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12-10-2005, 10:29 PM
You stopped believing in Santa?

I had my doubts when i was 7-8 but I still wanted to believe it. :p

12-10-2005, 10:30 PM
You mean he's not real? :(

12-10-2005, 10:31 PM
Well I had stopped when i was 9 but my parent didn't tell me that he wasn't real untill i was 13 :rolleyes:

12-10-2005, 10:31 PM
Actually I was a wee bit older maybe nine or ten, my girlfriend and best friend at school told me, I would not believe her at first and told her it was not so, i was a little annoyed with her for spilling the beans, but life goes on., with or without Santa . :D

12-10-2005, 10:32 PM
You stopped believing in Santa?

I had my doubts when i was 7-8 but I still wanted to believe it. :p

That's about when I started havind doubts aswell, but, Christmas was more fun for me when I believed Santa delivered the gifts so I kept trying to believe he was real until I was about 10 or so I think....

12-10-2005, 10:43 PM
I was nine and I asked my mom, "is Santa real?" She said "...I don't know...." Well obviously that answer explained it right there. :rolleyes: She acted like I was supposed to be upset, but I didn't care one bit. When you have a stocking full of presents, who cares who it comes from???

12-10-2005, 11:07 PM
Sorry, we never had him in the family.. :)

12-11-2005, 12:07 AM
Sorry, we never had him in the family..


I stopped believing when I was 8 or 9. I'm 13 now but My mom of course told me that he wasn't real :)

Miss Z
12-11-2005, 02:32 AM
:eek: WHAT! SANTA DOESN'T EXIST?!:eek: :(

No, only joking;) i've known since i spotted my dad putting presents in a stocking when i was 8!

12-11-2005, 02:39 AM
My parents were honest to beging with and told me thats its all made up.

12-11-2005, 05:24 AM
Say it isn't so! :eek: I know there's a Santa! :D

12-11-2005, 07:23 AM
I stopped around 7 or 8 as well. Actually.... it wasn't my belief that waivered, it was the knowledge that all the package tags that said "To Kim, From Santa" all were in the blue pen that mom had that was a strange color tealy-blue. I never noticed the fact it was mom's writing, only that it was the tealy-blue color! (gosh as young as I can remember, colors were always very special to me)

Samantha Puppy
12-11-2005, 07:33 AM
I think I was 9 or 10. We were sitting around the dinner table eating one night and I asked if Santa was real so I could know if I'd have to set up all the toys for my kids or if he'd do it for me. My parents cracked up and then my mom gave me some cheesy explanation of how while Santa wasn't an actual person, he lived in all our hearts.

12-11-2005, 07:38 AM
I don't remember when but we still sign gifts as them being from Santa. :D It's one of those fun childish things to do. :p

12-11-2005, 08:18 AM
i've known since i spotted my dad putting presents in a stocking when i was 8![/QUOTE]

Ditto. I just knew not to come downstairs, and let him do his thing.

As far as the Easter Bunny, my dad (RIP) would hide the Easter Basket behind the same chair every year.

Ginger's Mom
12-11-2005, 09:07 AM
I was really young (not quite 5 years old) when I asked my Mom if Santa Claus was real. I remember her reply was to tell me the "Yes Virginia" story. :)

12-11-2005, 09:09 AM
I was 5-7. I found a bunch of toys in the basement & then the 1 from Santa happened to be one of the toys in the basement. I also got 100% proof from my dad when I was 7. I got a fish tank for my 6th xmas & then the nest year I asked dad how much the tank cost. He said about 50.00. Then I yelled out, BUT IT WAS FROM SANTA, SO HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT!?! My dad burst out LOL & said you got me. But we never told my sister until she was 11. She was a little slow & it would have crushed her too much if we just told her when she wasn't ready for it.

12-11-2005, 10:21 AM
Santa IS real, IMO. The concept, the spirit, the reasons why we give to one another, all in the name of Santa is real. Santa isn't JUST about someone sneakily putting presents under a tree. To believe, to me, is to have faith in humanity. So, when I hear someone say, "my parents told us the truth", that makes me sad. To me, it is the truth, perhaps with some liberal interpretations! I would want Jonah to believe in things like Santa, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy forever- just like his mommy!

Frankly, there are lots and lots of things we believe in (I am not referring to Christ, or religion of any sort) that are as speculative as Santa- why does he have to be the only bubble burst anymore?

12-11-2005, 10:47 AM
7 years old. My parents didn't tell me until I was 12 that he wasn't real. Seriously, like I still belived in him. My little cousin who is three and on who is four still belivies in him. I pretend he is real for them.

12-11-2005, 11:09 AM
I know I was really young. Probably around 4 or 5. I never believed in Santa much.

12-11-2005, 11:15 AM
the fat dude at the mall don't exist...

But the Santa in people's hearts is always there.....sometimes you have to look for him, sometimes he's there all year 'round! :D

Mad Mags Moo
12-11-2005, 01:48 PM
I was about 12......and boy did the girls at my new High School tease me!!! I should have guessed earlier than that when I caught my dad (RIP) filling up the pillow case at the end of my bed one year....but when I asked him where Santa was....he said that poor Santa had hurt his leg and had to sit down and rest it and my dad was helping him out....guess who fell for that!!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D

12-11-2005, 01:55 PM
I was around 9 or 10.

12-11-2005, 02:33 PM
I'm 24 and every year santa still leaves me presents under the tree. When the gifts stop coming I'll stop believing :D

12-11-2005, 02:37 PM
Santa stopped sending me gifts 3yrs ago (I was 20)

Buddy Blaze Lover
12-11-2005, 02:47 PM
I was 5...first, I got this weird idea that Santa was actually "mom and dad" because Santa used the SAME wrapping paper as the gifts from mom and dad!! lol:D So then I told mom that "Reindeer can't fly!" and "How could Santa go around the world to everyone's house in one night WITH flying reindeer??";) I just didn't think it sounded realistic, even at age 5, so mom told me!;) They still signed "from Santa" on the gifts up until a couple years ago though!;)

12-11-2005, 03:12 PM
I was like 7... The easter bunny gave it away;) I didn't know how just ONE bunny could go and give every kid a basket! I mean he doesn't even have a sleigh!:p And then I figured, well mom and dad have to give me the basket. Now wait, What about Santa.. Ahhhhhh, I get it now:p;) LOL

Some of my friends around 10 and 11 just figured it out and they asked me if I beleived!:p I just started laughing!;):D

12-11-2005, 03:45 PM
Laura your comment made me laugh, and what a lovely way to think about it really isn't it? my daughter's friend knew about the same age as my Melissa, but she just kept pretending she did not to her parents, she did have younger siblings as well, but she kept it going for some time and they were none the wiser, but we were, but what the heck she enjoyed her little fairytale that bit longer and why not. :D

12-11-2005, 06:28 PM
But the Santa in people's hearts is always there.....sometimes you have to look for him, sometimes he's there all year 'round!

Diddo! Anyways, when I quit believing in the red, big, chubby guy, I was in 1st grade. My two cousins told me!

Steph, Jesse, and Splinter

12-11-2005, 07:16 PM
I think I was about 8 or 9. I was at the dollar store with my mom and I saw the same booklight I found in my stocking and asked her. But, since I have two little sisters I still love the surprise of finding out what Santa has left under the tree each year. :)

12-11-2005, 07:35 PM
Never believed in him, my parents didn't try too hard. Not to mention we always had cable. Cable will ruin that for any kid who actually believes.

Suki Wingy
12-11-2005, 09:59 PM
I was young, probably 7. many things were SOOO obvious to me
1. big signs in stores saying "Great Stocking Stuffers!"
2. It is waaay too cold for someone to fly around the world in december
3. How did Santa get ALL those presents into one sleigh
4. Reindeer don't fly
5. How does anyone have a workshop where it is THAT cold? (I was under the impresion the poles were like -50 F all the time)
6. How can he get arround the world in one night (once I think I even calculated it with time zones, I was like 10 I think)
7. My parents used wrapping paper from Santa one year, then it was in the wrapping paper bin 2 years later and on presents from them 3 years later
8. Santa's fancy handwiting changed styles every year
9. The really poor kids don't get presents so we send presents to Toys for Tots
10. Down the chimeny? Come on, we lived in an appartment, and I remember telling my parents one year when I was about 5 to leave a large window open for Santa
11. Santa is at EVERY mall every day! My mom told me he sent his friends to tell him what kids wanted (I asked why they pretended they were really him)

I am by no means trying to bash on Christmas, but these are the things that went through my head every Christmas.
As for presents from Santa now, My 3 year old sister belives so my 8 year old sister and I still get gifts signed from him.
I never let my parents buy the wrapping paper or do any of the stockings in front of me though, I want to be surprised.

