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12-15-2005, 10:38 PM
hiyas my friends..

wow! I've not had time posting! not even lurking...I miss you all! :eek: :( I've been so busy packing, getting rid of/giving things away, being sick with terrible fevers & horrid migarines (still a little) :rolleyes: and prepare emergencies for my furkids and me. :D sorry, I know some of you are waiting for my responses - but I'll be back soon!

anyway, I'm sooo excited!! around in the morning I'm going to move out of california . . .it's all set and I can't wait until I hop into my car, leave and driiive across the america! it'll be one another enrich adventure for me. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif I'll be going to a snooowy city in new york, I have a family I will be staying there with - yay!! I thought I'd let you all know.. ohhh I can not wait! I hope to be there on the or before 21st or so..(5-6 days driving).

here is my route..
http://imgs.maps.yahoo.com/overviewmap?OVMAPDATA=5kIlq.R32XWKXI.QrqslcAcfObMV DQWtUOvQyK615eA.WVYtE95cNzYvTsaMgFb3lFP56i6zWOx4N. kdIkH.tdo2vJpSO1D9luC2e7LRnQw29kv7xOweXJoZTZRk&ORG=nCvndfMmhn0HgiOVfuPdU65coBv2Jau2jShALgrroYjejx Ncp8UgWChY.tLjV.Cxyt8A4pEHNJDrOP96xqoPW1ZwWG_zUWiA twRAoylcB_hD1wedeCU.4e1UURDV5Q--
looks beautiful!

I'm still a little bit sick with a worst cold, it has been snowing around in northerneast, snowstorms etc., :eek: I hope we all each will make it in one piece! :o well, I've asked furrykidsmother to keep you all updated (or Karen if I couldn't reach her) for me - we never know if my sidekick (pager) works all way through nine states - I'll only be able to send/recieve emails in times.. she'll recieve my progresses & update you of where I am and all. hopefully some pictures too -

ahh obviously too exciting to sleep - I better go and recharge myself before hitting off the road! wish me good luck!! :D

from us! :)

12-15-2005, 10:50 PM
Good luck, drive carefully! Keep in touch when you can!

12-15-2005, 10:54 PM
Oh my cross country all by yourself. :eek: .you are so brave..Im gald we can go along with you..lol..that is the only traveling I do. :rolleyes: .and I will pray for a safe trip for you and an angel to watch over you..do get well soon sorry your still not well will put in a prayer for you there to..take care and have a good wonderful trip.. :)

