my dog!". He turned around, kind of glarey faced. "Pit Bulls became illegal a while ago. There for, you cannot have a pit bull" well, he said something like that. And I just began crying and crying. "Are you going to put him to sleep?" I sobbed, he nodded and stuffed her into a cage in the back of his truck he was driving. Police just go around to this? This is NOT fair. It is HORRID. I HATE IT. And I KNOW I am the one to blame...I should have protected Lily!

12-20-2005, 10:01 AM
Im so sorry. it must be awful for you. x :(

12-20-2005, 10:08 AM
Pit Bulls are illegal in Dade County. They actually have been for a while. I watch Miami Animal Police :p

Anyway, sorry to hear about your dog!

12-20-2005, 10:09 AM
Here are the Miami-Dade regulations on animals. (http://www.co.miami-dade.fl.us/animals/regulations.asp) Scroll down to see the one about Pit Bulls.

12-20-2005, 10:09 AM
But can a police office just come up and take your dog like that? Did he have proof that your dog was a pit bull, or did he just go by looks alone?

12-20-2005, 10:11 AM
Troll? :confused:

Ding ding ding... Don't let yourselves be fooled guys. :p

12-20-2005, 10:12 AM
But can a police office just come up and take your dog like that? Did he have proof that your dog was a pit bull, or did he just go by looks alone?

According to this article they can! :mad: Omg, I'm so, so sorry that happened to you. I own a pittie I cant even imagine what that was like. :(

I just wanted to continue to spread the word that Miami Pitbull Petition is still ongoing…you don’t have to live in Miami or even Florida for that matter in order to have your signature make a difference. The pitbull ban in Miami Florida has been going on for 14 years now and it must stop. Every single day, Miami Dade Animal Control Services confiscates and euthanizes innocent pitbulls for no reason other than their breed. We already have a “dangerous dog law” in place that could take care of any dogs deemed dangerous, so why ban a specific breed? For those of you who don’t know this is how it goes:
“Someone” makes a phone call to Animal Services that they’ve seen a pitbull in your home. (PS-If they are correct they get a $50.00 reward for ratting you out, nice huh) Three animal control officers will come to your home and perform an “inspection” on your dog. If atleast 2 of the 3 come to the conclusion that your dog is “50% pitbull” you will be fined $500.00 and have 24 hours to get the dog out of Miami-Dade County. (By the way, being brindle in color and having any sort of muscular build pretty much condemns your dog) They will come back and check and if you haven’t removed the dog, they will gladly remove it for you. This is done by using a catch pole device, which is a long metal rod with a “noose-like” device on the end. They proceed to lasso the dog, drag it to their vehicle, lift it off the ground by it’s neck, and throw it into the back of the van. Once brought down to the Animal Control facility, they will then euthanize it, which is supposed to mean “humanely put to death”, but there is nothing “humane” about the way it is done. I will spare you the horrific details, but you can only imagine … So please, if you love dogs or animals in general, help us put a stop to this…sign the petition. My dogs and I thank you.

12-20-2005, 10:13 AM
They also said they had the dog off-leash, which if you read the regulations, all dogs must be kept on leash if they are not on your private property. So in all reality, they broke the law twice. Once for having a illegal pit and two for not keeping it on leash. I hate that the dog got taken away, but with all of the controversy with pits these days, people should really know the laws where they live.

12-20-2005, 10:15 AM
Ding ding ding... Don't let yourselves be fooled guys. :p

It really makes me sad that we dont know who is telling the truth on here half the time anymore. :(

12-20-2005, 10:16 AM
It really makes me sad that we dont know who is telling the truth on here half the time anymore. :(

Ditto and it seems these people know what gets this forum in a tizzy. This person just joined today and they knew to post right away about a pit being taken away. Hmmmmm..... :confused:

12-20-2005, 10:20 AM
I know not to feed the trolls (sorry if I'm wrong but this seems fishy) but I just want to ask a question. What if you are out of town and have a pit bull & you visit someone in a town where pit bulls are illegal? What if you just pass through in your travels?
Banning breeds is the stupidest law ever.

12-20-2005, 10:23 AM
It truely is pathetic how many attention seekers find this board and try to use it to get some attention.

12-20-2005, 10:24 AM
Well I really don't know about all this, but my brother-in-law is a cop... and they do not just let people off for hitting a police officer, ever.

12-20-2005, 10:27 AM
I know not to feed the trolls (sorry if I'm wrong but this seems fishy) but I just want to ask a question. What if you are out of town and have a pit bull & you visit someone in a town where pit bulls are illegal? What if you just pass through in your travels?
Banning breeds is the stupidest law ever.

Denver has one of the worst bans there is. I believe you can pass through the city if you are traveling with one of the banned breeds. As, for visitng with them thats a good question. I will have to look up the Denver law on that. You are so right the breed banning is very stupid!! :mad:

Daisy and Delilah
12-20-2005, 10:42 AM
It's official.......I'm totally confused! :confused:

12-20-2005, 10:52 AM
Did anyone notice their username? "Day" instead of "Dade"

12-20-2005, 11:41 AM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: another one of them!!!

