View Full Version : Peggy has stopped eating three days ago :(

12-19-2005, 02:03 PM
I'm very worried. My mother told me that Peggy isn't eating since last Thursday, and her appetite has lessened before already. She's drinking, and peeing and pooping, and acting normal, apart from being a bit more affectionate. My mother said she's begging for food and looks into her bowl, but does not eat. They offered her different kinds of food, but she refuses eating.

She saw her vet today, and he said he couldn't find anything unusual, everything seems to be fine: her eyes, nose, ears, tonsils, heart and belly. The only thing the vet noticed were her slightly inflammed gums (which I have noticed before), but he said it's not bad enough to cause any problems. He also said he wouldn't worry about this before she hasn't eaten for a week. :confused:

I'm not happy with that and I'm very worried about the little girl! :(


12-19-2005, 02:13 PM
I'd take her to another Vet. Going without food can be dangerous.

12-19-2005, 03:37 PM
Can you try some tuna fish, my rb gigi could not resist tuna fish, it is not really all that good for them but my vet said a bit here and there would be okay.

12-19-2005, 03:39 PM
He also said he wouldn't worry about this before she hasn't eaten for a week. :eek: :eek: Do you mean that previously she's gone a whole week without eating....or do you mean that the vet told your Mom not to worry unless a week goes by without eating?? Either way, that does not sound good to me at all. How can she poop without eating?

I don't like the sound of the inflamed gums either. My first instinct would be for her to go on antibiotics to see if that helps. Then, if the eating doesn't improve then it might just point to a really picky eater.

All paws and fingers crossed here Kirsten. I'll be praying for this precious little girl.

12-19-2005, 03:44 PM
I think Kirsten said he would only be worried if she hadn't eaten for a week. But I wonder how she can be ok if she hasn't eaten for 4-5 days?

Is there a possibility that she finds food somewhere? Does she still go outside? Could she have a second family?

If all that is excluded I would take her to a different vet too.

12-19-2005, 03:48 PM
Kirsten, my Katie girl was the same. I noticed that she was starting to lose weight and watched her eating habits. She was hardly eating her dry food and it was due to her inflammed gums. That's why she was going around crying more than usual, because she was hungry. Once I started giving her wet food, she settled down. When I brought her to my vet, he said no wonder she wasn't eating as it hurt her to eat the dry food and her gums were just like Peggy's. She perked up even more after a few days of being on anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.

I don't know how the heck the vet would consider waiting a week without eating before worrying. That's ridiculous.

Please keep us posted on the sweet girl.

12-19-2005, 05:16 PM
I agree waiting a week to become worried about NOT eating is not right. 1 day of not eating it's time to worry. My advise have your mom seek another vet for his/her opinion.

12-19-2005, 05:17 PM

Could she be eating at night while everyone is asleep??? I know some cats will do that.

I agree with Slick. I'd get her on antibiotics to lessen the imflammation in her gums. Then if she doesn't eat, you'll know it's something else.

Paws and fingers crossed here.

12-19-2005, 05:42 PM
Yikes. Maybe you can water down the food enough so that she can lick it instead of bite it?

Cats can get what is called "fatty liver disease" when they go without eating. This is not a good thing. Two years ago our Jan girl was sick. She lost her appetite and was very listless. We had to force-feed her with a syringe and watered down cat food (special food from the vet that is already pretty thinned down) twice a day until she got her appetite back. It wasn't fun - but she's fine and healthy and energetic today.

I hope Peggy gets better soon.

12-19-2005, 06:37 PM
That sounds as though her teeth are bothering her.
Have they tried a Canned Food?
And it could be that shes hunting if she goes outside.
I would weigh her,and see if theres a weight loss.
Maybe the trip to Hawaii is coming at the right time.

12-19-2005, 08:23 PM
Somehow waiting a week without eating doesn't sound right. I also have to wonder why the vet doesn't treat her gums now before that situation gets worse. Sounds like another vet is needed here. Peggy is such a sweetie, prayers that she'll be feeling better very soon! Please let us know how she's doing?

12-20-2005, 03:49 AM
Well, the good news is that my mother called this morning to tell me that Peggy has just eaten with a good appetite! I hope this continues.

But I still wonder why she has stopped eating for almost four days. I agree with you that she should have seen another vet, but my mother never listens to me.

I'm sorry for not being more talkative, but I'm very sick with the flu and bronchitits for days now, and I have a real terrible headache.


