View Full Version : Baking cookies with your cat

12-16-2005, 12:57 PM
Baking Christmas cookies with your cat

1. Look in cookbook for cookie recipe.

2. Get yourself a cup of coffee.

3. Get the cat off of the cookbook.

4. Find that special recipe.

5. Get the cat's nose out of your coffee mug.

6. Go to fridge and get eggs.

7. Get dry ingredients from cupboard.

8. Break eggs into small bowl.

9. Sift dry ingredients into large bowl.

10. Answer the phone

11. Discover the cat ate the eggs; get more from fridge.

12. Get cat out of flour bowl and dust cat off.

13. Get Band-Aids for scratches on hands.

14. Throw out flour. Sift dry ingredients into large bowl...again.

15. Preheat oven for cookies.

16. Consider (briefly) baking egg and flour coated cat. (Cat runs for cover into bathroom.)

17. Flour the counter to roll out the cookie dough.

18. Hear a big crash in bathroom; run to see what's happening.

19. Discover disgruntled cat has unrolled TP all over floor.

20 Yell at cat. (Startled, cat leaps and falls into toilet bowl.)

21. Sense cat is angry, and your laughter is not helping.

22. Nevertheless, boldly attempt to towel-dry dear little kitty.

23. Repeat step 13.

24. Re-roll TP and clean up the bathroom.

25. Hear a thump in the kitchen (Oh Golly ... now what?)

26. Remove wet cat from floured counter.

27. Try to pick cat hairs out of the flour.

28. Step on cat's tail and get bitten on ankle.

29. Get wallet, coat and car keys, and go to the store to buy cookies!!! (and cat treats)

12-16-2005, 01:12 PM
LOL! Fortunately, Cuocake's affinity is not for baking goods but salads. 0_o Go figure. I can bake cookies but unattended lettuce is fair game!

12-16-2005, 01:47 PM
NOW we know why I no longer do Christmas baking!!! :eek: :p

12-16-2005, 02:20 PM
HAHAHAHa.......Having a lil kitten hear sure makes that tell the truth!

12-16-2005, 02:30 PM
That's so cute! :) Our babies are so silly.

12-16-2005, 04:34 PM
Thank God,I am not a cook,as I can eliminate all those Other Steps.
And I can only have the digestive Cookies and the Cats dont like those at all.

12-17-2005, 03:59 AM
LOL! Fortunately, Cuocake's affinity is not for baking goods but salads. 0_o Go figure. I can bake cookies but unattended lettuce is fair game!

That's funny! I don't think mine ever try to eat my salads. (but that's probably the only think they don't try to eat!) My girl, Eepie, is a cheese-eater. She loves cheese dip the best but if it's cheesy, she'll eat it - just like her meowmy!

12-17-2005, 04:09 AM
They forgot the first vital step: Wipe down kitchen counters to get rid of cat hair!

12-17-2005, 04:18 PM
hehe - that's so true.

Do you think that the countless cat hairs we all consume during the course of a year have any health properties, like fibre/protein/vitamins??? :eek: :D

12-25-2005, 08:40 AM
hehe - that's so true.

Do you think that the countless cat hairs we all consume during the course of a year have any health properties, like fibre/protein/vitamins??? :eek: :D

I wouldn't know about that but I am coughing up furballs lately... ;)

01-26-2006, 05:17 PM
:D I am still laughing over this one..

02-09-2006, 04:48 PM
:D "wittle bump"

02-21-2006, 12:37 PM
:) This is my all time favorite & I am still laughing!!!!