12-20-2005, 11:51 AM
This is quite confusing...I like to believe people but most people can spell the name of the county they live in :confused:

12-20-2005, 12:13 PM
I sent a PM to this person and asked about the "Day" county thing and they never sent me one back. I asked in my first post on this thread too and they have never responded back to me. This screams troll in my opinion.

12-20-2005, 12:22 PM
Well, this whole thing was preventible by the OP in my opinion. (IF it's a true and real posting, which I'm doubting).

First of all, you got a pit bull and didn't bother to find out if it was illegal or not. Secondly, you took your PIT BULL to a park and let it off leash. Shame on you. Pit Bulls don't belong at parks, especially dog parks. And you made the really bad decision to let it off leash, intentially breaking the rules of the park.

It's people like you who are putting these dogs in the very perilous position that they're in. Irresponsible and uneducated people are the reason my dogs my eventually be deemed illegal.

Sorry if it sounds harsh, but that's JMHO.

12-20-2005, 12:30 PM
I know not to feed the trolls (sorry if I'm wrong but this seems fishy) but I just want to ask a question. What if you are out of town and have a pit bull & you visit someone in a town where pit bulls are illegal? What if you just pass through in your travels?
Banning breeds is the stupidest law ever.

In Ontario Canada you can't even pass through the province with your dog. Different areas have different regulations but it's dicey either way.

12-20-2005, 12:51 PM
Any one else notice it a good boy in the first post and Lily as he wasked her away. can't even keep the sex of the dog stright. Or man do I want one of those presto changso dogs.

12-20-2005, 12:52 PM
:rolleyes: well it could have been a male dog named lilly, I know one.

12-20-2005, 12:55 PM
No its not a boy named lily...now he is saying she

answer, just stared at him. He took the leash from me and snapped it onto Lily's collar and began to walk away with her. I screamed "What are you doing!" and made a mistake by... hitting him, and I hit him hard. He let me off the hook... but not Lily. I screamed at him again, "What are

This is a troll....

12-20-2005, 01:00 PM
Well the fact that the troll can't even keep the sex of their dog straight just goes to evidence the fact that they are too dumb to have anything else better to do with their time!

12-20-2005, 01:00 PM
Nice try.

12-20-2005, 01:03 PM
oh!!! i see!!! gosh now I thoguht it was calming down with all the trolls guess not :rolleyes:

12-20-2005, 01:22 PM
Also, the OP needs to get a life :D seriously, ridiculous. I looked it up, and there is no "Day County".

(edited, because I'm not very bright =0) )

12-20-2005, 01:23 PM
I was thinking the same exact thing erica

12-20-2005, 01:27 PM
I too was wondering where Pit Bulls belong.
I can't believe someone would say such a thing. A dog is a dog regardless of the breed.
:mad: :mad: :mad:

12-20-2005, 01:29 PM
Well they haven't posted again on this thread, so it must have been a troll and I think we can end this thread. :)

12-20-2005, 01:31 PM
Do you guys know who chershirekatt is? She owns Bully breeds and has fostered more than i've ever seen in my life. She adores the breeds and hers are taken good care of and loved - not on a chain in the backyard.

12-20-2005, 01:32 PM
I was thinking that she probably meant a pit bull shouldn't be at a park if you have one in a county where they are illegal...maybe thats what she meant?

12-20-2005, 01:33 PM
I was thinking that she probably meant a pit bull shouldn't be at a park if you have one in a county where they are illegal...maybe thats what she meant?

I hope so because it sounds like thats the last words you'd hear from a mouth that has bully breeds & the such.

12-20-2005, 01:36 PM
Thanks Kay, I was about to chime in and say chesirekatt has devoted her heart to rescuing and fostering pitties and bullies in need. I seriously doubt she meant her comment to be discriminatory or hate talk towards pits. I think it certainly can be dangerous to take some pitties around other dogs. More likely she doesn't want them put in any situation that risks giving them a further bad name.

12-20-2005, 01:39 PM
meh. I think I spoke too soon... I didn't even notice that was Chesire. :rolleyes:

12-20-2005, 03:39 PM
Guess I should clarify...

No, I DON'T think that pit bulls belong at dog parks. Especially off leash dog parks. It's asking way too much of a dog that's been bred for hundreds of years to fight other dogs. I'll admit that there is the occational pit bull that can do well at a dog park. Very occational. A pit bull is a pit bull....and you can never trust a pitty not to fight. Unfortunately there are a lot of uneducated owners out there that think if you raise them just like other dogs, they will be juse like other dogs. They're NOT labs in pit bull clothing...they're pit bulls and to expect them to behave like any thing else is unfair to them and setting them up for failure.

