View Full Version : Kelly would like some advice and prayers too

12-18-2005, 01:44 PM
Hello everyone,

Kelly is in a dilema and has asked me to post a summary of her story because she's looking for some advice for her situation. I know that everyone here knows our Kelly and knows her heart and personality. She is the least spiteful person I know, on the contrary, she's the most giving and loving person I know, despite her own health situation.
Lately she's been treated very poorly by the office manager of her pain doctor's practice.

I hope it's ok, but here is an excerpt from her live journal that explains some of the story...

Monday, I called my new (nicer) pharmacy to refill 3 of my prescriptons. One was my Fentanyl patch. When I got to that one, they told me that because it was a class "C" narcotic, I had to have a paper prescription. That wasn't a big deal, so I called my doc's office and spoke to the "stupidest girl on earth" ie, the receptionist. She proceeded to tell me that I couldn't have a refill because they only gave refills when you come in for an appointment. So I told her that because my next appointment was 12/27 (the absolute SOONEST) I couldn't wait for a refill, that I was on my last patch. She handed the phone to the office manager because apparently that was way too much info for her to process. Finally told my tale and she told me she'd have the written rx ready the next day.

I was sick yesturday...horrible day. My body hurt, I was so nauseas and my whole body felt like that restless leg syndrom thingy. It was torture. I hated it. I was walking around in CiCi's garden crying and praying to God to stop that feeling in my body, it was horrible. I couldn't even sit down to pee I was so uncomfortable. I realized I had forgotten to put on my patch in TWO days...I think my body was going through withdrawl! I took my pain meds, anti-barf pills and put a new patch on. I felt better about an hour later.

I got myself to work today. Felt like I was going to vomit the entire car ride there, but felt better once there. People were bitchy as hell...grumpy too. Patients were very nice though. At 3:00 my supervisor took me downstairs and gave me a verbal warning about being out sick 3 times in 3 months. :( I'm used to this speech at this point. I told her I was sorry and that I'll try even harder to get myself to work, that if I could, I would never call in sick. Luckily she understands, but has to do her job. Before I left to go home, she walked me out. She talked to Lynn (department manager) and told me that once I've been there a year, I'm elgible for FMLA, where I can use that for sick time and doc appointments and it wont effect my job. That was nice she went that extra mile for me, shows she actually believes I'm sick.

On the way home, I dropped off the cookies I made for my pain doc and his office and picked up the rx. I could tell they weren't seeing patients, the lobby had 3 people in it, talking about some legal case. I went to my regular pharmacy with my script. Here's where hell decided to break loose for me:
1. Stupid office manager wrote the rx for Fentanyl 5, not Fentanyl 50. There is no such thing as 5, the doses are 25, 50, 75, 100...not 5!!!
2. My pharmacy didn't order it, so they don't have it in stock!! HELLO!!! I called Monday for it, didn't they THINK of ordering it then?? God forbid we use our brains...

Lucky for me, she'll order it, but it takes 2 days to get there. Nice. She told me to try other pharmacies, but warned that they may not take the incorrect rx.

Called all the pharmacies in Newbury Park. Of course, the only one that had it included an [CENSORED] for a pharmacist. "Who prescribed it? A doctor?" No, I did!! WTF?? I could TELL he instantly thought I was some drug seeker!! Gosh, I cannot tell you how much I HATE that. :( I went there and was told it'd take an hour!!! Guys, this is a BOX! No counting, just slap a label on there and charge me my co-pay. I told her that if I was going to wait, I wanted to make sure the RX was OK for him to fill. He looked at it and said he'd have to call the doc's office and get a new one. (CANT have a new one, has to be a paper original, remember!?!?) I tried calling the doc's office to see if I could go back there again and get it fixed. (Time was 3:45) Guess who put the phones on voicemail 2 hours early??

I went back to my nice pharmacy, told them to fill it when they got the patches in and to call me when they had it ready. As I was putting my seatbelt on and finally had my breakdown, the pharmacist calls me and tells me she can't fill it because of the error!!! Even though I get it every month...I think she could tell I was crying, so she offered to call the office in the AM and explain it to them, and to have a new one ready for me, that I'd give them the incorrect one tomorrow.

Well, the annoyance ended up continuing from here with this office manager telling her that she's taking too much medicine and that she's not due for a refill. Basically she keeps getting the run around and attitude from this office manager who preceeded to tell Kelly that she (Kelly) has been rude the them (WTF????) and that they may have to divorce themselves of her as a patient.

