View Full Version : Fritz home

12-14-2005, 12:16 PM
Fritz home from groomers and he is as cute as ever.Couldn't wait to get in there,he was shaking and all excited to see the cats.Then when he got inside and saw the groomers,his tail just flopped around like crazy.When we got there,a man was picking up a poodle who just looked like our late Poodle Ruffles.One of her cats was on the couch and the other on the floor and it disappeared when it saw me.There was also a cocker Spaniel there and dad wanted to pet it but apparently it is prone to bitingThere was also a Scottish Terrier there and he looked happy and excited when he saw me.I guess fritz figured we were there and i saw his cage rattling and he had a cute christmas scarf and smells really nice.Of course i had to carry him out so he wouldn't get all wet.Michelle told us maybe to keep him on a leash so as not to do a whole lot of runiing as i said he was favoring something in on eof his back legs,turns out it is his knee that is the problem,so he will have to take it easy with his Blitzes.he is now snoozing in the kitchen waiting for supper.On the ride home,he was rather quiet,i think he misses the cats.Mom went shopping today as we are expecting 10 inches of snow tomorrow into Friday,so she will be picking up the new pictures of him while there.i took one picture of him as soon as we got home.

12-14-2005, 12:19 PM
Ohhh, Fritz, I bet you look so handsome after your grooming appt. 10 inches of snow :eek: . Whew, glad thats not us. We have a little bit coming down right now but I don't think we are supposed to get much. We are supposed to have some sleet and freezing rain tonite though and after last year's ice storm I think I would rather have snow.

12-14-2005, 12:41 PM
What a busy day. Sounds like Fritz was just quiet because he was so tired playing with the cats, getting groomed and hanging out with the other dogs there.

Can't wait to see the pictures.

Daisy and Delilah
12-14-2005, 01:44 PM
Fritzie, we just love to hear of your trip to the groomers. What great fun you have there! The people at the groomers probably love it when you come to visit. We sure hope that knee gets better little man. Our Mom is having knee surgery in January so she can relate to what you're going through. Take it easy Fritz!! Sounds like alot of snow is coming your way buddy so stay warm and take it easy in the house. :D