View Full Version : Post your tree/decorations!

12-10-2005, 06:45 PM
I thought it might be nice to have a thread where people who decorate and celebrate the season in some way could post their tree/decorations, as kind of a parade of decorations sort of thing! :) If you've already posted in a different thread, feel free to add again here! Here are a few of mine to start.




And cozy pups!

I can't wait to see others' decorations! :)

12-10-2005, 06:56 PM
Your tree looks VERY nice! :)

I don't have any decorations to show you, maybe sometimes next week, I'll put a Nativity

12-10-2005, 09:01 PM
I still haven't gotten mine up yet. Yours looks just beautiful! I want to be sitting in that room with Tasha and Tommy. It looks so peaceful and welcoming. Here's our work tree that me and another girl decorated.

12-10-2005, 09:08 PM
Wonderful tree. I could cuddle up with those kids of your's.

We haven't got any decorations up other than our tree yet. I love our tree though.

12-10-2005, 10:16 PM
Those are beautiful! I hope a lot of people will post their trees or decorations, I love seeing them!

12-10-2005, 11:50 PM
My tree:

A table in my living room:

My nativity:

My mantle:

My Americana Santa:

Miss Z
12-11-2005, 05:27 AM
Good thread! I have some pics of the decorations on the mantlepiece and of one of our trees (we have 3 or 4 depending on how tired we feel!!!LOL) taken 2 years ago. We always have loads of decorations though!

12-11-2005, 09:05 AM
I can't get my tree to photograph right with the lights on ... so they are off in this picture!


A close-up of my new little Santa and Helpers Ladder:

My sparsely decorated mantel ... just a small gold nativity, a few Christmas topiary cones and our stockings.

My Christmas Santa Kitty:

My fiber optic snowman ... also didn't photograph well when lit:

A couple of my country snowmen:

12-11-2005, 09:20 AM
The stupid guys wont let me put anything up :(
So I have a super tiny spinning optical tree in the basement, with a few of my fav decor. The only pic I have of it, is with Axle

The tree is awesome! I paid $0.50 (yay sales) for it & its soo cool. It changes colours & works just fine :)

12-11-2005, 09:22 AM
I am REALLY enjoying everyone's decorations, wow, so beautiful! It's like taking a little tour of everyone's homes during the holidays. Thank you all so much for posting. I love how different everyone's trees and decorations are, yet all are equally beautiful.

12-11-2005, 12:20 PM
Everyone's decorations are beautiful. Kay- I have the same ribbon on my tree. I have and Angel to match it too, her dress is the same as the ribbon, I don't have her on top this year though. I'm working on re-doing my tree (thanks to the cats ;)) and I'll post a picture after I'm finished.

edit: you can kind of see the ribbon in my signature

12-11-2005, 02:22 PM
Well I don't have any really great pics of the stuff and the dog have played havoc with my ribbons hehe.

Pics of my mantle and my tree, along with my kids, all five of them.




12-12-2005, 12:15 PM
Your tree turned out beautiful Vela, and I love that last pic of your kids, skin and fur! Are the mini stockings for Cracker and Ginger? :D

finn's mom
12-12-2005, 12:42 PM
Everyone's decorations and trees are so pretty! :)

12-12-2005, 01:20 PM
None of the attachments are showing up for me, right now, but I'll check back later.

I haven't taken any pictures that have worked, yet, but I will try again, later.

Jess, your room looks so inviting!!! :)


12-12-2005, 02:19 PM
None of the attachments are showing up for me, right now, but I'll check back later. ...

Whew! I thought I had finally lost all marbles... I've been sitting here re-loading the page, think " Uh, Oh... I must have done something." :o

Suki Wingy
12-12-2005, 07:26 PM
the attatchments aren't working for me either, but what lovley decorations! I think so far I'm the only one with a real tree, but I want a white or silver tree. I found a place where they come in all colors! Mydesktop pic!
my parents would never let me have one but Next year we might put the real tree in the "great room" We just re did our living/dining room as a long eating hall with cathedral celings (took out the attic) that would leave us free to get a silver or a white 4 foot prelit tree in the front fireplace room
I'll post pics when I take the rest of them!