I can't believe that someone would say that. Anyone else in Kelly's position wouldn't have had half as much tact and politeness as our Kelly, yet this woman feels the need to treat her this way. I just don't get it. I worked for a vet hospital that treated their patients better! Sure, we had rude customers, but we ALWAYS bent over backwards to remedy any situation and make the customer happy, even if they were in the wrong. The thing is, Kelly is not in the wrong here, and she's been very kind during this whole ordeal. She NEEDS this pain medicine just to keep her pain under control and to stay out of the hospital. I don't understand why it's so hard for someone to work in the medical profession and deny a patient the very thing they need just to get by for one day! :mad:

Her pharmacist has also commented to Kelly that he's worked with this woman before and she indeed is not nice. However, he will not get involved with anything, such as writing an anonymous letter about her, because he deals with her too often.

Is there anything Kelly can do about her treatment by this horrible women? Is there a BBB for medical professions?
She likes the doctor, and he's necessary for her to keep her pain under control, but it seems like this woman is weaving a web of lies about Kelly and even threatening of dropping her as a patient.

Any advice would be most welcome! :(


12-18-2005, 02:13 PM
That is UNREAL!!! Talk about unprofessional! This manager really needs an attitude adjustment big time. Who is she to say that Kelly is over medicated? That's the doctor's call, certainly not an office manager's. If Kelly feels comfortable with her doctor, I would strongly suggest that he be told about that attitude queen running his office. If Ms. Attitude Queen has spoken this way to Kelly and a pharmacy, she most likely has done it to others. This type of behavior usually isn't limited to a single person. It would be interesting to know if anyone else has complained about her. From my own experience, I know how vital it is to have a doctor you're comfortable with when you have a chronic medical condition. Kelly, tell your doctor about what has happened and explain that you're afraid of future difficulties with Ms. Attitude Queen if she knows that you said something. You do NOT have to tolerate this type of treatment from ANYONE!!! Realize that there may well have been other complaints and yours might be the final straw. TELL YOUR DOCTOR!!!!!

12-18-2005, 02:25 PM
First of all Kelly I'm so sorry all this is happening to you. . You need to have the pharmacy contact the Doctor not the manager she has no medical training.(can only do as the doctor writes down. I don't know if the AMA would look in to this or not. But a letter afrom you and the phyarmicest couldn't hurt. (After you talk to the doctor about it, give him a chance to deal with her, inform him of what you will do if miss uppity pulls this again. It does reflect his med license. Next option is letter to editor of local news paper. Sometimes sweetie you have to go for the jugular. But heres for youhug

12-18-2005, 04:20 PM
I would make an appointment to see the doctor and speak to him about what transpired with the office manager. Mention the pharamacist even has problems with her.
He needs to deal with the office manager. There is no BBB for doctors but there is the AMA and a note to them might be inorder.

12-18-2005, 04:40 PM
I think this could have been relayed without the vulgar language!
I am sorry for Kelly's problems, but let's please be repectful here!


12-18-2005, 04:46 PM
I think this could have been relayed without the vulgar language!
I am sorry for Kelly's problems, but let's please be repectful here!


I'm sorry, but where is the vulgar language? :confused:
If you're referring to Kelly's LJ post, she was frustrated, and I can't blame her. She is suffering terribly at this moment, and has every right to say how she feels in her own journal. Granted, maybe I shouldn't have posted her entry, but I thought it did a better job describing what she is going through than I could have done...
I've seen a lot worse things posted on this board, and Kelly is needing some advice right now...

12-18-2005, 05:17 PM
Kelly is the sweetest, kindest person I know and she has had the most terrible time in her life, anyone would be at the end of their tether by now, I really feel so much for you Kelly and I wish there was something I could say or do to help you,NO-ONE should have to endure what you have, and your tolerance has been amazing, I would have lost the plot ages ago if it had been me.

HUGS sweetie, just know I am thinking of you and hoping life starts treating you better than it has in the past.

12-18-2005, 05:24 PM
Its a shame that Kelly has run into a Bully who likes to make life miserable for anyone that she comes into contact with.
These people have low self esteem,hate working and do a bad job.
They are Buck Passers par excellence and its a shame that this person has responsibility over people who are ill.
I was going to send Kelly something,does anyone have her New Address to Pm,to me?
We are praying for You Kelly,and Your Cats!

