View Full Version : How Do They Know????

Edwina's Secretary
04-04-2002, 09:31 AM
We are going on vacation soon and obviously Edwina has figured it out. I've not pulled out a suitcase yet so all I can assume is she saw the tickets. The last couple of days she has been SUPER lovey. Purring (something she doesn't do often) lap sitting, following me from room to room, STARING at me, cuddling, and doing silly things then giving me the "aren't I cute?" look.

She does "guilt" better than my mother but how does she know????

04-04-2002, 09:40 AM
Amazing. My four dogs somehow know I'm going to the TX roundup next week. As with you, no suitcase out or anything. They are on me like glue...guiltguiltguilt. It's only for a long weekend and my son will be here but they just know and know they don't like it When I was in Boston for a conference in Feb. the mom dog and one of the "kids" wouldn't eat until I returned. arggggh!! Laurie

04-04-2002, 09:40 AM
There just has to be something in our actions that tells them something is up!

I know that even if I am going out for the evening Rascal looks at me with that....


04-04-2002, 10:11 AM
Awwwwwe how sweet!! where are ya going??? My dog (she passed on when she was 24) always always knew when we were leaving. I never knew how she did it!! Always amazed me....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-04-2002, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
She does "guilt" better than my mother but how does she know????

I don't know how they know either, but we get the same thing, and boy do they know how to do the guilt thing. I'm more immune to it, but Terry falls for it big time - everytime. :rolleyes:

Peanut will always get us because as we're leaving out the front door, she'll sit there and watch us go with this "poor little kitty" expression on her face. But she's right, how could we leave a face like that? :D

04-04-2002, 01:19 PM
I've read that animals can read people's minds. Maybe it's true??
:confused: :eek: :)

04-04-2002, 02:03 PM
I think cats have an extra sense !!!
Sydney also always knows it , whenever we are planning to go out !! He posts in front of the door to the garage and puts that face on ................:rolleyes:
Believe it or not ; but a few weeks ago I've booked his stay at the cat-hotel this summer (we go to France for two weeks ) ; as I came home , he sat there and kept staring at me .... I left the invoice on the table to show it to my husband ; two minutes later , Sydney sat on the table and spent at least 5 minutes to sniffle at that piece of paper ...... Strange !!:confused: :confused:

04-04-2002, 02:26 PM
When I was a teenager we had a Scotty - called Missy. She knew when bath water was being drawn for her. You could run the water and then walk into the kitchen, look in her bed and she would be hiding her head. She could sense it. She also knew when she was in the car, that she was going to the Vet - and she rode all the time....but she could sense something. I think its called VIBES!