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-13-2005, 09:30 AM
This is our tree!. I don't like an overload of ornaments, so I try to keep it simple as possible. 200 coloured lights, 2 silver guirlandes, and 30 red balls :)

The naked tree

Decorated tree :)

I haven't put out our nativity set yet, I do this 1 week before X-mas!

12-13-2005, 10:52 AM
hey Suki, nice colored trees!!! whats the site??

12-13-2005, 11:00 AM
Attachments aren't showing up for me either. :confused: :(

All the decor I can see is lovely! :)

12-13-2005, 11:39 AM
We don't have our indoor decorations up yet (and won't till finals are over!) but this is a beautiful 15' tall blue spruce out back that we decorate with lights - it's so beautiful at night, we are in the country and you can see it from across the fields from the main road. It's awesome up close, makes the snow all around it sparkle with rainbow colors!

12-13-2005, 12:04 PM
I love everyones decorations.

Here is our tree
Felix playing with the decorations
Felix in the tree :eek:
Our little rotating fibre optic tree in the recroom
Our fireplace in the recroom
our outdoor lights

Thats it for now..hope you enjoyed. :D

12-13-2005, 02:21 PM
Just wanted to say that I am really enjoying everyone's decorations! Christmas just makes every home seem so cozy! :D Keep them coming, Please!

12-14-2005, 09:26 AM
Here's my tree...

12-14-2005, 09:38 AM
:eek: WOW! Anna, looks like Santa has already been to YOUR house - look at all those presents! ;)

Suki Wingy
12-14-2005, 04:31 PM
I love the big tree outdoors! We have 2 presents under our tree so far, both for Niņo from me that I took 45 minutes to wrap! :eek:

finn's mom
12-14-2005, 07:21 PM
My mother collects Jim Shore figures. So, she has the nativity set and the Santa, sleigh and reindeer (she plans to have 8 deer at some point)...and, the Santa on the coffee table, too...She has a lot of his stuff, but, these are the Christmas ones. :) This is what our fireplace downstairs looks like...





and, the Santa on the coffee table...


12-15-2005, 10:31 AM
My one and only decoration arrived in the mail yesterday. :D


I ordered this wreath via my workplace. Part of the proceeds will go to the Cooley Alumni Association. The wreath was made in Northern MI out of local pine and other greenery. :D

It smells so nice.

finn's mom
12-15-2005, 03:20 PM
Everyone's trees are so pretty and all of the decorations, too! Yay christmas!!!

12-16-2005, 06:06 AM
http://images.truprint.co.uk/3456%3A34323232%7Ffp335%3Enu%3D3254%3E%3A%3C9%3E%3 B4%3B%3EWSNRCG%3D32333682%3A5%3A4%3Bnu0mrj

Snowy in front of a Christmas tree :)

12-16-2005, 09:38 AM
I'll try to get some pics this weekend.
My tree is only about 3-4 feet tall, the smallest tree I have ever had. But it's a REAL tree, not even cut, it's in dirt in a pot. I'm saving a tree instead of killing one and loving it!
It's not the exact one I wanted, I wanted a real pine tree that smells nice & I can plant it outside in the spring, the one I got can only live outside in tropical climates but does nicely as a floor plant indoors. I've always wanted a floor plant at work so that is where I'll be moving it too once x-mas is over. Next year I'll get a nice pine tree that I can plant outside.

I only have a few bows on it at the moment because all of my decorations are too big for it. I'm going to hit up some store tonight in search of some tiny ornaments. I'll be needing them as I'll do this every year from now on.

12-16-2005, 09:44 AM
I cant seem to get any good pics of our tree, its theme this year is red and gold, its our first tree as a married couple! theres one "ornament" that I just loooove its a married couple in wedding atire, and its at the top with the angel :)

ANYWAY! heres our butter bunny and the best pic of the tree


Suki Wingy
12-16-2005, 10:23 AM

12-17-2005, 07:37 PM
Here is some in the day and then with lights. then my tree.

12-17-2005, 08:52 PM
Lut - the simple tree you have is just beautiful! Is that the kind of tree with the roots attached so it can be planted outside?

I LOVED loooking at everyone's decorations and poured over each post. Yes - I agree that the homes look so cozy with the Christmas trees and decorations.