12-18-2005, 05:27 PM
Wolflady, please let Kelly know that she's in my thoughts and prayers. I was hoping to hear that she was feeling better. If I was her I would talk to the pain doctor and explain everything that's been going on. I sure hope that something will help relieve her pain so she can feel better and be able to live a normal and happy life. Please take care Kelly. (((HUGS)))

12-18-2005, 06:29 PM
I'm sorry, but where is the vulgar language? :confused:
If you're referring to Kelly's LJ post, she was frustrated, and I can't blame her. She is suffering terribly at this moment, and has every right to say how she feels in her own journal. Granted, maybe I shouldn't have posted her entry, but I thought it did a better job describing what she is going through than I could have done...
I've seen a lot worse things posted on this board, and Kelly is needing some advice right now...

Sadly that is the problem. Foul language is so prevalent these days .. most
don't even notice! :( I do also see that the complete "F" word has now been deleted!

12-18-2005, 06:40 PM
kim I think you have really missed the whole point of this thread entirely, whereas I am not comfortable with vulgar language either, sometimes you just have to overlook it and see it for what it really is, someone who is having a terrible, terrible time and is completely fustrated by it all and I think if I were in her shoes I would be using a few expletives myself.

12-18-2005, 07:04 PM
kim I think you have really missed the whole point of this thread entirely, whereas I am not comfortable with vulgar language either, sometimes you just have to overlook it and see it for what it really is, someone who is having a terrible, terrible time and is completely fustrated by it all and I think if I were in her shoes I would be using a few expletives myself.

Thank you Carole, that is indeed what this thread was about.

I went ahead and censored the entry for sensitive people, but I'm sad that this had to be brought up...afterall, this was from a private journal entry of someone who is suffering terribly and is frustrated with what is happening in her life. Again, I've seen worse things in other threads... :confused:

Please, could we all give Kelly some advice about her situation?

For everyone else who has requested, I've let Kelly know that we're all praying for her to find a solution for her pain. Catmandu, I'll PM you her address.


12-18-2005, 07:07 PM
Wolflady because i suffer from daily pain, I understand what pain can do to a person, a normal level-headed person can loose it so easily when you suffer continual ongoing pain, and believe me my situation does not even compare with what poor kelly is going through.

12-18-2005, 07:11 PM
Wolflady because i suffer from daily pain, I understand what pain can do to a person, a normal level-headed person can loose it so easily when you suffer continual ongoing pain, and believe me my situation does not even compare with what poor kelly is going through.

Bless your heart. I can't imagine what that must be like for you or Kelly. My sister is also suffering from daily pain of AVN and I see everyday how pain affects people's lives. :( It's so hard...


12-18-2005, 08:59 PM
I am so frustrated for Kelly also she doesn't deserve this at all.
I think she should talk to her pain doc at her next appt and definately tell him what his employees are doing.

12-18-2005, 09:04 PM
I wish I had some advice but I really don't know much about how these things work.

It just makes me angry that someone would treat Kelly this way. For those of you that know her from online know what a sweet person she really is, but when you meet her in person you know right away that she is just the kindest soul you've ever met. Despite all her pain she smiles and laughs and makes everyone feel good.

I don't think it's right that people take out their own issues on nice people because they think they can get away with it. Hopefully something happens so this lady can learn that treating others that way is just plain wrong.

Daisy and Delilah
12-18-2005, 10:57 PM
Kelly, I can't tell you how heart broken I am to hear this news. You've been through so much. Incompetence of doctor's staff members seems to be a common problem these days. I see it alot. The doctors seem to be okay but some employees don't have a clue. You have alot of pain so you need your meds. Someone like this that's building a false case against you would be horrible. In your case you simply can't afford to be without meds for any reason. Please try to make an appoinment with your doctor right away so this problem can be resolved. Be forceful if you have to. Be prepared to be very tough. Surely the doctor will understand the problem and clear it up quickly. If the doctor doesn't understand then find another doctor that will listen and understand your viewpoint. I wish you all the best Kelly. Please keep us updated. Thanks wolflady for posting this. (((((((GIANT HUGS))))))

12-18-2005, 11:06 PM
There is no BBB for doctors but there is the AMA and a note to them might be inorder. In California there IS the Board of Medical Quality Assurance (BMQA). I believe they are in Sacramento .... I'll Google it for you. I used to work in a medical malpractice law firm, and BMQA is where all medical based lawsuits have to start - with a claim to them.

Being a cancer survivor I can only commiserate as there are some real incompetents working in a profession that's dealing with human beings in pain and some of them are not the most, er, um talented? tactful? skilled? Heck, all of the above. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Here ya go: http://www.medbd.ca.gov/

12-18-2005, 11:16 PM
No one deserves to be treated this way, least of all our dear Kelly. Sis, I'm so sorry that you did not get the respect you deserve. I don't know anything about the laws in the States, but it sounds like you've been given some good advice here.

