View Full Version : -sigh- Sister rant

12-15-2005, 02:49 PM
Ok...some of you know my sister owns a lab/BC mix. She is just about a year old now. They've had her since she was about 8-9 weeks old. She doesn't exactly take very good care of this dog.

For one, she keeps it in a crate WAY longer then she should. She was keeping it in a crate ment for a small breed dog! She couldn't stand up in it or anything. *I* had to buy her a large crate cause she wouldn't/couldn't afford it. I can't even afford to buy another one for my dogs, but I couldnt stand seeing this dog like that. So, money well spent in my opinon.

Also, she buys the dog the CHEAPEST food she can find. My friends often gives me free dog food as she works in a pet food store and they need to take expiring food off the shelf. They give a large portion of it to the Humane Society, and some of it they keep. She gives a few bags to me here and there which I almost always give to my sister...it's very good quality food and usually runs about 40-50 bucks a bag. Her dog is very skinny...I don't know if it's the BC in her, or the fact that the food goes right threw her.

I also take Zeke over to play just so the dog will get exersize.

Honestly, I feel like I'm taking better care of it then she is and I don't even live there!!! It's not right, and I know it's not my business but I can't stand to see this dog like this.

To make things worse...she's moving away at the first of the year... :eek: I won't be able to take Zeke over anymore...I won't be able to give her free food anymore...I won't even be able to make sure she is properly cared for :( I'm worried they will either kill her, or "brake" her like they did their last dog. They basically didn't train their last dog right, and he became very aggressive.

Another thing is, how will they find a dog friendly place they can afford? I DO NOT want this dog to live in an apartment..but again, not my business.

It's so bad that my mom said she will take the dog and "keep" it till they move back or find a place for a dog (although she said she won't really give it back :o ) My mom wants a dog, but she wasn't going to get one because of her cat. She wanted a small dog. My sister says "oh, it's not fair for the kids. They will miss her" Yeah right. My a**. Her kids don't even like the dog that much. And besides...what is more important..the kids being a little upset for a couple of days..or the dog dying or being mistreated? Besides, if mom takes it, they can see the dog whenever they come visit.

My sister is SO stubborn. She won't listen to ANYTHING. It's like she's in her own little world. I told her once to take the dog to the vet for a checkup and she said "oh, I don't take her to the vet. they just find things wrong with her that I have ot pay a lot of money for" ....!!! The heck? I was like chances are if they find something wrong, it's serious enough that you SHOULD get it looked after. I know my mom would take her for yearly checkups, a walk atleast once a day, let me take her to flyball, be outside of her crate anytime someone is home and be trained to not need a crate at all. Plus she would by good food.

I wish so much she would just give the dog to my mom!!! how can I convince someone who won't listen to what others say? Should I just forget it cause it's not my business? I literally feel like crying because this dog means a lot to me and I don't want her living in such a crappy home. I mean, I love my sister, and I respect that she loves dogs....but SHE CANNOT CARE FOR THEM PROPERLY!

12-15-2005, 03:11 PM
I feel sorry for the dog. I don't mean any disrespect to your sister, but people should only own dogs if they can care for them properly. I also feel sorry for you, as this puts you in an awful position. Is there anyway you could persuade your mum to take on your sisters dog? x Hope it all turns out ok in the end. :)

12-15-2005, 03:21 PM
(((hugs))) you are such a good person for trying to help. I know how you feel, my own sister is in a somewhat similar situation, and I feel as though I can't help. Don't give up, but don't feel bad either if there is nothing you can do. At least you'll know you tried.

12-15-2005, 07:25 PM
cant your mom make her give the dog to her you should tell ur sister wat u just told us

12-15-2005, 07:34 PM
Yeah, that's a tough situation. :( From what you've said, your sister doesn't even seem to think she has a problem taking care of the dog. Maybe you should just have a frank discussion with her and see what you can do. Even if she doesn't want to hear it, she is your sister so maybe she'll listen to you and give the dog to your mom. Good luck.

