View Full Version : Diet Deficiencies

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-15-2005, 10:14 AM
Thought I'd post this here instead of Cat Health to hopefully get more responses.

CJ adores plastic! Plastic grocery bags aren't really a big deal, but he is always all over the heavier plastic like the kind that keeps cases of bottled water together. He chews on it and if he knows where there is some (like the garage) he immediately heads for it as soon as he is able (as when we open the door so he can get in the garage).

He has enough intestinal problems the way it is, so that's all I need is for him to actually chew a piece off and swallow it. We're always real careful and immediately put any plastic deep in the garbage so he can't get at it, but I'm still afraid he's going to eat something someday that will not be good for him.

My question is, why plastic? Is he missing something in his diet - which could very well be because of his continuing diarrhea. He is also the most picky eater I've ever seen in a cat, so vitamin supplements that I sprinkle over his food usually don't work - he just doesn't eat the food. :rolleyes:

We're still working on finding a food that he can eat to help his diarrhea, so maybe once we find that it'll help in the plastic department, but does anybody have any other suggestions?

Tubby used to rub on the VHS cases from the video store, and Peanut could care less about plastic, so this is the first time I've had a plastic lover in the house. ;)

smokey the elder
12-15-2005, 10:21 AM
Plastic has an additive in it derived from animal fat. Maybe he craves fat? Or it just might be pica (craving for non-food items.)

CJ, plastic bags are not for kitties!

12-15-2005, 11:30 AM
Iwould keep the Plastic Bags away from CJ as it can easily be ingested and clog up his system.
How are you doing on the Popcorn issue?
We pray that Popcorn soon has a Brand New Home!!!

12-15-2005, 12:01 PM
I was wondering the same thing because my cats are all addicted to eating plastic, string, cardboard, hair, fuzzies, and the carpet. It really does make me wonder if something is missing from their diet- especially because of the carpet eating. It's non-stop and has completely ruined the living room. When they eat it, they literally rip the fibers up from the base and ingest them, later to be found vomited up somewhere else.

12-15-2005, 01:33 PM
I have a friend whose cat continually licked her vinyl mini-blinds. She couldn't figure it out, either.......... :confused: