View Full Version : How is the weight loss going......

12-11-2005, 07:40 PM
I know a lot of us shared our weight loss ups and downs a while back and that Megan has started a group as well, I thought it about time we got together to share, support each other and have a laugh or two.

For me the last two months have been slow, but all the same I am pleased with the result, I am taking it as it comes and loss it better than gain, I have now lost another 3 KGS making my total 8 kgs now about 17 pounds, I am pretty happy as this was my goal for xmas, I intend to continue on next year and hopefully by this time next year be down to my super goal and then I can consider myself no longer overweight, proud and happy at last, here's hoping anyhow.

For me if it takes a while I am ok with that, as I know i have a better chance of keeping it off for good this time, been there done that many times, so this time is for keeps, no more yoe-yoe stuff, loosing in summer , re-gaining in winter, it is going to be a challenge but one i am up for.

At the moment I have a different attitude towards food, and even in my stress moments and believe me there have been a few of late, which most of you know as i have shared them all, I have not succumbed to my comfort of food, so I am thrilled with that, I still love treats and continue to have them as well, but i have stopped feeling guilty if i have a wee blowout , a first ever for me, i just hope I can do this once and for all, it would make me the happiest person ever., not just to feel better about myself, but to help me to be healthier and at less risk for many things,overall it will only do me good.

Enough about me, please share how you are going with yours. :)

12-11-2005, 07:41 PM
Well,i havent been dieting like i should be but i've been watching my food intake. So far i've only lost 5 lbs but its a start :) Its getting really hard now because of the holidays

12-11-2005, 07:43 PM
oh wow, im a real slow loser..in weight that is..lol.I started last jan and lost 30 lbs this year, hope to lose the last 30 next year..(I know reallyover weight.. :( )But I have high hope and have prayed and I know the other 30 will go to, jsut got to stay away from the bad stuff. :rolleyes: .and walk more.. :)

12-11-2005, 07:45 PM
Don't knock it , that is still a great achievement, think of it as five pounds of butter less you are carrying around, the body loves it believe me, I know myself my energy levels are up and i run up and down the stairs many times a day now without being puffed or bothering me at all, before it really did bother me, and i walked and was still puffed, just shows you what loosing weight can do for us.

I know xmas time is always a hard one, and in my family we have birthdays galore, even harder, but I am not even worried about xmas day, I am lucky I am going to my niece's so I won't have any extra goodies in the house, my decision, and i am going to have whatever i want to have that day, dieting just is not in my vocab on xmas day, but next day it is back on track, has worked for me before and will again, and if i do stuff up, well i am NOT going to beat myself up about it, all my family will be home and that makes it hard to .

12-11-2005, 07:47 PM
Actually I want to gain weight....I'm 6'7 225 pounds now, want to get up to around 240ish.. I have such a hard time putting weight on because of my incredibly fast metabolism. I guess it's a gift and a curse really. I eat anything and everything I want at any time of day...even right before bed...other night I had 3 doublecheeseburgers and a protein shake before bed :eek:

as far as losing weight..one thing I know works for a fact...do not eat after 7pm. and when you wake up everyday, run/walk or exercise for about an hour, then eat breakfast. also it's obvious but avoid the high fat/sugary foods... sure it's a tough plan to adhere to but nothing worth getting is easy

12-11-2005, 07:51 PM
Congrats on your weight loss achivements!

12-11-2005, 08:16 PM
I've lost 19 lbs since my birthday, Sept. 28th. It was actually the day after my birthday that I started; I had gone to have my yearly checkup and was surprised at how much weight I have gained in the past 3/4 years. I have another 20 lbs. to go but am going with it slowly. I can't deny myself certain foods but am not GORGING like I used to..I am so happy with my body right now. My pants are actually falling off of me and I am getting a figure again (i.e. not a ROUND one). ;)

12-11-2005, 11:28 PM
I wasn't with the thread from the beginning, But I just want to share that it's been a 2 years since i quit smoking. The first yr I gained weight like crazy. i gained 30 pounds.... :o Which was alot, I don't know what happened?

And this past year I worked really hard at losing and keeping it off by walking Camen all the time and watching what I ate!
I'm pleased to say that I lost 25 pounds...and has been off for awhile and not gaining again. It has taken me a year but it was worth the wait.
I wouldn't mind losing 5 more, but i'm comfterable where I'm at right now!

I'm so happy with everyone acheivments! and I hope for many more in the new year coming!

12-12-2005, 12:26 AM
I've been dieting since August 8th (most of you have heard my story, so I won't bore anyone with it again) and I've absolutely stuck to it. As long as the right foods are here, I tend to gravitate towards them. They taste better, they make me feel better, and they're good for me! Fruits and veggies as opposed to chocolate cake, I'll take the fruits/veggies any day! I haven't had a true "craving" for something sweet yet. I got through Thanksgiving and lost 2lbs that week! I got through "big" events with losing weight, so I know I'm doing something right.

When I reached a big milestone, I went to Tumbleweed and had chips and queso (my weakness!) and salsa, along with some kind of sea burritos that were YUMMY! I took some home, so I could tell that even though I wanted a LOT to eat, I just couldn't handle it.

A little more than 4 months later from my starting date, I'm proud to say I've lost 66lbs. And I know I'm doing it right. They say the weight will come right off if you gained it fast, and that's what happened. I'm going to continue to lose as I'm still not happy with the numbers or how I look yet, but I don't have too much more to go! I'm excited. I put on a pair of jeans last night that I hadn't worn in almost 2 years... what a THRILLING experience!

To me, this is more of a lifestyle change. My dad monitors everything I eat (I have a tendency of not getting my "quota" of calories I need for the day) and puts a few extra nuts on my salad if I haven't had enough for the day, etc etc. He's noticing how I gravitate towards the healthy stuff, and how I savour my food, and I look forward to eating, even if it's just a banana. He even commented with "I know I don't have to worry about you gaining all this back by coming off this diet and going crazy". It is a lifestyle change for me, because I know how to maintain already. It was getting back down to my desired weight after a really fast weight gain.. I love the healthy foods.

But, unfortunately, I don't exercise as much as I should. And I know I'll regret it in a few more pounds when my skin starts to get saggier from the weight loss. I don't know what exercises to do to keep my body and skin toned while losing weight, though.

I was looking at pictures from this summer (right before I started my diet) and I can't believe how big I was! I don't have any full length body pictures, yet, to show my *true* weight loss, but here's what I have. I'll talk to my youth minister and see if he has any.


AFTER (taken recently):

I can notice a huge difference, especially in pictures. But I guess since I see myself everyday, it's a gradual difference and I don't notice it as much. But my face is much more prominent with its features, and my tummy isn't as large. No double chin for me, thank GOD! And my jeans are always falling off me. I love my weight loss, but I hate my lack of clothes.

((Sorry if I offended anyone with my pictures. IMO, my weight loss through pictures is too drastic to not share..))

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone with their weight loss!!! Keep up the great work, ladies!

12-12-2005, 08:55 AM
Congratulations to all of you who have successfully lost weight and good luck to the one who is trying to gain! :eek:

Carole, I've been "stuck" for the last month, but thankfully haven't gained any back. I've lost 26 pounds. I have 22 to go. I'm determined and will find a way to make it happen! :)


12-12-2005, 09:44 AM
Buckner you have really lost the weight..wow congrats
and to all the others to..
Im older and its harder to lose when your old...er..lol..medication caused my weight gain and that was added to by quitting smoking 6 years ago by the help of the lord..

so Hopefully, another 30 lbs will come off..Im so glad for all that are still working on it..if we dont give up well make it..lol..http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/lvpups/FatCellsBlinkie_mommys.gif

12-12-2005, 12:24 PM
I am truely amazed at what you PTers have accomplished, really makes mine look very small in comparison, but I am still over the moon with how I am doing, CONGRATULATIONS every single one of you, it is a tough time of year and it is always hard to stick with it, everyone is doing so well, those before and after pics are very noticable IMO and you look so so so good , honestly, keep at it folks, I intend to loose another eight to ten kilos and then I am done, and if it takes me a whole year so be it, I will be comfortable with that.

12-13-2005, 08:52 AM
Wow, you've lost alot of weight Buckner!(looks good)
I think that everyone is doing such a great job at changing lifestlyes for the better; eating healthy, excersing, and keeping the weight off....for good.

Even if it takes awhile it's still worth the effort!
Everyones body is different in some way.

Keep up with all the good work.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-13-2005, 09:39 AM
No results here.... :( . God knows I have tried, but it didn't work at all. All I lost is some 500 g, but it came back already :( .
This happening because the meds I take are known to add on weight; so a diet results in a break even... . Sometimes it is so hard to hang in there, because I never see any possible results on my scale... :mad: :(

12-13-2005, 09:55 AM
No results here.... :( . God knows I have tried, but it didn't work at all. All I lost is some 500 g, but it came back already :( .
This happening because the meds I take are known to add on weight; so a diet results in a break even... . Sometimes it is so hard to hang in there, because I never see any possible results on my scale... :mad: :(

I had the same prob..my medications lowered my mebtablo(bla SP) I had my
doctor change it and that helped some, but i still have a hard time losing weight..I just keep on keeping on..My daughter In Ok , her medication causes her to gain really bad..they can only keep her on it for short peroids of time and the change back n forth to help keep it not so high..its a sad thing..I hope your able to get some loss to help encourage you , its very hard I know..


12-13-2005, 06:33 PM
Medications really do interfer with your metabolism and make weight issues that much more difficult, it all depends on the type of medication you are on, I too am on medication which does not exactly put on weight but it does make me hungry and my stomach feel like it is hungry so I know how hard it is, I found it hard enough before when i was not taking medication and was younger, the older you get, the harder it gets.

My poor mother is on Tamoxifin and also has a thyroid condition, which makes her gain weight, she is tiny really except she has gained it all around the middle, she is not a big eater, and only weighs 62 kg, which is hardly overweight, but bodywise around the middle she is uncomfortable and she just stays the same weight, she gets very down about it, but there is not much she can do, she honestly eats no more than i do on my diet.

Empathy to all who have that extra battle going on with medication, hang in there. :)

12-14-2005, 07:57 PM
I got a huge kick in the butt today when my brother called me fat and it sent me into tears. He just said it so randomly, I mentioned how he said something made him sound uncool, and he said, "Well that makes YOU look fat." It had nothing to do with what was being said, but he knows that stuff hits me really hard and I just yelled at him and started to cry. He obviously saw that it hurt me really bad and came and apologized, but sorry doesn't fix things like that. I have had some kid at school call me fat and it isn't pleasant. It was a REAL kick in the ass.

I've started Pilates again because it seemed to help when I've done it before. I am a bad example, because I haven't been following my "plan" very well. I've started now a few days ago but am still terrified to step on the scale.

Good luck everyone.

Suki Wingy
12-14-2005, 08:13 PM
Congrats to everyone! I should try and eat more healthy, I eat total crap :o

12-14-2005, 08:40 PM
I got a huge kick in the butt today when my brother called me fat and it sent me into tears. He just said it so randomly, I mentioned how he said something made him sound uncool, and he said, "Well that makes YOU look fat." It had nothing to do with what was being said, but he knows that stuff hits me really hard and I just yelled at him and started to cry. He obviously saw that it hurt me really bad and came and apologized, but sorry doesn't fix things like that. I have had some kid at school call me fat and it isn't pleasant. It was a REAL kick in the ass.

I've started Pilates again because it seemed to help when I've done it before. I am a bad example, because I haven't been following my "plan" very well. I've started now a few days ago but am still terrified to step on the scale.

Good luck everyone.

Im sorry, that he said that, i knowhow you feel..just keep on keeping on that is the important thing..dont give up.. ;)

12-14-2005, 09:52 PM
Congrats to everyone :)

I have had some kid at school call me fat and it isn't pleasant. It was a REAL kick in the ass.

I know exactly how that feels. What an awful thing to say to you, especially since you are his sister.{{hugs}}

12-14-2005, 09:56 PM
I have had some kid at school call me fat and it isn't pleasant. It was a REAL kick in the ass.

That really hurts, I know how it feels. A few years ago I was standing with some friends when I mentioned I was hungry so I was going to get something to eat. One of my friends said "you'll be ok you look like you could skip a few meals". Honestly I know he didn't mean to hurt my feelings and he was just joking around, but even though a few years have passed I still remember him saying that.

I see him around everyonce in a while and now he always comments on how great I look (I've lost 50 lbs). But no matter how many times he tells me I look great I will always remember that comment.

12-15-2005, 01:31 AM
it never feels good to get called a name...just keep your head up and try to use their stupid names to try and channel your negative emotions into positive actions...

My Peanuts
12-15-2005, 01:03 PM
Congrats to everyone!

Buckner, your pictures are really inspiring. I have never had a problem with weight, but in the last 2 years I put a lot on. I need to lose so and reading all this is so inspiring!