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View Full Version : New Kitty Adopted in Bastetsmum Household!

12-18-2005, 04:11 PM
Hi Guys,

"This is a long post - I do apologise - no photos in this post - hopefully some being uploaded soon!"

I know it has been a very long time since I chatted here. Its lovely to see famililiar faces and to read your stories.

To fill you all in though - we are living in a remote location in Tasmania, Australia that doesn't have proper telephone lines let alone a decent internet connection - our satellite here is capped at speed and how much we can download and upload. We love where we live but we have had work related problems (lack of work) and health issues as well - nothing serious. We also had two serious car accidents in less than 6 months (neither were our fault I would like to say) so life has been a bit on the hectic side. It is settling down though (we certainly don't want anymore car accidents if we can avoid it!).

Our two dogs (Mandi and Charlie) are enjoying chasing rabbits even though at 11 years old (both of them) they have no chance of catching them. They have also been very nawtee and have dug up the gardens to bury bones.

Bastet is her usual wonderful aby self. Although she did escape from being indoors for a little while until she killed a bird. So she is now indoors for good. I didn't like the fact she killed a bird when some of our native species are endangered. So being indoors and meowing at the dogs to play with her we considered getting another cat.

It wasn't until a month later when my partner went to pick up the post that he saw a message in the post office window. Wanted: a good home for a sweet natured long haired tabby approx 2-3 years - just had kittens - owner unable to take care of her.

My partner called me and said if he could have a look at her. I said of course that ignoring the sign was not an option in my books. So he went and had a look at her. And fell in love with her. Her kittens (4 in all) 2 found a good home and the other 2 were so ill they had to be put to sleep. She was in dreadful condition (I have never seen a cat so thin before with matted fur and looking like hell - she wieghed about 2.5kg when we got her just to give you an idea of how tiny she is). So we packed up her stuff (not much - a dirty bowl and grubby mat) and took her home. (The woman who owned her is dying of stomach cancer and didn't think to even ask her neighbours to feed her. She is proud and stubborn - but Zac suffered for that.)

I remembered from here with all your expert advice to keep her isolated from Bastet until we got her desexed, vacinnated and tested for FIV and FLV. We couldn't do that until she actually put on more weight. The vet was horrified at the neglect. So we fed Zac up (now called Zaicha which is a north african name meaning "gentle spirit" ) for 7 days and booked her into the vets for the op.

It was a tense few hours to find out whether or not we would have to put her down if tested positive for FIV and FLV but she tested negative so we got her desexed and vaccinated. She goes back this week to get the stitches out (all of 2 - the vet said she had been half starved all her life and she is not normal size for a 3 year old female cat who has had kittens - she is about half the size she should be ).

So once she got back home, we thought to formally introduce her to Bastet. Well that went ok up until today when now Zaicha is "guarding" the room where we feed them. She hisses and spits at Bastet and she can't get any food without fighting through the Zaicha line to get it. I am wondering how we should deal with this situation. Bastet isn't territorially threatened by Zaicha but Zaicha is threatened by Bastet. I don't want to have to give Zaicha away and I want this to work. So I was wondering if any of you had problems with this and what to do to ease the transitition into the household for both cats.

Hopefully I will post more often now that things have settled down here. I have missed you all.

Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous new year to you all.

12-18-2005, 04:58 PM
It's good see you around again! That's so wonderful that you decided to bring this sweet girl into your home. I can't wait to see some pictures!

12-18-2005, 05:04 PM
First of all, I am SOOOOO happy to hear from you.

And of course, very happy at the addition of a second cat.

I will be waiting to see and hear more......SOON!!! :D :D

12-18-2005, 05:17 PM
Sadly Zaicha has been a Hungry Cat,and has learned to deal with other Cats as threats to maybe the only good meal of the day.
You may have to keep them sepertaed until Zaicha realizes that there is an endless supply of food.
We cant wait for Photos,and we pray that Zaicha and Bastet can learn to be Friends.

12-18-2005, 05:20 PM
Welcome back!!! :D I'm sorry to hear that you've had some health and work problems but I'm glad that you're doing well now. Congrats on your new cat!!! :D Since Zaicha was starved, she's probably become very aggressive around food. I'd start feeding her in a seperate room so that Bastet won't have to deal with her food aggression. I hope that everything will work out. Please continue to keep us updated and I'm also looking forward to seeing some new pictures of both furkids. :)

12-18-2005, 05:26 PM
I some how missed the part about the food aggression. :o Just think about the thin condition you got Zaicha in.......she might guard food for a while until she understand that there will always be more. So your best thing to do is keep food at several locations around the home. Zaicha can't guard them all at the same time. OR, do as I do and feed portioned meels twice a day comepletely seperate from each other, then pick up ALL food.

Give her time, the "greed" will wear off. Sometimes it takes longer than others, but it will happen.

12-19-2005, 04:21 PM
Welcome back BastetsMum. :D
I'm sorry to hear about your work and health problems, but happy to hear that things are settling down and that your health issues were not serious ones. How horrible that you had two serious car accidents in less than 6 months. :eek: I pray that this will be the end of accidents for you guys, like, forever.
Glad to hear that Mandi and Charlie are doing well, even though they have been nawty and that Bastet is still her wonderful self.
What a wonderful idea to get Bastet a companion. What a sin though to hear that Zaicha had been half starved all her life. Poor baby.
Jen gave some excellent advice on what to do with the feeding.
Good luck with her and I can't wait to see pictures of sweet Bastet and Zaicha. :)

12-19-2005, 04:38 PM
Oh, I am so glad you came back!!!!

I did ask you at one stage to PM me, to keep in contact. I know how hard it is to move countries, let alone states!!!!!

I know that the kitty people will have helpful advice for you regarding food aggression - I have only had that a few times (with Ruby monster), and I took her food away, and only fed Captain.
Ruby got fed later on ........ did that a few times, and she stopped.


I am sure it is different for kitties. Fingers crossed!!

Welcome back
Michelle (in Victoria)