Big {{{hugs}}} and mega prayers coming your way.

12-18-2005, 11:42 PM
oh no. :( please tell Kelly she will be held close in my thoughts and prayers. She has been through so much and she doesn't deserve this crap. :( ((((Kelly))))

12-19-2005, 01:51 AM
Karen, thanks so much for posting this about Kelly. I haven't had much Pet Talk time so I almost missed it.

Our poor dear Kelly. I would certainly go right by the office manager and tell the Dr. what she is saying to her. The Office Manager isn't the DOCTOR and should not be making any comments of any kind about Kelly's prescription needs.

If the DOCTOR thought Kelly was on too much medication then HE would be telling Kelly that - not this lovely lady.

I just wish for once that things could go RIGHT for Kelly. No one seems to understand that Crohn's is a horrible and painful disease.

Karen, when you talk to her, please tell her I send my love.

12-19-2005, 08:33 AM
What people are suggesting, to talk with the doctor, seems to be your only option regarding the office manager. I hope that makes a difference for you.

Regarding the pharmacy and the Fentyl. I can tell you that most pharmacies do not normally keep that drug in stock unless they have a large proportion of cancer patients. The drug has a very high street value and if you become known as keeping it on hand you are greatly increasing your chances of being robbed.

12-19-2005, 08:33 AM
The Found Cats have pooled thier allowances and have authorized me to send Kelly a small parcel with a Few Cat Toys,and a note for Kelly.
I know that its not much,and wont get there before PetMas,but I hope that it makes her feel better.
I hope that Kelly can get this Oaf straightened out,and have no problem getting the medicine that she needs.

Daisy and Delilah
12-19-2005, 08:56 AM
Bless you sweet Gary! What a wonderful man you are :)

12-19-2005, 09:44 AM
Kelly, I pray that you will find a healthcare provider that will better manage and provide for your pain and suffering.


12-19-2005, 11:38 AM
In California there IS the Board of Medical Quality Assurance (BMQA). I believe they are in Sacramento .... I'll Google it for you. I used to work in a medical malpractice law firm, and BMQA is where all medical based lawsuits have to start - with a claim to them.

Being a cancer survivor I can only commiserate as there are some real incompetents working in a profession that's dealing with human beings in pain and some of them are not the most, er, um talented? tactful? skilled? Heck, all of the above. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Here ya go: http://www.medbd.ca.gov/

Wow, thanks for posting this RedHedd, and thanks also to everyone here who have voiced their support and advice. I agree, I think Kelly needs to speak directly with the doctor about her treatment by the office manager, and if that doesn't yield results, then perhaps contacting the BMQA would be the next step.

I did speak with Kelly yesterday (to read her the responses here), and she sounded better than she had when she requested me to post her story and ask for advice here on PT. I just love her, and hope things turn around real soon for her.

Gary, I know your parcel will cheer Kelly up ;)


12-19-2005, 12:14 PM
OK, this suggestion may take more patience (no pun intended) then you feel ready to give right now Kelly BUT, perhaps you could suggest to your doctor that you, he and the Queen B meet together. You could ask if perhaps she needs a better understanding of Crohn's and the physical and mental distress it can cause. If your doctor (and maybe Ms Attitutde) believe you are trying to work together it would probably strengthen your case that if problems with her continue - it's definately HER that has the attitude problem, not you. I'm sending love and wishes for better days for you.

12-19-2005, 01:28 PM
This is so very frustrating to read about - very sad that Kelly has to endure this...here are my thoughts and advice.

I am a RN and recall the things we deal with as health care providers.....we all know that there are drug abusers and seekers and we have to be aware of this and the potential for these patients to become addicted by some medications. It is hard to know what is right. Fentanyl patches provide continual doses of pain medication for severe pain and are often used as a last resort for patients who are terminal (such as cancer patients in their end stages) But, since the doctor is a Pain specialist, he likely prescribes them for a variety of patients. Crohn's is probably one of these instances.

I am also a Migraine sufferer. Something I have learned from my migraine forum is that pain specialists (such as the Diamond Clinic) aim to use continual pain medications sparingly and try to give the least possible amount of pain medication and apply other forms of pain control. That is...a Pain Specialist does not necessarily use addictive medications more that other specialists. Nevertheless, it is up to the doctor to determine what his patient needs - not his nurses or office staff!

