View Full Version : just wondering...

12-14-2005, 09:40 PM
Oreo's kittens will be born in about 1 1/2 weeks. We have an extra room that I figured we could use for 'her room'. I am making her a bed this weekend. Well we have a computer with wires and stuff and was wondering if that is safe. :confused:

We have her litter box at the end of the stairs (down stairs) because I am allergic to cat litter. Is it ok for her to go up and down the stairs when she is pregnant? My dad has finally moved her inside and she seems to love it and is using her litter box.

12-14-2005, 09:42 PM
Everything sounds fine to me. Congrats on your Dad moving her inside! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-15-2005, 09:45 AM
I don't think the wires will be a problem at first, but once the kittens are up and about they might become a problem. More than one kitten has been known to chew on wires. Is it possible that when no one is using the computer that it's unplugged and the wires put on top of the desk?

The only thing is, if you really want her to use that room, you may have to close her in it. Most times mama cats have different ideas about where is a good place to have their babies than what we think, so if she has access to the basement, she may just have them down there someplace. I think it's perfectly fine for her to be climbing stairs when she's pregnant, the only thing I would wonder about is once she has the babies, for the first few days she is not going to want to go far from them, so if the room is - say - on the second floor and the litterbox is in the basement, that might be a little further than she wants to go with new babies.

Other than that, everything sounds good! Good luck! :)

12-15-2005, 11:35 AM
Thats so very true!!
I had Pouncette in the Spare Room,and then she ran down into the cellar,and had her Kittens in the Record Bin,behing my LPS!
I would put a Spray on the wires,but they really wont start exploring for at least six weeks yet!!
Good Luck with The Momma Cat,and Kittens,The Found Cats are praying for them.

12-16-2005, 07:44 AM
Thanks everyone. If she does end up having her kittens downstairs, can I move them? Maybe my Dad can move the litter box in that room and put her bed in that room. He can also put a door on the basement, too.

Once it warms up, like March, we will have to move her back outside. So she's got to be spayed. I've got VERY bad allergies to cats so I will just have to put up with it for the winter.

smokey the elder
12-16-2005, 07:52 AM
Thank you for working around your allergies to make sure the kittens are born safely! Does the mama cat trust you? I moved Diamond's kittens off my porch when it got cold, and she didn't object in the least.

12-16-2005, 02:18 PM
Is there any kind of medication that you can take to help with your allergies.
Thank your Dad so much for moving Oreo inside to have her babies. I agree with the others, that if it is possible to move her litter box into the room and keep the door closed so she doesn't decide to have them somewhere else. In regards to the wires, I know there are these types of rubber wheels that you can wind the wires on so they are not laying around on the ground. Now where you get them, is a different story. I guess maybe an electronic or hardware store.

Good luck and keep us posted on how mama is doing.

12-16-2005, 04:51 PM
I take two medications a day for my allergies. As I am allergic to everything with fur, and dust, and grass, weeds, etc. Pretty miserable. lol And to think I've got like 200 animals! (but thats cuz of all the poultry we have)

Oreo acctually was going to be a permanent indoor cat last summer so we brought her in and she knocked down all the plants, shot out the door when my dad opened it, and did everything she could to get outside. But this winter she is very appreciative to get out of the cold. She trusts us alot, she is quite the little lap kitten.

Should I put her stuff in that room this weekend? (I am leaving for my dad's in about 10 minutes) Should I keep her in there while my dad is at work?? Cuz I am not sure if it's mean to keep her in there all day... sorry for all the questions.

12-16-2005, 05:27 PM
Yes, by all means bring her stuff into the room and try to keep her in there as you do not want her to run out of the house when she is so close to having her babies. You wouldn't want her to have her babies outside in this weather and not be able to find them or Oreo for that matter.

It's not mean, as long as she is comfortable and has everthing that she needs in the room with her. Better safe than sorry.

12-19-2005, 07:47 AM
Well forget that idea. My dad is being sooooo diffucult. He says he can't stand the smell of the litter box upstairs. Well maybe if he'd clean it more often!! Anyways, we have the litter box and bed down stairs. She messes up the bed so I know she likes it.

12-19-2005, 07:53 AM
If she messes up the bed, chances are she could be nearing giving birth. That is one of the signs of impending birth. When mama's get restless, they will mess up their bed, and not eat much.

How about taking over litterbox duties so your Dad won't have to smell it?? It's one way to keep him from tossing Oreo outside again.

12-19-2005, 07:56 AM
i only go there twice a month, otherwise i would clean the litter box all the time. i don't think she's near pregnancy because her nipples are swollen barely at all. shes got a very big appetite too and plays alot still. i think we've still got a week or two to go...