12-20-2005, 08:16 AM
I agree it's time for a different vet, but glad to hear Peggy is now eating!
Get feeling better, Kirsten! ;)

12-20-2005, 08:39 AM
Thank you, Kim.

My headaches are a bit better, so I can tell you a little more.

Like some of you have said, I was also confused by the vet's statement, because I heard about these liver problems when cats don't eat. Maybe someone should tell this vet about that? :(

Is there a possibility that she finds food somewhere? Does she still go outside? Could she have a second family?

Barbara, she's still going outside, but they live in the forest and there are no neighbors, so it's not very likely that she has a second family. She would have to walk a long way for this, and she's never gone for long.

She's hunting mice, yes, but I don't know if she eats them. But I think even if she does, she wouldn't refuse to eat her food from one day to another.

I also wonder why the vet didn't treat her gums when she was there. She got an injection to stimulate her metabolism, maybe this is why she started eating today.

I'm glad that she's eating again, but still alarmed because I just don't think it's normal for a cat to stop eating for 4 days. Mine would go to the vet after only one day, that's for sure. And I would not accept such a statement. But my mother is different. And I cannot talk to her today anyway, she's in a very bad mood. :confused:

BTW, do you think it could have been just stress? There was a lot going on at Tillyschanze the last days.There was a medieval Christmas market, and many visitors were in the house also. But actually Peggy is used to events like this. And on Thursday, Dino was in the house and hissed at Peggy. He went upstairs (where her food bowls are) and didn't allow her to enter the stairs. But usually she's not very impressed by Dino's behavior.

BTW, can you believe that my mother even tried to blame me?? (which has always been a popular thing in my family, but that's another story). I gave Peggy a catnip toy, but my mother took it away because she doesn't like the idea of giving "drugs" to cats (ridiculous, I know) . However, she said it seems to her that Peggy has stopped eating after that. Okay, here we go again. Whatever happens, blame Kirsten. It has always worked. :rolleyes:


12-20-2005, 09:20 AM
Having 4 cats, all that tend to have bouts with Gingivitis, I would guess that it might be the inflammed gums causing her to not want to eat. I get either Clindamycin or Anitrobe drops and give treatments every few months to try and decrease the problems of the Gingivitis.

Hope Peggy is feeling better soon and BTW I would most certainly not think that a catnip mouse had anything to do with her situation.

12-20-2005, 03:48 PM
BTW I would most certainly not think that a catnip mouse had anything to do with her situation.

I don't think that either. My mother isn't comfortable with the catnip for some reason, that's all. :rolleyes:

Thanks for your advide regarding the gingivitis. I'll try to get one of those and will treat Peggy myself, as my mother isn't even able to look into Peggy's mouth. She's scared about these things, and the cat senses it and won't let her. When I checked her gums the other days, there were no problems.

12-20-2005, 09:37 PM
Peggy eating again is very good news! :) Hearing that you're so sick is not good news! :( Please take it easy and try to get some rest. Hope you feel better very soon. Groucho sends you some get well purrs, headbumpies, and kitty kisses. With Lily and Luna as your kitty nurses, Groucho knows you'll be up and around in no time!

12-20-2005, 09:45 PM
Oh Kirsten! I just found this thread!! How is Peggy today? I know if my guys didn't eat for one afternoon I'd be a mess! I have 5 cats that swear they are dying of hunger on an hourly basis so if they stopped telling me they were dying of hunger, I'd be certain something was wrong! ;)

As for the catnip.... tell mom that catnip makes cats hungry the way marajuana does in humans! ;)

Seriously, I do hope she is better and back to eating reguarly.

12-22-2005, 02:22 PM
Well, according to my mother, Peggy is eating a lot now. I really wonder what it was that made her stop eating for several days... :confused:


12-22-2005, 02:24 PM
Reading about Rocky now, I wonder if Peggy sensed that her friend was ill? :confused:

12-22-2005, 02:25 PM
A Cat Nip Mouse if anything would increase Peggys appetite!

12-22-2005, 02:34 PM
Reading about Rocky now, I wonder if Peggy sensed that her friend was ill? :confused:

I was wondering the same... :confused:

And something else has happened, too. Peggy's brother Tommy has disappeared last week, he's probably dead. That was on Thursday, and on Friday she stopped eating. Of course she's no longer living with him (he has stayed with my cousin's family), but maybe there's still some kind of telephatic connection...? Who knows...?


12-22-2005, 04:45 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Tommy. How awful. Maybe that's why Peggy stopped eating; cats are pretty savvy in circumstances like this.