My Neurologist aims to prevent pain first and foremost but sometimes I need narcotics to abort the migraines. Most of my past Neurologists gave me a small quantity of narcotics to use only when I need them......but I have encountered Neurologists over the years who feel that narcotics should only be administered in the ER. I absolutely dread having to ask for refills, wait until I am in severe pain and to the point where I feel as I am groveling and begging as a real drug seeker will do.....when I tend to be extremely cautious about using my pain meds.

The entry in Kelly's LJ about going two days with NO patch suggests that she is not just trying to stay medicated. She has a painful disease and often NEEDS pain control just to live her life and go to work each day. A woman on the office staff is not qualified to suggest that Kelly is "using too much medication!" The problem is not that Kelly does not work well because she is taking pain medication, she misses work when the pain is too disabling. So taking the medications she needs allows her to function better and be able to go to work, right? The doctor's office wrote the prescription....so it appears that they knew she needed it. It is not Kelly's fault that the prescription was not written correctly!!

I HATE the way medical personnel can sometimes make me as a patient. I am reminded of my days working in a hospital and knowing that I also was taught to be very careful of "drug seekers". I may well have been one of those providers who caused a patient in severe pain to feel the way I now feel :( I hope not.... as a nurse I wanted to make my patients comfortable and tried to serve as an advocate for them. Now that I deal with doctors with myself as the patient - I have a better attitude. My best Neurologists have been one who had a wife with migraine, and my most recent provider is a migraine sufferer as well.

What I have tried to record are my feelings and observations from both sides....that said, I also feel that this office manager sounds out of line. An office manager is an adminstrative person correct??? What she has given Kelly is MEDICAL advice and this certainly sounds out of line. Kelly is obviously reacting as a person in pain and frustration and I feel that the doctor should be made aware of this behavior of his staff. Reading that the pharmacist also encountered uppity behavior from her is also disturbing.

I would suggest that Kelly schedule a meeting with this doctor and bring someone with her to be there as she explains the problem with the office manager. I really feel that he needs to know and having a second person present will help Kelly to feel less vulnerable, etc.

It is possible also that the doctor LIKES having this "guard dog" in his front office. If he does not seem to understand the way Kelly has been made to feel, then I would suggest finding a more understanding doctor. The danger in this, however, is that changing doctors also reflects on the patient and raises warnings about drug seeking behavior. I hope that talking to the doctor about his office manager will be helpful. It would be terrific if the pharmacist would support her but since he has to deal with this woman often, he may prefer to stay uninvolved :(

((((HUGS))))) to Kelly....I am so, so sorry that you are having to deal with people like this. Being in pain is frustrating enough and I can only imagine how disheartened she must feel :(

12-19-2005, 01:45 PM
Wow, sirrahbed, great post! You really hit the nail on the head here. I agree, a meeting with the doctor is just what needs to be done. I'm sure you're mom, or even Gini would be happy to go with you for support. These people have to be made to understand what is going on with this office manager and the fact that you need this medication just to live on any given day without pain.


12-19-2005, 01:52 PM
There have to be some offices out there with nice staff. The staff is important too.

I suspect the office manager is oh too familiar with folks who take too many medications (pain killers) and has put Kelly in that category, thus the attitude.

Not knowing all the details.....as far as Kelly's relationship with her doctor, I would think Kelly would talk to the doctor, avoiding the staff altogether. I didn't know staff could order medications without having a doctor sign off on them.........maybe I am living under a rock.

Medications are regulated to a huge degree (and yet people get around it all the time) and the pharmacy can get their license revoked for giving out meds that are not properly ordered.

Kelly should go back to her Doctor for advice. I don't think we can help her here.

12-19-2005, 02:07 PM
I keep thinking about Kelly and her stuation and have a few more thoughts...

Reading about the way Kelly felt before she realized she had been without her patch sounds so much like withdrawal. This feeling is something I have gone through myself and it is just terrible! I think it is probably the worst feeling I have ever had...worse than migraine, worse than childbirth...hard to describe! Withdrawal syndrome can also be very dangerous and may cause such things as seizures. I learned this my deciding to quit taking a medication I was on for the anxiety of PTSD. I landed in the ER with seizures :(

If Kelly does not have the medication she needs for pain or if the doctor feels she is indeed on too much medication....then he is also obligated to give her the support and medical care she needs to safely wean down from her pain control. That office manager could well be the cause of any reaction that Kelly faces as a result of not having her medication. It really bothers me to read about this. Oh how I hope she is able to be treated better and that this office manager will be properly dealt with. If Kelly DID have an adverse reaction to suddenly being denied pain medication - that woman could cause plenty of grief for the doctor. Surely he will realize this!!

smokey the elder
12-19-2005, 03:04 PM
I'm so sorry that Kelly is going through such a difficulty. There is a stigma attached to those in pain in this country that is little short of barbaric. :(

12-19-2005, 06:04 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Kelly is going through such a terrible time with that witch. I hope she is able to talk to her doctor about it and get this situation settled once and for all.