In the case that something happens (i.e. a fight) guess who gets blamed? You got it, the pit bull. Even if the other dog started it, what people will remember is the pit bull tearing the face off another dog. And pit bulls are VERY capable of doing it and usually highly enjoy a good fight. So then you've got yet another horrible image of pit bulls in people's minds. The next thing is banning the 'vicious' breed from everywhere. It's happeneing all over the world and it's because of BYB's and irresponsible owners.

You might not agree with me and that's totally fine by me. I know I've got strong opinions but they're based on a lot of years of rescue and experience. I've had to hold dogs while they're being euthanized. Not because they're mean, but for no other offense other than they're illegal. Perfectly nice, healthy dogs. It's a crime and every bad incident in the news only shoves us closer to BSL everywhere.

*steps off soapbox*

12-20-2005, 04:01 PM
Oh, and if anyone has any questions regarding my opinions on responsible bully breed ownership...just PM me. I'm always willing to discuss my favorite topic!


Doogie says, "To know me is to love me....stop BSL before it's too late!"


12-20-2005, 04:05 PM
Well I have had great experience with pitties at my off leash dog park, which happens to be the one bccrazy goes to also... but your right if there was a problem no matter which dog started it everyone would most likely blame the pittie.

12-20-2005, 04:09 PM
Well, your story is hard to believe. One, you DON'T ever get away with hitting a police officer. Two, there is a few people here from Florida and didn't hear anything about banning Pit Bulls.

I can't believe someone would post that their dog was taken away from them and make us feel bad for them!!! :mad: :mad: Pittie banning is a serious thing and shoulden't be joked around with, because it's NOT funny.

12-20-2005, 04:32 PM
Well I have had great experience with pitties at my off leash dog park, which happens to be the one bccrazy goes to also... but your right if there was a problem no matter which dog started it everyone would most likely blame the pittie.

I'm glad that you've had such good experiences...that's really nice to hear!


12-20-2005, 04:56 PM
Why do I not believe this person? I shan't feed this troll. I shan't say anything more.

Suki Wingy
12-20-2005, 05:49 PM
yes, I now refuse to watch Miami Animal Cops because of their laws, and the way the officials say stuff like "they have locking jaws and they just tick and become a monster any time" and officers who can't tell an am. bulldog from an APBT. Maybe this is the dal/malinois/dog shower girl who just watched that show and decided to re-join?

12-20-2005, 05:50 PM
This is sad. I know there is a DADE county in Miami but not a DAY county. Then, they go and change the dogs sex. :rolleyes:

12-20-2005, 05:59 PM
Stop already. 'nuff said. You are all just repeating what was said in the first few posts.

12-20-2005, 06:01 PM

12-20-2005, 10:40 PM
Cheshire... ironically, I've had no bad experiences with my dog and Pitties, but I have had very bad experiences with Labs! I totally respect your opinion though, now that I've gotten a better idea of it. You would know much better than me, having never owned a Pit Bull.

I think it's very responsible that you're so adament about protecting your breed, even if it forces you to miss out on some of the activites. I HAVE seen a few incidents with pretty irresponsible Pit Bull owners that made me question whether they were putting their dog in danger... like, at a very busy farmers market, some man had 2 Pits on very short leads who were straining at their leashes in a not-so-friendly way at passerbys (especially with dogs). In my experience, though, a lot depends on the individual dog, their temperament and their upbringing.

12-20-2005, 10:52 PM
Chesire, I understand you veiw I hold the same veiw on Chow chows (had 2 rescures and Dugan is 1/2) I would not ever want to put one at risk or the public,by having one running free in public. The perseption from the public is important I do try inform when I had them out . Dugan does look a little scary so the people don't rush up to hug him (of course Lady the tongue beats them to him) and stops them from getting to him.He luckly has the newfy personnality but you can never tell if the other breed can come out
I have not had any bad pittie Experances (girl freind raised them for 3 years) .

Now to the troll we should be glad it did get some of us aware of the laws and what can happen to those who try to bust the ban by disobeying the law.

12-20-2005, 11:51 PM
2 things
I hope this
TROLL goes and stays away
and I knew it was DADE county b/c I watch CSI Miami! ;) :p

12-21-2005, 03:16 AM
Any one else notice it a good boy in the first post and Lily as he wasked her away. can't even keep the sex of the dog stright. Or man do I want one of those presto changso dogs.

Um... i named a 'male' dog Tasha. so dont go by that..LOL

but yeah. something smells either way.

12-21-2005, 11:03 AM
Um... i named a 'male' dog Tasha. so dont go by that..LOL

but yeah. something smells either way.
I don't think they are necessarily going by the name issue I think it is the fact it was a boy then a girl in their post.

12-21-2005, 11:16 AM
Cheshire... ironically, I've had no bad experiences with my dog and Pitties, but I have had very bad experiences with Labs! I totally respect your opinion though, now that I've gotten a better idea of it.

I agree, I can't count the number of labs I have had contact with in the last 7 or so years that were terribly aggressive. Yellow seems to be the worst color for whatever reason that may be. Even a lot of vets, trainers & the like are seeing a lot of agressive labs the last few years.