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12-18-2005, 04:20 PM
Pet Store Persuasive Speech

How much is that doggie in the window? You all know that song, the one about the adorable doggie in the pet store. You buy that sweet doggie with the adorable eyes, hey he was half off. But really that doggie in the window is much more than you think. What’s the price for many sleepless nights, for a puppy with an incurable disease, for watching that puppy die in pain?
What’s the price for heartbreak?

Pet stores should not sell pets, because the store owners are not responsible, they don’t care about them going to good homes just getting the money and if the puppies are too old to sell, then they either kill them, dump them, send them back, or on occasion send them to a rescue.

My personal experience with a pet store is that of the time I visited one in Terra Houte.
The first time you walk in the door the smell of urine and feces hits you as you're lured to the back of the store by the plaintive cries of the puppies crowded together in pens, away from the flow of traffic. The two employees are frazzled by their responsibilities and have no time to do more than provide the most minimal care for the dogs, as evidenced by the fact that most are sick and all smell horrid.
My aunt stated “It was the most heartbreaking thing and I wish could have saved the puppies from a crummy life.”
Sadly many pet stores are like this and what’s even sadder is that most of the puppies’ lives don’t improve after they’ve been bought. Many of them become forgotten Christmas presents that are abandoned to fend for themselves or are taken to the pound because they just don’t want to deal with them anymore. On occasion a good person goes to a pet store; but for them their dog may still have troubles.

One particular dog that stands out is Spartan a purebred Akita. Spartan was bought from a pet store for $1,500.00. Within 24 hours of being in his new home he had to be rushed to a Vet and stayed there for 2 weeks in Intensive Care. He managed to pull through but was given 2 years to live. His owners put him on Deramax to help the pain, but it was so severe he would go outside, fall down, and urinate on himself. His human mom ended up losing her job because she was home all the time taking care of him, she said she never regretted any of it and is now retired. Sadly Spartan died June 27, 2005. He was only 2 ½ years old, way to young to get arthritis or even to die. Spartan’s breeders and pet shop owners were only in it for the money, they didn’t care if he was well or not and sadly that cost him his life.
The puppy mills are horrible places, whose ways of money making are produce puppies and use as little money on them as possible. Many puppies and dogs die in these places everyday, whether from the cold or heat because of the lack of heating or air conditioning, they also can get attacked by the dogs that are in locked in the cages with them, One puppy mill that I read about was raided by the Humane Society and Police where cage was stacked upon cage and the dogs that were dead and decaying were dripping on to the live dogs, it was such a horrific scene that it caused a huge public outcry and most of the dogs that were savable were adopted out but the point I’m trying to make is if people would stay out of pet shops there would be no need for puppy mills or backyard breeders. There would be no more dogs like Spartan, there would be no more broken hearts because of their dogs, and there would be better/healthier dogs. So really how much is that doggie in the window? For Spartan it was more than just 1,500 and I’m sure it’s the same for other dogs as well. Please don’t buy from pet stores, buying a wiggly little tail with the adorable eyes is causing others to die, and sadly that little guy could cause more pain.

OK, tell me what you think!

12-18-2005, 04:37 PM
It's good. There are a few punctuation errors, but the speech itself is really, really good.

Also, just thought I'd point out that it's Deramaxx (two x's). :)

12-18-2005, 04:42 PM
thanks I'm horrible at punctuation.

12-18-2005, 05:07 PM
thanks I'm horrible at punctuation.
I sent you a PM.

12-18-2005, 05:44 PM
That's awesome! =0) I got goosebumps! I really hope your speech changes the opinions and ideas about pet stores of the people in your class... and I hope you get an A!!

12-18-2005, 06:09 PM
That's VERY convincing. Great information and ALOT of it. Wonderful wording. You'll get an A!

12-18-2005, 08:55 PM
Thanks! :D

12-18-2005, 09:03 PM
Good luck with your speech, you make many good points. A few run-on sentances, perhaps you should run the spell check/grammer check on it to help pinpoint problems. (I'm working on my master's and always have to check for grammer, too) one last suggestion - It's a persuasive speech, right? You have a wonderful opening paragraph, perhaps you could incorporate it into a closing sentance or two that will ask people to think twice about "that doggie in the window", and whether they really want their dollars to support puppy mills -- pointing out that only by refusing to support this practice can it be stopped. (Persuades them to change their behavior)

12-18-2005, 09:33 PM
:) I'm pmed you,

12-19-2005, 08:32 AM
I love it. Besides the few punctuation errors it is really a good speech.

I do think that in the paragraph:

Pet stores should not sell pets, because the store owners are not responsible, they don’t care about them going to good homes just getting the money and if the puppies are too old to sell, then they either kill them, dump them, send them back, or on occasion send them to a rescue.
You could also add something about how the store owners do not care about the pups health & genetics either because they come from BYB's or puppy mills.

I know you explain about the BYB's & PM's in the end but I'd make it a point that the store owners don't care about that either.

12-19-2005, 03:06 PM
Well I did my speech today, I think I got a B on it, the teacher was very happy with it :) she also showed me a pic of her dog, Logan a black lab, he's so cute! I did change the ending to the speech so I'm editing my first post and adding it in!

12-22-2005, 10:24 PM
I've been off the internet for a few days, computer problems...
so it sounds like your speddch went well - let us know what grade you do get. It was nice of your teacher to show you her dog, too. :) Enjoy your Christmas break!