12-15-2005, 10:55 PM
Wow! That's a BIG change. I hope things work out for you beautifully!

~~~ safe trip vibes ~~~

Which of your animals are you bringing with you? That will be very like an ark in motion!

12-15-2005, 11:06 PM
I 'm so glad you finally made the announcement I've almost spilled it a couple times. I know I'm not the only one thinking or saying Thank goodness your leaving the bad luck and times behind. I am sorry we were unable to meet on your way past here but you know my love and prayers go with you. You e-mail me or call me any time.
Good luck with your schooling and new life. Mommy Corinna

12-16-2005, 12:09 AM
Wow! That's a long drive! I envy you, though because you're going somewhere with snow. I wish you good luck and hope you get well. I wish T Mobile's service were better. Maybe they'll extend it soon. I'm still loving my Sidekick. Hope you have a safe trip.

12-16-2005, 01:53 AM
Good Luck and drive safely! I'll be waiting to hear from you so I can post updates! Hope this is a wonderful new start for you!

12-16-2005, 04:58 AM
Wow Gina, what a surprise! I hope you have a safe trip. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and will be at least a bit worried until I hear you have arrived. ;) You will probably be having a white Christmas this year! :D

12-16-2005, 07:25 AM
Oh Gina, that is wonderful!!! I know how excited I was when I packed my kits, car and drove off into the sunset heading back to my home state of Connecticut.

Hey, my daughter and I always do a NYC weekend in the spring. Perhaps you can meet up with us???? ;)

Have a wonderful, SAFE trip! Please keep in touch so we don't worry!!

Daisy and Delilah
12-16-2005, 07:42 AM
Gina, you have had such a hard time and I'm so excited to hear you're leaving the hard times behind and moving on. I wish you great fortune and I pray that your new life is nothing but the best. You deserve something good for a change sweetie. Please have a safe trip and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I can't wait to hear that you've made it to the East and all is well! :D {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

smokey the elder
12-16-2005, 08:21 AM
Good luck, and drive safely! Where are you going to school? I went to Rensselaer, in Troy. The winters and HILLS!!! :D

12-16-2005, 01:13 PM
:D :D but updating you first..

thanks guys! yes, I will drive carefully - hopefully the others will! just had my car fixed. . .grr. ;) yay, I can't believe I'm really leaving... been so wanting to do this for two years. and this will be my first white christmas as well. :D

I drove around a little & slowly to let cats settle down.. amazingly most of cats are purring and making happy feets! :eek: this is the first time all of (13) cats riding together, I'm impressed. :o crayola is comfortable, liking cats piling up on him! he already dozed off. :p my rat, buttons and goldfish, speckles & betta, spirit too! http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif my car is so small now. . . well worth it, 5-7 days of crowdy car to have them all with me forever! :D

smokey - heh. school, I got accepted at RIT & NYU - can't wait to start whichever there too.

thank you furrykidsmother! I'll update myself if I'm able to, if not, I need you so people won't worry. allright, I better start driving - miss you all.

bye everyone for now & take care! ((hugs)) :cool:

12-16-2005, 01:22 PM
We have plenty of white stuff out here, you should be quite happy. Probably have even more in NY then we do in NH!

Glad to hear that all is well with your Ark and that they are settling in nicely. WOW! I would be afraid to attempt it with my 4, but am glad yours are adjusting. I bet Crayola makes a terrific pillow!

Sure, I'll be sure to keep everyone updated if you can't, just stay in touch and let me know your progress.

Good luck and best wishes as you head towards your future! I, along with everyone here will be keeping good thoughts of you!

Take care of yourself and your Ark! (((Hugs))) to you too!

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-16-2005, 01:31 PM
GOOD LUCK GINA !!!! That is a mighty long drive. Will you sleep in hotels, or in car; cats are not always welcome :(
Hope to see you back on-line real soon!!!!!

12-16-2005, 02:36 PM
Good luck with your travels & move.

Are you moving to a city in upstate NY or in NY NY? I live just outside of Rochester NY. I'd love to have another PT'er next to me. ;)

12-16-2005, 10:32 PM
Good luck with the move, Gina! I was a student at RIT too, 14 years ago !!! I finished up in 1991, stayed in Rochester another year. I'm sure it's completely different from California! (But not so different from Minnesota, where I'm from.) Keep us posted on how everything went with the drive!

12-17-2005, 12:18 AM
hi!! :)

mommyof3cats, liked RIT? I got accepted at NYU but had hard time deciding which one.

lvdogs, upstate! I'd love to visit new york city too! one of my plans before my school starts in end of february. so I have about 2 months playing around and learn east. ;)

now, I'm at friend's in elko, nevada - just close to utah's west borderline.. all cozy! in bed, not even tired, wish I drive a bit more but it was 14 hours. my body needs to communicate with me better. . . :rolleyes:

I had a nice time visiting a friend in lovelock, nevada, a snack-dinner was nice but too short.. :( I took about 100 pictures already of my dear ark.. :eek: they all are enjoying the trip, especially getting their once-in-time treats. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

for now I'd wanna lurk/post a bit before I go bed. oh moosmom, it'd be fun. invite me!! :cool:

back soon when I leave again! ((((hugs too)))) :D

12-17-2005, 12:28 AM
Wow! What a huge change! You're so brave to make such a long trip and start a brand new life! I so admire you! I often think of doing the same thing but I'm a wimp. Daily prayers for a safe trip with the Ark. Stay well and happy. Good luck in school and enjoy the snow! I complain about it but love it all the same. God Speed, Sweetie! KIT.

12-17-2005, 12:43 AM
*chuckles* now that a few of you've mentioned I'm brave...makes me nervous! :o :p :D didn't realize I'm really crossing this country.. but think as of this, it'll be like you've been living in california, nevada, utah and so on..little by little.. next state to next, just a lo-o-ong one..all shall be well! :)

12-17-2005, 06:38 AM
Glad you are having such a nice time and making such good progress.

I tried to post the map, but the best I could do it put the link.

I am glad that you are able to post, but send me an e-mail if you aren't and I will update everyone for you.

Enjoy your trip! Thinking of you and wishing you the best!

12-17-2005, 09:22 AM
Keeping you and your ark in my thoughts and prayers Gina. Even told hubby about your trip and letting him know where you are each day. :D

12-17-2005, 10:45 AM
It sounds like your trip is going well so far. I can't imagine how your car looks with all those critters in it. What an adventure! I meant to tell you I'll hold off mailing your card until you get settled. Then you can give me the address. I hope you continue to be safe and look forward to reading your next update.

12-17-2005, 11:27 AM
aw thank you three, you all are sweet. :)

hmm coverage has been good all the way. on way to friend's, I was in middle in of nowhere! I didn't see anything except brown, brown mountains. hey, forgot to say last night - I saw a snow hill!! :D (in winnemucca, nevada) -

I'm so glad I decided to sleep over friend's.. or the fishes would have froze up! when I came back into the car to warm up, my water bottle frozen up .. :eek: I thought it'd be fun to sleep in car with critters all building up but now I don't think so.. :o

for today, I think I'm going to pass utah and try to stop by denver ZOO in colorado then... (??) I thought of wolf_q - I wanted to visit djfyrewolf in between california and nevada but haven't heard back from her. :( well, hope I can stop by or meet up with a few pet talkers on way! :D I wish I remember where everyone lives!

oh, one interesting thing, my completely black cat, peppers, she became a bit white before we left but now I look at her..wow! her part of head neck is really 'snowy' - have never seen that, especially at this late age. :confused: well had a picture taken, will post it when I get an access. and am thinking about change her name to midnight! (she just had her oral sugrery too and peppers reminds me that). :rolleyes:

well, back onto the road! too exciting to type more - talk soon, (((hugs))) http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

dukedogsmom - you will imagine once I post pictures. ;)

12-17-2005, 02:15 PM
Glad that your coverage is good and that you have been able to stay in touch.

Sounds like a good thing you decided to stay at a friends, I don't think fish would like to be in a really cold car overnight, plus it is better for you too if you can rest where it is warm in a comfortable bed. Still have a lot of driving to do and you need your rest.

Hope you get to see the Zoo and meet up with a few more Pet Talkers, that would make it really fun.

Well, looking forward to your next post.

Continue to be safe. Good thoughts still heading your way for you and all of your Ark!

12-17-2005, 03:13 PM
just stopped at rest area with102.1 fever. :( I got some chilled creamy green tea from starbucks, hope I'll feel better.

furrykidsmother, don't think I'll be cold at all! I have three comforters...plus the whole ark.. :cool: but afraid I'll lose speckles & spirit that way.

thanks everyone for thinking of me! I'm still looking at brown hills, (not out of nevada yet..) :rolleyes: and wondering where I'll end up! :)

12-17-2005, 03:49 PM
wow, crossing country during the winter time. I wish you have a very safe trip. If you feel tired, don't take any chance to try to drive extra mile. It looks like you are heading close to Canada - make sure to visit the Niagra Falls - the Canadian side is beautiful :)

12-17-2005, 08:18 PM
Got an e-mail from Gina. She is starting to see some snow and unfortunately saw a truck that didn't do so well, apparently it flipped over! She is doing well with her Ark and she is enjoying the snow, being from California it is enjoyable to her now! LOL!! I am originally from California, but not as young as her and I do not enjoy the white stuff anymore!

Anyway, keep safe Gina and your Ark! Be careful in the snow and know that we are all thinking of you!

12-17-2005, 10:41 PM
Yup, I also got an email from Gina - she said Crayola LOOOOOOOVES the snow! Made his first doggie snow angel, chased snowballs, etc. He'll do just fine in their final upstate NY destination! :)

They're in Wyoming for the night, and promise to check back in when they can. I am glad that while she SAW the truck tip over, she wasn't in the accident. Her luck's already improving, and I bet she'll drive more carefully having seen that.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-18-2005, 05:23 AM
Wow Gina, what a huge adventure!! You are very couragious for doing this, in the middle of the winter :eek: :D . Please be careful, other people can drive rather reckless on snow.... :rolleyes: !
Take care, dear friend!!!

12-18-2005, 11:34 AM
Just got an e-mail from Gina! She is on her way to the Denver Zoo it is open and I guess only about an hour away from the I-80 highway she is traveling. She said she will e-mail me and update Pet Talk after her visit at the zoo as long as she has coverage.

She is having a very snowy travel, but she seems to be enjoying it as is Crayola! Either she will update or I will when I hear more.

12-18-2005, 11:36 AM
I got an e-mail that her fever is down and gone. Drank lots of green tea. Just going in to the zoo.

12-18-2005, 05:15 PM
Haven't heard anything more from Gina since my last post, so I guess her pager may not have coverage.

Gina, I hope you enjoyed the Zoo and that all is well!

12-18-2005, 05:43 PM
thank you furry, karen & corinna - am glad to be back in coverage. :)

just got out of beautiful prisine snowy ZOO! wow, so f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g that I couldn't feel any part of my body..only my eyeballs - no kidda, gosh. :o but denver ZOO was wonderful & awesome! I have a few pictures for you. :D will tell more with pictures.

as well as of crayola playing in the snow, too! he loooveees it! he waits for me throwing the snowball and have it sploosh on his face, going into 'bowing' position with happy waaggging tail! :rolleyes: I'm so thrilled, he's too cute!

all is well & comfort here, cats are having fun seeing a new friend (who watched them for me while I was away) and got their treats for being good! ;) I'm amazed no one would attemp trying to run out of car, I'm proud of them. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

I should be get going back on I-80 before it gets dark and lost - see you in nebraska! :cool:

12-18-2005, 06:45 PM
Considered yourself invited! ;)

12-19-2005, 12:49 AM

heya, I'm in middle of nowhere, usa! (grand island) -just about half way finished .. it says the total, 2777 miles, split into two.. = 1388. I have about 1700 miles now but wouldn't count the last 200-300, didn't included denver ZOO. anyhoo, just about half way!

here, nebraska corns - my new best friend.. :rolleyes: :p I just got more catlitter, everyone did their jobs beautifully. :D oh, clayton tried to get out of car. :eek: just after I took him out to pose with me by nebraska welcome sign. :o I don't think I can tell difference between this sneaky snowy-fluffy & snow! :p

yay, I have so much pictures, can't wait to share denver shots - when I got there, I assumed there won't be much of animals out but, a lot were! except okapis, tapirs, & mishmis. :( most of africasava animals were there.

hmmm, what's in iowa.. illinois.. michigan.. ohio? maybe somewhere I should stop by and see?

sleepy head here, beddy time - next time you hear will be from the (lucky) iowa girl. :D

12-19-2005, 08:08 AM
You are having quite the adventure. So happy to hear you enjoyed the Zoo and that there were still many animals to see. Well, keep us updated and be careful! 1/2 way here, WOW! You are really doing well with your traveling. Hope you haven't hit any more big snowstorms!

Hope to hear more from you soon!

12-19-2005, 08:28 AM
Going through Ohio, if you are staying on I-80, you can hit the Christmas lights at the Toledo Zoo, Toft's dairy in Sandusky for some yummy ice cream, or the Rock n' Roll hall of fame in Cleveland. 80 is a toll road in Ohio though, and I think it is between $5 and $10 to cross the state on it.

12-19-2005, 10:15 AM
I only live about 15 miles from RIT. We'll have to get together sometime when your all settled in.
May you have a safe & fun filled trip! Good luck.

12-19-2005, 10:41 AM
They are several Amish colonies in Iowa . They are allowed home stores the one I went to was near Marshalltown The Ammana cloony. Great quilts and food!!!!!!! Strange thing was next to most of the out houses were, "Oh crap!" I can't remember the name all thets coming in my brain is rebounders. But it was funny to see this combinantion.
Later: trampoline (brain fart)

Anita Cholaine
12-19-2005, 10:42 AM
What an adventure... I really admire you for crossing the country by yourself. That was actually one of my childish dreams, to get a car and cross all my country... Please, drive carefully and keep us updated! I'll be sending some good thoughts for you...

12-19-2005, 03:36 PM
here's iowa girl.. :D today is really nice, all sunny since I left for denver yesterdat.

oh yeah amishes, that's in iowa.. well, didn't get this until passed newton, iowa (hence marshmalltown too - looks like I'll have to go on road #30, impossible to do that with my heeeaavy car, bike on back and toppings). I think there's more around in iowa city? I just stopped at living history farms in des moines, (urbandale specifically) interesting museum!

ice cream...yummy. I thought I-80/94 will be going through ohio, I was wrong. :( but I'll be sure to remember that for next time, thanks!! that will be for findlay park too, definitely.

oh yes lvdogs, we would have to! yeeaaw east-ers, a few neighpetalkbors! :D for me, I feel like I belong to here, east. . . more friends here. california isn't really nice to me.

anita, I say.. your dream, go for it! it's way easier than I thought! all you have to do is to make sure your car oil, tires, etc okay at every 3-4 gas stations. :)

most of all, thank you furrykidsmother for being there and very supportive! at first I was nervous but now getting close & closer, a really sunny day, I'm about to be there! (((hugs)))

I can't wait, I'm gonna go through detriot.. (I remember a pet talker lives there, who's it?) to london, ontario then from niagara falls, only an hour to rochester!! http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif majestic, looks like I'll check that one off my list too! yay. :cool:

just had my warm yummy sandwich for lunch, subway is everywhere! :o get goin, rolling back on, see you in illinois or michigan.

us, the happy ark :)

Anita Cholaine
12-19-2005, 03:46 PM
Glad to know about you...:) Seems like you're having a great time!

12-19-2005, 04:08 PM
Keep on rolling Gina! You'll be there in no time! :D

12-19-2005, 04:41 PM
Tubby and peanuts mom is in a repair shop in Illinios try her e-mail . the motor home is down for a couple days . you maybe could snuggle CJ.

12-19-2005, 06:21 PM
What an adventure you're having! I cannot wait to see all of the pics. I wish Duke could play in snow sometime before he leaves. I'll bet he would like it, too. I think it would be a lot of fun to travel across the states like you're doing. Sounds like great fun. Continue to stay safe and we'll look forward to hearing from you again.

12-19-2005, 10:45 PM
Just got a message from Gina shes hoping to stop in Ann arbor MI . Had close call with a stupid little car driver.

12-20-2005, 12:53 AM
and I've not seen edwina's secretary's heart.. :confused: ;)

thanks corinna, I've contacted tubby & peanut's mom. she couldn't meet up with me as they're heading home now. . .

duke doesn't like snow or is it his age?

I'm here in battle creek, michigan. (going sleep soon! it's almost 1AM in central time).. :eek: my ann harbor friend was too tired to meet up last night (monday) but we'll be having a lunch today noon.

I just drove up to chicago and back for two hours, got lost purposely..lol. wow, a lot of smokes around there and got to see sears tower, red and green lights! - well, venturing & loving it - I learn forever. :)

earlier today in end of nebraska, I passed sarpy lake, very pretty icy lake - you think you're in alaska! today was pretty quiet, except my ark's thrister.

geesh, this trip has went so fast. . . I've got about 300-400 miles/4-5 hours more to go! :D

*..yawns* ..good night. (or morning!)
..me & the chicago ark :cool:

12-20-2005, 07:53 AM
WOW! You are making wonderful progress! I hope you continue to do so and that you won't have any more close encounters with other drivers. It sounds like everyone is having a wonderful time, can't wait to see your next update.

12-20-2005, 12:24 PM
:( :( ..sniffles (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1360427).. :( :(

I've cancelled my lunch with friend.

12-20-2005, 12:55 PM
Gina ,Another hug for you. Don't blame your self sounds like buttons got excited enough to go on the new adventure and just wasn't well enough to make the whole trip. This kids we care for don't always let us know how they truly feel just so they don't spoil our plans. They feel the excitment just as skin kids do( better most likely) .

12-20-2005, 05:36 PM
thank you.. thoughts and hugs especially really help.

it's hard to not blame myself, he seems still is a young boy.. I've only had him for 1 & 1/2 years. oh I miss him so much. . . he's still warm, laying in wrapped pillow case in his beddy cage on my dashboard. :( I'm gonna take him with me to rochester and finish the trip with me.

I didn't had the chance looking around in chicago or had lunch with a friend, accidentally dropped a $16 mug in the store, and dealing with city traffics - not that I mind but makes my day soo slow - not a great day. . . :(

I'm not in mood of doing anything right now, just emotionally exhausted and going straight to rochester tonight if I can. only 2 more hours after I try to finish my dinner here in london.

probably going niagara falls in few days later (one hour away) without cats waiting in the car would be best, my camera memory card is full anyway. :rolleyes:

soo...I guess the next update will be of my arrival. thank you again, everyone - this was fun. :)

Laura's Babies
12-20-2005, 06:11 PM
:eek: :eek: GINA!! I am in shock that you are doing this and doing it alone with your babies!! May God keep you safe and life bring you lots of good health and joy on your journey and where you settle.

12-20-2005, 07:37 PM
Oh Gina, poor Buttons! I am sorry to hear he didn't finish making the trip with you. :( But we are all rooting for you to arrive to Rochester safely. Let us know how the rest of the trip turned out, hopefully everything else is fine !!

Anita Cholaine
12-21-2005, 09:07 AM
I'm really sorry, Gina...:( (((hugs))) Hope the last part of your trip goes well....

12-21-2005, 09:29 AM
{Hugs} to you....
Buttons will always be with you...
Good Luck with the rest of your trip.

12-21-2005, 10:06 AM

I just got here safeee, as well as my furkids! I LOOVEE it here already! SO BEAUOO-ITFUL!! it's snowfalling, so so pretty, oh, loving i
t!! it's a bit chilly outside but I'm feeling good & freshy! :) http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

well, I better get going, unpack, wash, settle down, etc.. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

p.s. thank you for comforts.. I still can't believe it. :(

12-21-2005, 10:22 AM
I hope you and the furries will be happy in your new home, Gina.


12-21-2005, 10:23 AM
Yay, glad to hear you made it safe & sound.

When you get all settled in & relaxed let me know, we can meet up somewhere sometime. I live on the Fairport/Macedon border so I'm only about 10 miles from Rochester.

12-21-2005, 03:43 PM
I'm so glad to hear you made it Gina! :D

12-21-2005, 09:12 PM
~~~ settle in quickly ~~~ vibes coming at you. Good luck!

12-21-2005, 11:08 PM
Gina, glad to hear you made it safely to your new home. Now get some rest, then start settling into your new home.


12-28-2005, 08:03 PM
thanks all! you're wonderful, I had fun!! :cool:

here are the pictures (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1366998#post1366998) in case anyone misses. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-29-2005, 05:50 AM
WOW !!! I am so happy to read that you arived safely!! Your car really lokked like an ark then hey ;) . I just wonder about something. It is easy to let a dog out to go potty; but what with the cats :confused: :confused: .