Anita Cholaine
12-12-2005, 10:38 AM
3. How did Santa get ALL those presents into one sleigh
6. How can he get arround the world in one night
9. The really poor kids don't get presents
10. Down the chimeny?
11. Santa is at EVERY mall every day!

This is exactly why I started suspecting that he wasn't real (when I was about 6 or 7) but I stopped believing when I waas 8. That's when I asked my mum and she told me the truth......

12-12-2005, 12:01 PM
actually pretty young, but i took my advantages of having a baby sister so i kept asking for presents while she grew up so i didnt spoiled it to her and then when i was 12 BAM! a baby brother so i kept going and going, i know my parents knew i knew and my sister knew but didnt said anything and havent yet, but we still get presents, thats tha cool part LOL :p so i´m 27 and still believe in Santa :p ;)

12-12-2005, 12:36 PM
I think I was about 8, but I have a younger sister so I had to pretend for a couple more years. Course, I'm 33 and my Mom still sends me a stocking from Santa!

My sister's two oldest kids are questioning this year. Naomi is 10 and in her letter to Santa she put in all kinds of little tricks--please sign with my initials, stuff like that. My sister intercepted the letter though so maybe Naomi will believe for one more Christmas. Hannah is 7 and when she asked my sister, Patricia told her that if you stop belieiving, Santa doesn't come anymore. Hannah threw her arms in the air like a preacher at a tent revival and yelled "I Believe, I believe"...she's a bit of a drama queen! :D

12-12-2005, 01:38 PM
LOL LOL i can picture that LOL!!! :D

12-12-2005, 01:43 PM
Santa IS real, IMO. The concept, the spirit, the reasons why we give to one another, all in the name of Santa is real. Santa isn't JUST about someone sneakily putting presents under a tree. To believe, to me, is to have faith in humanity. So, when I hear someone say, "my parents told us the truth", that makes me sad. To me, it is the truth, perhaps with some liberal interpretations! I would want Jonah to believe in things like Santa, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy forever- just like his mommy!

Frankly, there are lots and lots of things we believe in (I am not referring to Christ, or religion of any sort) that are as speculative as Santa- why does he have to be the only bubble burst anymore?

i totally agree!!!
i'm 19 and i still believe in the spirit of santa and i always will.

12-12-2005, 01:43 PM
I think I was about 8, but I have a younger sister so I had to pretend for a couple more years. Course, I'm 33 and my Mom still sends me a stocking from Santa!

My sister's two oldest kids are questioning this year. Naomi is 10 and in her letter to Santa she put in all kinds of little tricks--please sign with my initials, stuff like that. My sister intercepted the letter though so maybe Naomi will believe for one more Christmas. Hannah is 7 and when she asked my sister, Patricia told her that if you stop belieiving, Santa doesn't come anymore. Hannah threw her arms in the air like a preacher at a tent revival and yelled "I Believe, I believe"...she's a bit of a drama queen! :D

too cute :)

12-12-2005, 01:44 PM
I think I was about 8, but I have a younger sister so I had to pretend for a couple more years. Course, I'm 33 and my Mom still sends me a stocking from Santa!

My sister's two oldest kids are questioning this year. Naomi is 10 and in her letter to Santa she put in all kinds of little tricks--please sign with my initials, stuff like that. My sister intercepted the letter though so maybe Naomi will believe for one more Christmas. Hannah is 7 and when she asked my sister, Patricia told her that if you stop belieiving, Santa doesn't come anymore. Hannah threw her arms in the air like a preacher at a tent revival and yelled "I Believe, I believe"...she's a bit of a drama queen! :D

LOL that is too cute!