View Full Version : Your CAT

12-17-2005, 03:28 PM
What characteristics does your cat/cats possess?

I have two kittens and their brains are hot wired for food! I free feed them cat food, but they never really touch it, ALWAYS fighting us for what we're eating HUMAN FOOD. It's so funny!

What about your cats? What are they like?


12-17-2005, 03:48 PM

Gemini a shy lil kitty :)

Miss Z
12-17-2005, 03:52 PM
Zsa-Zsa really believes she is the queen. If anything is against her liking then she glares and trys to destroy that something. She also loves to dine on expensive cat foods accompanied with crabsticks! She believes herself superior to all other cats, you should see the way she walks, it's a very sophisticated strut! We sometimes call her 'Queen Victoria' due to her 'we are not amused' expressions and portly figure! But we love her to bits:D

12-17-2005, 06:07 PM
The Found Cats are very laid back,and nonchalent about most things.
Even Scrappy 2 who can be fairly agressive around her bowl,has calmed down a lot,now that she realizes that there will always be food available.
They dont even mind if a Porchie comes in,and eats thier food.
They are Very Nice Cats indeed.

12-18-2005, 09:41 AM
My felix has split personalities :o

sometimes he is lazy,sometimes he is hyper
sometimes he is nice,sometimes he is naughty
sometimes he talks very loud,sometimes he purrs softly

Because of his personalities he is truley loved by us all :D

12-18-2005, 02:52 PM
Like most (if not all) other cats, Groucho lets us live in the house. Every morning without fail, Groucho stays in the bathroom with me as I get ready for work or church. He has a lot to say in the morning. It seems that as soon as I start using the curling iron, Groucho decides it's snuggle time. He comes up on the sink and puts his paws on my shoulder with that look on his face that all of us cat lovers know so well. How can I not pick him up and hug him? Sometimes he stays a few seconds but always when I'm running late he won't get down for several minutes or more. Truth is I love our morning huggie routine and really look forward to it.

12-18-2005, 03:46 PM
Bastet Protect-O-Cat Deluxe Model makes sure every room is clear before I walk into it. She also likes to defend my honour by "killing" plastic mousies, feather ticklers (cat toy here ) and balls.

Zaicha (new kitty) - Protect-O-Cat Security Model wants to make sure we are safe with what we eat. She tastes everything. She also is an expert at territorial patrol and dog deterer.

12-18-2005, 05:55 PM
Babe, She is our Guard Cat...She does not trust any new faces and protects her mommy from them. But with her mom she is an angel!

Meu-Meu (kitten) She is crazy! Shes everwhere running and playin with Camen and loves everyone!