View Full Version : The Florida Cats..

Laura's Babies
12-20-2005, 09:35 AM
We are back from Florida for my nephews funeral. My sister now has 4 cats (trying to keep up with her sister, me!). I could have catnapped all of them. Here are my sisters cats and their introductions to PT.

Boo was our mothers baby and she stayed with Mama until the undertaker came to take Mama. She was Mama's friends and companion, followed her everywhere. She now is my sisters husbands buddy, sleeps ON him every night and is just a old royal lady now. Boo is about 10 years old now. Mama loved her "red headed child" so much.. Now she has Uncle Tom to love her.

Next is Fred. He was the first kitten my sister had in her house in so many years that she was amazed at how much fun it was to have a kitten. She also has birds and when Fred was a kitten, she would come home and find the bird cage on the floor and all the birds loose in the house. He has become bored with the birds now and pays no attention to them. He is just a sweet big boy and ended up sleeping in my lap before I left.

Next came Jack. Jack showed up one day and refused to leave. He adopted them and there was no getting rid of him. He is a "bunny butt", having no tail at all and just the prettiest and sweetiest thing you ever saw. He loves attention, loves to be held and petted and he purrs so hard when you pet him that he drools! I threatened to steal him many times and my luggage had to be searched as I was leaving to make sure I didn't steal him. To me, Jack is the cat anyone would be honored to have as he is PURRRRFECT!
He absolutely LOVES ths bed I made and sent and it is his first choice of a place to sleep.

Next is Sassy. This little ball of fluff is just a little doll baby. Fred and Jack sleep with her, bathe her, and cuddle with her. She loves to be held and loved on and Rie threatened to steal her because she is so cute and sweet. She has the cutiest little face you ever saw and that little orange smear by her mouth just MAKES her adoreable. Now she is trying to figure out how to get to the birds and works on that task a lot. She sleeps with Jack in the bed I sent them.


12-20-2005, 09:38 AM
Laura, I have to catch up on you, too. I'm sorry you lost your nephew. :(

That first kitty, Boo, is amazing! Is his nose really black? I'm not sure I've ever seen that in a cat before.

They are all beautiful and so special. I love to read the stories about how people came to own the pets they have. :)

Take care, my friend.


12-20-2005, 09:40 AM
What a Interesting Quartet of Cats,especially Little Sassy who has such Cattitude.
And Michael MEEEEOWS Hello to His Fellow Orangies,and Scrappy 2 MEEWS For That Handsome Tuxedo.She is setting her cap for him.
Welcome to Pet Talk.

12-21-2005, 04:15 PM
;) ;) What a bunch of adorable sweetie pies..

12-21-2005, 06:48 PM
Hi Laura! The Florida cats are quite a gorgeous group. I fell in love with each of them and seriously plotted their relocation to New Jersey. That plot was reluctantly abandoned when I realized I could never handle that much sweetness overload at one time.

12-21-2005, 11:27 PM
All 4 cats are gorgeous and I'm glad that you shared their pictures with us. :)