View Full Version : Photoshop Pros Needed!!

12-15-2005, 08:27 AM
See link below.Thanks.

12-15-2005, 10:59 AM
YaYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! wahhhhoooooooooo!!!! :D :D :D

Felix pictures!!!!!!!

(sorry can't be of any help with this topic, as you can no doubt tell from the huge over-sized kitty pictures I tend to post)

I am just so happy to see my sweet, sweet boy. And WOW doesn't he have the hugest white boxing-gloves for paws :p :D (POW - take THAT you bad monsters grrrrrrrrr - 'don't worry meowmie, I'll keep us all safe from attack) Many kisses to you, darling Felix.xxx

12-15-2005, 11:57 AM
LOL..he sure do have large paws. :o Im affraid he wont do much protecting with those big bad paws.He's such a fraddy cat.Although they do come in handy for swatting at the scatter fly in the summer :rolleyes: And poking at the tree ornaments in the winter :eek:

12-15-2005, 05:48 PM
Felix The Cat was at one time the Biggest Cartoon Star in the World until a Certain Mouse named Mickey came along.
And Your Felix is every bit as Cute as the Cartoon Felix,and its a shame that Felx The Cat is not a household name.
You have such an Amazing Cat in Felix!!!

12-16-2005, 06:56 AM
Felix the cat the amazing cat...I got that song stuck in my head now :rolleyes: Even though my Felix looks nothing like the animated character,he truley is amazing to me :D I would love it if that show came back on,I would definatly watch it :o