View Full Version : Cat sanctuary update

Heather Wallace
04-03-2002, 07:41 AM
I went to visit Pauline at the wellcat home, It was really sad, there was many old,ill cats with no where to go. I couldn't believe though, there was a vast number that where not caged, they where quite friendly towards each other, she also has five dogs who also mix with the cats. One of the cats has serrible phalsey(dint think I spelt it right) she just swayed from side to side just like the human form, but she was really friendly all she wanted was cuddles. She even snuggled up to the dogs. I want to tell you more but it would take all day to do so.

To cut a long story short, we are to foster a cat in the next couple of days. It is a cat who is in a house all by herself as her owners have split up and noone wants her. She is very very nervous and Pauline said that she will probably hide under the bed most of the time until she gets used to us. She has only ever been in contact with 2 humans before - poor thing.

Can't wait to post spme pics of her on PT.

Keep you all informed

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-03-2002, 11:31 AM
Sounds like everything went well, Heather. Can't wait to see pictures too. Poor thing is right. Just because two people split up doesn't mean the poor kitty should be left out in the cold. :mad: But I'm sure you'll be able to calm her down and bring her around a little so she is adoptable. Good luck and keep us updated -- and pictures! :)

04-03-2002, 12:11 PM
Heather, I'm glad to hear (well, read!) that!!

Neelix (the cat I adopted last week :D ) was in the same situation! He was adopted by a couple, and it seems that they split up. The girl didn't want the cat anymore, and Neelix remained with the boy - now, this man has a new girlfriend and she refused to accept the cat :mad: :mad: Apparently, she/they said that the cat brought lots of past menories...
Neelix hadn't met any other people apart from the couple, either. He's spent most of the time under the bed and is very shy, but also very affectionate. He's getting used to his new home and humans (my boyfriend and I) slowly but nicely!!

I'm sure this cat will do fine, too. And you can feel proud of giving so much love and help to this pet! (At least, I'm proud of you ;) ) Thank you for doing it!


04-03-2002, 07:38 PM

Would like to hear more about your visit to the sanctuary.
It is sad to see so many older & ill cats who probably will
never be adopted out. But, they are well taken care of
aren't they? Not like living with their own special person,
but getting good daily care. Please let everyone know
how it goes when you get your foster kitty.What does
he/she look like , name, and how kitty gets along after
the initial settleing in period.

Heather Wallace
04-04-2002, 04:14 AM
To be honest Lizbud, I am quite annoyed as the lady i visited said she would call last night and she hasn't, I would love to tell everyone the details but don't even know if the kitty is coming to stay or what now. But I will keep you all updated as soon as I get some news.

04-04-2002, 06:48 AM
her owners have split up and noone wants her.

This makes me soo mad :mad: : The day people will stop thinking of pets as mere objects is not near enough.

WHen my sister split up from her boyfried the first thing she said is that he could keep everything he wanted except from the cats. Needless to say they are with her :D

04-04-2002, 08:58 PM

Hope you all hear something soon about the foster
kitty. Maybe they are just really busy at the moment.
Don't give up hope just yet. O.K.?