Wolflady, here is a copy of a PM that I sent Kelly about 3 weeks ago that maybe you could relay to her since she doesn't have too much use of a computer.

Hi Kelly:

I just finished reading your thread, "I Miss You All" and reading something in my Woman's World today made me think of you. I wanted to send it here in case you missed it in the thread if I put it in there.
Her it is;
Looking for an understanding doctor?
Log on to www.aapainmanage.org to find a member of The American Academy of Pain Management, physicians devoted to treating pain.

I thought this might help you in case you needed to look elsewhere.

Take care

I know that Kelly likes her doctor, but thought she could keep this link in her file, for further use.

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way for our darling Kelly.

12-19-2005, 06:27 PM
First, thanks so much for your advice, love and concern for me! (((((((((hugs))))))))

Second, I need to apoligize for my LJ entry. That anger is stemmed from YEARS (approx 10) of stuff like this. That was written as soon as I got home from my pharmacies...I hope you understand the state I was in when I wrote it. I don't usually speak like that about anyone.

You've given me AMAZING ideas, thank you soooo much!!!

Friday night, I was driving home (to mom's house - still living at CiCi's) and kind of praying to God. I was proud of how I sort of kept my center calmed, while I was going to battle with the reeptionist and office manager (not medically trained, btw). I realized that when my Cedars specialist wrote me pain meds to get me until I found a pain doc, I had some partials left over. I called them and asked them to fill them - just to get me through the weekend. When mom and I went to get it, I had 70 pills ready to pick up.

I survived the weekend. :)

Today, I called my pharmacy to try and fill it again, today was the absolute due date if I took the minimum amount. He told me my doc's office had called early that morning to fill it for me. Hmmm....sounds WAY different than the attitude (and quite honestly, screaming match) I'd gotten Friday. :rolleyes:

I saw there was a message on my cell phone, but I had to work, so I checked it on the way home. It was the office manager. Telling me she talked to my doc, gave him my file and called in the rx. She asked that I called her.

I returned the call. Receptionist was nice and rude, so I wondered if I was going to be divorced from the office. Yea, not so. She was SUPER nice, told me she spoke with the doc, that I'm not a usual patient for them - thus my prescriptions aren't usual. Uh huh, struck me as odd...anyway, long story short, we're starting again and like Auntie Laurie suggested ((((hugs))) when I come in on the 27th, we're going to all talk and make sure she fully understands my prescriptions.

She asked if we could start anew because, "I'm not hard to get a long with and I'm quite sure either are you..." So I agreed and told her to have a nice holiday.

I will be telling my doc all about what happened. Debbie, you are RIGHT ON about I'm sure what he spoke with her about. Not weaning me was a HUGE no no. I told her that when she refused to fill the RX. I said, "So you'd rather a call at 3:00 a.m.?" Guess what she said?? "They wouldn't be calling ME!!" (ie: they'd call the doc...)

Anyway, I must get going. I'm helping mom bake tonight and I need to get CiCi and Phil to the tire store (got a flat) before 5:30. I'll check in tomorrow night, OK???

Hugs and LOVE,
Kelly :)

12-19-2005, 06:39 PM
Kelly, I'm so glad to hear that things went much more smoothly today!


12-19-2005, 07:00 PM
It sure sounds like once your file got in the doctors hands things became clear to him that you were in need and that maybe some miscommunications from his office occurred. Glad the office manager realized she wasnt the most professional person in the office. It's good that you all will sit down and chat that way noone misunderstands.

Daisy and Delilah
12-19-2005, 10:34 PM
Thank goodness things are going better Kelly. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers always sweetie! Take care. (((((HUGS))))) :)

12-19-2005, 10:47 PM
MMM, Kelly, that is indeed good news - your prescription filled - everyone seeming to calm down.............BUT, I would still have your say when you meet the Dr.

He has a problem in his office that must be dealt with. The woman has some issues that are harmful to her bosses patients.

But I am glad that you are feeling better now.

You know that you have my support and love.

xxoo Gini

12-19-2005, 10:58 PM
Do you think the nice phyrmists had some hand in the change of adittude ? Maybe they called and made her give the phone to the doc?

12-20-2005, 12:51 AM
Kelly, thanks for the update. I'm glad things are looking up. :)

12-20-2005, 12:51 PM
MMM, Kelly, that is indeed good news - your prescription filled - everyone seeming to calm down.............BUT, I would still have your say when you meet the Dr.