We have recently started using an artificial tree - but the best part is still getting out our assortment of ornaments - most homemade over the past thirty some years.

12-18-2005, 12:22 PM
I've not had time to put up my decorations, but I need to hurry because the Solstice is Tuesday! I don't know if we're getting a tree this year, but we are planning to decorate two brooms and hang them over the hearth, as well as decorate a yule log this year. :)

I LOVE everyone's pictures!

12-18-2005, 02:50 PM
sorry for thread jacking but how and why do you celebrate Solstice? :o ((the broom ideas cute lol))

12-20-2005, 10:12 AM
Here is my tree this year, my first real tree that is actually alive, I can plant it when x-mas is over. IF I remember right this is some kind of fir tree. But it can only live outdoors in tropical climates (didn't know that until after I bought it) so after christmas it will be replanted into a nice big pot & I'll keep it as a floor plant at work. I'd love to have a floor plant at home but you'll see in the last pic why I can't. lol

(excuse the mess, I was wrapping presents that night and the ferrets were out, those 2 do NOT mix lol)

It's nothing fancy but it really does look better in person, and I can't put the lights on the tree because they will dry/burn the tree.

This is why I can't have a floor plant:
Ferrets LOVE to dig in dirt & they LOVE to fling it everywhere. I caught him just in time.... over & over & over again, and the others too. I tell ya, I'm getting my exercise with the ferrets out with the tree set up. If I continue to get a "real" tree in the future I will HAVE to find a way to ferret proof the dirt. lol

Edwina's Secretary
12-20-2005, 05:31 PM
I began collecting ornaments in my travels when I was single. Don and I have continued the custom. Most others have been gifts...either to each other or from others over the years.


12-21-2005, 09:03 AM
Everyones trees are lovely. I so miss having a big tree, none of my ornaments fit on my little tree. lol I had to go out & buy some new ones for it.

12-21-2005, 02:26 PM
Ok here is my little tree. I decided against a big tree this year since this is Grant's first Christmas with us and I think he might like to eat ornaments so I have a little table top tree. It was my grandmother's and she passed away this past January so it's special to me to have it up since last Christmas I set it up for her.


The picture does not capture it very well, all lit up. :( I have it on our bar so the dogs can't get to it.

12-22-2005, 08:14 AM
sorry for thread jacking but how and why do you celebrate Solstice? :o ((the broom ideas cute lol))
I went with a wreath since I don't have a place to burn a Yule Log. :)

It varies from year to year how I celebrate. Sometimes I get together with other pagans, some years I just meditate alone, other years I go outside on a long walk with Kia and just breathe. :)

12-22-2005, 09:34 AM
Felix in the tree :eek:
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b103/Felixsookie/DSCI0467.jpg LoL! Skye did that too... :rolleyes:
EDIT:here's Pics. They dont show how pretty the tree really is, they kinda suck. LoL, but here they are anyways.(As Always Click for Larger Size)
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/4018554915f7ba28798c4923ca339824.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.0.4018554915f7ba28798c4923ca339824_CAT.0_REC.1/date_uploaded-desc/0-30)(yes it's Decorated in purple!! My idea ;))
This is our mantle, not a great pic either.
But from this Pic...The 1st stocking is just up there cuz it matches. The 2nd one is Roxy's, the 3rd is Lily's, and the 4th is Skye's. Mine's not there in this pic, but its between Roxy and Lily's.
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/e2288fe0a43d56f18b2b6b48a20f0c82-.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.0.e2288fe0a43d56f18b2b6b48a20f0c82-_CAT.0_REC.1_DET.1/date_uploaded-desc/0-30)

12-22-2005, 02:41 PM
Wow all your trees look gorgeous! :D We did ours silver & blue this year..




gah I think I need a new camera. Its so hard to take clear pictures with mine =\

12-24-2005, 11:04 PM
Thank you so very much to everyone who has shared pictures of their beautiful trees and decor. It was a bit like visiting everyone's home during the holidays, each unique and beautiful in their own special ways. I wish you all a joyous holiday, whether it be Christmas, Yule, Solstice, or any other day you may celebrate.

