View Full Version : Vivid dreams

12-14-2005, 10:27 AM
I'm going through a cycle of vivid dreams.

Do you ever have dreams so vivid that they 'spill' over into real life?


Years and years ago, I was a busy college student. My 'mom' had bought me a Christmas present of a bottle of perfume. Halstead.... or something.

Later, I informed her that the bottle had broken, jagged glass at the top.
She was sensitive to how busy I was, and offered to return it to the store for me.

I gave her the bottle, still in the box, she went to the store, and they opened it and there was nothing wrong with it.

I had dreamed I opened it and found broken glass on it. But I really had her take it back.


Strange huh?

Anyone else?

Any other strange

12-14-2005, 11:32 AM

I always have vivid dreams. As a matter of fact, they're so vivid that whe I wake up, I write them down!!! I showed my daughter some of them and she has told me time and again that if anyone gets hold of them, I'll be off to the loony bin.

Usually the real violent, vivid dreams occur after I've had something to eat and go to bed.

finn's mom
12-14-2005, 11:34 AM
I sometimes will have to ask someone if they've actually called or said something or if I've just dreamed it. ;)

12-14-2005, 12:06 PM
Last Friday, after one round of shoveling, I came inside and asked Paul if he and the snowblower were going to do the rest.

Problem? We don't really own a snowblower! I had dreamed it so clearly that I pictured the edge of the driveway snow-blowered!

Paul thought I was crazy.

12-14-2005, 12:20 PM
Last Friday, after one round of shoveling, I came inside and asked Paul if he and the snowblower were going to do the rest.

Problem? We don't really own a snowblower! I had dreamed it so clearly that I pictured the edge of the driveway snow-blowered!

Paul thought I was crazy.

precisely what I'm talking about.

Dream spillage. :eek: ;)

12-14-2005, 12:39 PM
Not sure if it's the same thing or not...but a few years ago, when I was going to high school, I would suddenly wake up and be like "Oh no! I'm SOOOO LATE" (I knew this cause I looked at my watch...) Anyway, I'm rushing and getting dressed and look out the window and thing "Why is it dark??" then I look AGAIN at my watch at it was like 1 or 2 am. :o

I've also woken up screaming/jump out of bed because something was in my bed. Then I would sware it was still there even after I realized it was a dream!
I think that only happened when I was REALLY stressed out

12-14-2005, 01:46 PM
Not sure if it's the same thing or not...but a few years ago, when I was going to high school, I would suddenly wake up and be like "Oh no! I'm SOOOO LATE" (I knew this cause I looked at my watch...) Anyway, I'm rushing and getting dressed and look out the window and thing "Why is it dark??" then I look AGAIN at my watch at it was like 1 or 2 am. :o

I've also woken up screaming/jump out of bed because something was in my bed. Then I would sware it was still there even after I realized it was a dream!
I think that only happened when I was REALLY stressed out

Those sound more like night terrors.

The "I'm SO late!" dreams and "I forgot to go to class! (for 6 weeks)" are what I consider 'stubborn' dreams.
I have had 'school' dreams for how many years now???? (25)
I also have 'ship' dreams for having worked on cruise ships for 12 years.
I tell my husband about my dream and it starts: "I was on this ship...."

Lately, I've been having 'stubborn ship dreams'
I am full of regret for having signed a 6 week contract, or having to go back out, and it's not what I want to do. (in real life- I used to be out for 6-10 months at a time)
I am in tears for being out there and can't get back home.

I guess that means I'm happy being with all my cats and my husband!

Stubborn dreams.

12-14-2005, 06:16 PM
I dream vividly too. Have for years. Carl Jung said that an un-analyzed dream is like an unopened present (or something along those lines). Did a course in dream analysis, it was fascinating. Dreams give us messages about what's going on in our subconscious and about events in our conscious life we are struggling with. Every item/person in your dream reveals an aspect of yourself. If you are really curious about your dreams, look into some of Jung's work.

12-14-2005, 06:26 PM
I have strange dreams... but nothing i could concider as vivid.

but there was one dream where my brother and i went to Seattle or something.. and in the dream he had on a black shirt.

well that same morning he put on a black shirt.
it kinda freaked me out. LOL

12-14-2005, 07:29 PM
I've had lots of those kinds of dreams, but forget most (for the best). The one I havn't been able to forget it when I dreamed I was in my dad's truck with my dad, my sister & a black dog. I was freaking out & mom was gone.

MANY years later I was camping with my family in tents with our new puppy Max. Dad had a big truck, mom was late from work & there was a horrible storm & I was freaking out really bad.

I'll never forget knowing that it had already happened years ago, while it was currently happening.

Only my bad dreams come true.. I don't have many good ones, darn active mind

12-15-2005, 08:05 AM
I have very vivid dreams aswell, most of the time not so nice ones :(. And then there are the dreams that i have about having conversations with people or hearing something on the news and waking up and 1) Not knowing if stuff realy happened and 2) That it did happen :eek:.

Just last week i had a dream about being in a nasty car crash and recieving severe abdominal injuries, and waking up clutching my stomach convinced i was bleeding to death :(.