He has a problem in his office that must be dealt with. The woman has some issues that are harmful to her bosses patients.

But I am glad that you are feeling better now.

You know that you have my support and love.

xxoo Gini

I agree.

I'm glad that all of you will be sitting down and having a chat next time you're in there, but I'm also glad that things have taken a positive turn. Thanks for updating all of us! :D

Lots of love,

12-20-2005, 10:00 PM
Hey guys!! :)

Thanks again for your advice...it really, really helped me a lot.

Now I have more time to tell you all that happened. At least, what I think happened.

I think that Monday, Penny (not so sweet office manager) went to my doc and wanted to complain about me. When he heard what she did and told me, I'm SURE he freaked out on her. Like Debbie said, he is under professional and moral obligation to wean me off...otherwise he's liable for anything that could have happened to me.

She was telling me on the phone Friday that my DOCTOR was the one refusing the refill and that HE said I was taking too much medication. I knew that was wrong...if I was taking too much, he'd have changed my prescription the last time she freaked out on me (this was the 3rd time, but she never refused it before, just "had to call me back" after she remembered how to count! :rolleyes: ).

She said a few things that didn't jive with the situation. That thing about me taking "too much" was crap. My last visit he prescribed me hydromorphone - medication stronger than morphine - so that I'd avoid so many ER visits. Somehow I don't think he'd have a problem with me taking the max amount of my rx HE PRESCRIBED. I wasn't taking MORE than prescribed, just the maximum per day. Got all that? ;)

Friday, she also said, "And I'm SURE your not waking up at 3:00 a.m. to take these!" I said, "really? Have you lived with me?? Are you aware that I DO wake up to take my meds? That if I don't, I wake up with uncontrollable pain???"

Monday, she told me that "Your prescription is different. Normally, he prescribes medication 'po'". PO means "by mouth". Not even sure what the heck she was even trying to say. The medication in question...all meds prescribed by him actually, besides the patch...are by mouth. Can you tell she has no idea??

There were just lots of little things like that I've noticed that make me certain the following is happening:

While working at the vet (1 1/2 years), 2 doctors offices (approx 1 year) and now a hospital (3 months), I've learned that the doctors rarely see faxed refill requests from pharmacies. Staff is told to check the patient's file to make sure they are due for it, OK it and fax it back. That's it. No medical training...especially a degree needed! Illegal? Probably! Kind of scary, huh?

On Dec 27, I'm telling my doctor EVERYTHING. He needs to know whats going on. I'm not an idiot and as you all know, I'm ambitious as heck. I'm not going to do ANYTHING to my body to hurt it. I keep track of what I take and when...and why. I rate my pain many times a day, eat well, take my maintainence meds, etc. I called that office on Dec 12 to make an appointment ASAP because my pain has gotten MUCH worse. I told them I was having to take more medication - though NOT going over the maximum amount on my prescription. They should have A: TOLD MY DOCTOR!!! (how hard it that? Seriously?? I ASKED them to let him know that!! and B: have taken that into consideration on Friday like I asked her to.

I'll be telling him about the pharmacist as well. He can call the pharmacist, I'm sure if my doc calls, he'll be honest. Especially if he comes accross and wanting to know about his staff.

My mom is also coming to my appointment that day. ;) Yea, my mom...she wonderful, but screw with her kid and WATCH OUT. ;)

Anyway, I hope that answered your questions. Oh!! Forgot. Here's a quick recap of what happened Friday:

Thursday Night approx 5:30 p.m. - called pharmacy and asked them to fax a refill request to my pain doc's office

Friday, 11:15 a.m. - called pharmacy to see if they'd gotten a response. No.

11:20 a.m. - called pain doc's office. Asked receptionist if they'd gotten my request. Recept said yes, that Penny was faxing them all back. (READ: If I was calling, wouldn't the average person ASSUME that I would WANT my refill???)

11:25 a.m. - called the pharmacy to let them know doc's office was faxing request in a few minutes

1:00 p.m. - called pharmacy to see if they recieved approved request from doc's office. No

1:05 p.m. - called doc's office. At lunch.

2:10 p.m. - called doc's office again. Was RUDELY told that yes, they were faxed...and that my request was denied. When I asked why, recept said I was too early. I told her that I was not, that the pharmacy and my INSURANCE wouldn't allow a refill if it was too early. She said that wasn't her problem - and that Penny (office mgr) had already gone home for the weekend. That I could call back MONDAY!! I asked her, "What am I supposed to do without meds for the weekend?" She didn't care and said that I had to call back Monday. I asked to have Dr. call me back. She told me that he was in surgery in Thousand Oaks and she wasn't going to bother him. I said, "Thanks so much for all your help" and hung up.

