View Full Version : Edith is HERE again, until the 19th.........

12-10-2005, 02:59 PM
I went to the Humane Society to visit her, and she has another URI so they had her isolated in a kennel in another room, with other cats/kittens, all in individual kennels, who are all being treated for the same thing. They were going to keep her back there until she's gone through another course of Clavimox.

So I asked if I could bring her home and treat her here, and they said that would be OK. They asked if I'd be willing to bring any others home with me, too, while they're being treated, but I turned them down.

I just didn't have the heart to leave her there, cooped up in that little kennel, when I have a place for her here at home, that she is familiar with, etc. So she is here with me again for at least 8 more days. I think she will do better here than she would there, under the circumstances.

She is now up in my son's bedroom, where she and her sister stayed for the three weeks they were here before. I have to go buy some more of her favorite canned food for her, and a few toys, and some more litter, and............................ :D :rolleyes:


12-10-2005, 03:43 PM
Welcome "home" again Edith! ;) She will do MUCH better being with you ... thanks for going to get her! ;)

12-10-2005, 05:22 PM
I am glad you are treating her at home. A little TLC (tender loving care) won't hurt. :) Get well soon, sweetie.

12-10-2005, 05:52 PM
Edith will definitely do a lot better with you than she would in a cage.
And you can give her,the individual attention that even the Best Shelter couldnt.
You are a Wonderful person,to help that Little One!
Prayers are coming out to Edith.

12-11-2005, 02:28 PM
Bless you for taking Edith home with you while she recovers. Of course she'll do much better now that she's getting lots of love along with her medication. Edith must feel better already being in a home that she knows and getting all that special attention. Feel better soon, sweetie!