12-15-2005, 07:45 PM
You would have to know my sister. Anything bad goes in one ear and out the other. She gives a nervous laugh and makes a joke about it. And that's it. I while ago she use to let her son (3 yrs old) run around in the BAR all day so I would watch him...A BAR. I told her to not let him do this, as it's a BAR and I'm working and don't have itme to watch him and he isn't allowed down there anyway. She just laughed and said "It's ok if his mother says it's ok!" uh, no it's not. I had to say look, I'm being serious. Only then did her husband (the fricken manager no less) said he would keep him upstairs.

See what I mean? It's the same thing with the dog. She says the dog is fine etc etc. I don't think she does this on purpose...I think she is so busy she doesn't even know any better. I'm not saying my sister is a bad person, she isn't..she just can't look after pets. She shouldn't have them. She also needs to learn to take things seriously.

And my sister is 31 years old, my mom can't make her do anything. My mom WILL take the dog IF my sister will part with her...which she won't. If we go there for xmas eve this year, I'll see if my mom and I can talk sense into her. -sigh-

12-15-2005, 08:07 PM
Oh Audrey I feel so for you,to be caught up in this awful unbearable situation and have your hands tied, must be exactly that unbearable.

Don't be put off by the it's none of your business, IMO it is EVERYONE'S business if you know an animal is not being taken care of properly, whether it be a stranger or a family member.

Only you know you sister best, but see if you and your mother can talk her into it,please for the poor dog's sake, this does not sound an ideal home for it, and if you can do something about it that would be great, it sounds like you have been doing heaps already to help the poor dog, educating your sister to the best of your ability even if it is going in one ear and out the other, it is sad to see someone of her age being irresponsible with a pet, she is NOT teaching her children anything good here either, the cycle will probably repeat, hopefully not as both you and your mother are great pet owners and genuine animal lover, I can only hope that you both rub off on her children and eventually her as well, GOOD LUCK you are going to need it, and fingers and paws crossed for a good outcome .

12-15-2005, 09:32 PM
She's done a lot better with this dog than her last, I'll give her that...but I honestly don't think she is fit to own any pets. She is so busy with 3 kids, she just can't handle a pet along with 3 kids and school.

I've been talking to mom about it a lot, and she wants for her to give the dog away as much as I do. I really hope we can talk her into it...I know it's worthless trying. She does want she wants.

12-15-2005, 09:35 PM
I want to make a list of things she needs to do for the dog..so she can SEE how much work they are and what she is not doing with it.

Food - need to spend a little extra on a half decent food so dog doesn't starve!
walks - atleast once a day.
out of crate majority of day - dog shouldn't be locked up when people are home to watch her
vet bills - dog should go to the vet for yearly check ups or any other time if it's sick!
play time - dog needs play time!

Can anyone else add more to this? I need it ot be convincing

12-15-2005, 10:41 PM
I'm so sorry, Audrey. Youre a really good person for helping out your sister so much, as clueless as she sounds with dogs -_-... I really think your Mom needs to take this pup in, as soon as possible. It's only a matter of time before she develops serious neurotic issues, being a BC. Have you tried talking some sense into her husband? He seems a lot more sensible than she is. Maybe try compromising with her, tell her she does not have the time to care for a dog, as that's like having another 2 year-old. Maybe she could get a hamster or a much less high-maintanence, small animal that she can handle and that might cheer up the kids? Or maybe some sea monkeys? :D

Being a BC owner, I can think of LOTS of thinks BC's require, hehe.

*Training - without mental stimulation, intellegent dogs will find ways to take entertain themselves, and will develop neurotic behaviors.

*Interaction with other dogs - she's obviously social, it's unfair to keep her either in a crate or in a small yard away from any dogs she knows and enjoys playing with. What kind of life is that for a dog? How would your kids feel if they could not interact or play with peers, ever?

*Structure/Activities - Border Collies are high drive, working dogs. They need a job in their lives to be happy. Your Mom has much more time and resources to put into giving this dog a happy, well-balanced life where she gets all of the time she deserves, and maybe even start a Flyball or Agility career :)

*Exercise - just to emphasize this, to be really happy and in good shape, the average BC needs 1-4 hours of solid exercise a day. That's jogging on-leash, playing ball or frisbee, or trips to the park to run with other dogs. If this is not given daily, many high energy dogs will become hyper and neurotic because of all of the cooped up enthusiasm.

12-15-2005, 10:45 PM
Thanks. I think I'll print this out and show her.