Hung up, cried. Co-worker Ray and Supervisor Theresa told me to call back and demand to talk to the doctor.

2:20 p.m. Called back doc's office. I wasn't mean, I was to the point and was MAD. She was even ruder!! I said, "I need you to get a message to Dr. xxx to call me as soon as he has a free moment." She told me "I already told you he was in surgery and I'm NOT going to disturb him." I softened my voice a tiny bit...maybe got a bit like I was talking to a 2-year-old and said, "You don't have to disturb him. You can call to the surgicenter and tell them to leave him a message to call me, that it is VERY important. That it can wait until he had a free moment to spare, didn't matter what time, when he was done."

At this point, I kind of forget what she said back, but it was really, really rude. I lost it. I said, "Look, its not my fault if that girl cannot *(only bad word uttered)* count! I don't know what I did to make you all hate me and be mean to me. I baked you guys Christmas cookies, I brought you a Christmas card, I'm nice to you, I say please and thank you! What is it, what did I do that was so horrible to you??" Apparently my little slip up made her mad. She started telling me that she was going to tell on me to my doc, that he wouldn't want people like me as a patient anymore! That me making them cookies had NOTHING to do with what we were talking about. I said, "apperently not....you don't seem to care about what I need or how to help anyone!"

She refused to give my message to my doctor. Told me she'd have Penny call me. I again, told her "thanks for your help" - not in a nice manner, of course. :o

2:30 p.m. - I called my pharmacist to make sure I wasn't counting wrong, that I was actually DUE for my refill. He did the math, ran the insurance and said I WAS due for it. I told him my situation and he recommended calling my doc's office number Saturday (when he'd be on call) and telling him I needed meds. It was then (I called Penny a B**CH at that point and then said I was sorry, I was so mad.) that he told me he was having a hard time with her as well. Told me she had faxed him TWICE that day regarding my refill request with HUGE "NO!!!!!" all over the page. He also said she was very, very rude when she called about my patch rx on Tuesday. Can we say unprofessional?

2:40 p.m. - I get my call from Penny. She is equally as "nice" and tells me she doesn't appreciate me being rude to her recept and saying she doesn't "*bad word* know how to count". I was actually nice to the recept because I knew she couldn't do anything...outside of actually giving my message to the doctor. It went on from there...her telling me I took too many meds....that my DOCTOR is the one who is denying me, not her. (YEA RIGHT!!!) Making me feel bad because I had to postphone my procedure because I couldn't afford it. Ect. ect. ect. It was also during this call that she said that I should go to another doctor!

OK....so I think I've shared it all...

Thanks again for your advice, guys. It really helped me.

I'll be sure and let you know how everything goes on the 27th.


Laura's Babies
12-21-2005, 04:20 AM
I discovered some time back that the medical field can't see pain, it don't show up in your blood on on a X-ray, it don't discolor like a bruise so since it can't be seen, some doctors act like it isn't there. I also learned that it does take more pain killers for some than it does for others to get the same results.

Unfortuanlly, those who use it for fun only make the ones who need it pay the price and when you ask a doctor for it, they think you just want a "high".
Right after my ordeal, they had it on TV that people who are really in pain, do NOT get addicted to pain medication. How come they have stuff like this on TV and not inform the doctors?

I hate that she has to be going through this. In todays world, a person should not have to suffer like that or have to go through all that mess to get something to make her life bearable and pain free. That really stinks!

I would be back at that doctors having a talk with him and getting some things streight and seeing if he is doing that or that girl at the desk is. If she is doing that, he needs to know and if he does not believe she is in that pain, she needs another doctor!

12-21-2005, 10:41 AM
Kelly this all sounds very much like an incident I had with my new shrink's staff. They failed 3 different times to properly get my brand new medications for Bi-Polar II called in (refilled) , so I finally got angry and treated her like a child as well. Instead of my doctor being professional and attempting to hear MY side of the story, he dumped me. My husband had to call his office back to get them to SAFELY wean me off of these new "mind" drugs that they started me on! If a psychiatrist's office that deals with people with mood disorders and such EVERYDAY, can't understand why a patient might get irritated after having their refill postponed and screwed up for 3 days in a row, can't handle the patient, then what good are they? Again, I think this whole situation was unethical, and down right dangerous, just as yours sounds! :mad:
