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04-03-2002, 12:26 AM
Of one mama cat being impregnated by more then one daddy cat at the "same time"??
Im told this is why my kittens dont look at all alike... a all :D

04-03-2002, 12:37 AM
I understand it's fairly common. My Cassy and Sassy were male littermates who didn't look anything alike. The vet and his assistant were estimating the breed of the fathers which rather freaked me out. :eek: :rolleyes: (I'd adored cats for years, and shared the family cats when I was young, but was a fairly naive newbie to cat ownership when these kittens barrelled into my live (and transformed it, bless 'em))

Former User
04-03-2002, 12:55 AM
Wow, I've never heard that before...I guess I'm not too old to learn something new, LOL! No matter how many daddies your kittens have, they look adorable!!! I was checking out some pics at your webpage, and will go back later to check them all out :)

04-03-2002, 01:13 AM
Why thank you :)

I actually made a "new" site but havent worked on it yet... same place.... pbase but the username will be kittens. I want to upload pictures by date (when I take them I store them by date in folders....) and have it soley for my kitties :D

I love how your site is laid out... I checked it out when I was @ work.... shhhhhh :D

Former User
04-03-2002, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by Lachesis

I love how your site is laid out... I checked it out when I was @ work.... shhhhhh :D

I won't tell anyone...shhhhh....LOL!

04-03-2002, 05:04 AM
...that MIGHT have been from a different daddycat? :D

Heather Wallace
04-03-2002, 05:21 AM
Yes this is true, I am studying dogs at the moment and I learned about this through that course, I had to read it twice as i thought that i had imagined it to.

My rabbit gave birth in November and her bunnies where all different to but they where only fathered by the one bun. The funny thingwas she produced a black one looking exactly like the uncle. lol!

Your kitties are lovely.

Heather Wallace
04-03-2002, 05:23 AM
here is there photo

04-03-2002, 09:32 AM
My boy Scooter is a case in point! He had 2 brothers and a sister in his litter. His mom was grey and orange with short hair. Scooter and one of his brothers and his sister were orange with short fur, and looked like triplets. Then there was the other brother. He was solid black, very long fur and quite stocky, while the rest of the family was thin. I think that there must have been another dad involved!
My other boy Clyde is the opposite. He was one of 12 kittens, and they were all black and white and very fluffy.

04-03-2002, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by nsweezie
Then there was the other brother...

LOL There's a blk sheep--errr cat in every family! :p

(sorry, couldn't resisit! lol)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-03-2002, 12:51 PM
Oh Heather, baby bunnies are about as cute as kittens! :D

Wow! I never knew this! That explains why Pepper Ann is so different from Max & Milo.

Hmmm....learn something new everyday!

04-03-2002, 03:09 PM
Incidentally, the 'inky blob" of fur was Ritzy as a baby

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-03-2002, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
Incidentally, the 'inky blob" of fur was Ritzy as a baby

I was wondering about that. I was going to ask but I had "the whole world" here today at work and could only get quick peeks in at PT.

How cute that you have pictures this young of Ritzy. Bet those french manicured paws are kneading up a storm in there. :D

04-03-2002, 04:04 PM
T&P's mom - I'll bet you are right about the "paws kneading"....the mommy cat and siblings lived with one of my coworkers, who finally coerced me (yeah, like that was a tough sell) to adopt Ritzy (who at the time was dubbed "squeaker"). I just felt like her classy built in wardrobe deserved a more fitting name. :D

He was going through pictures and found this one of the babies and brought it to work and gave to me- I feel very fortunate to have an original baby picture of my sweet furkid! As you can see, she's been a standout from day one :)

By the way, I meant to mention that I laughed out loud at Tubby's autograph tour! Just a great picture! How did you get him to pose?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-03-2002, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
By the way, I meant to mention that I laughed out loud at Tubby's autograph tour! Just a great picture! How did you get him to pose?

I don't know what you mean by "get him to pose." He's a natural! :p

Just kidding. :D That's his "cave" where he normally sleeps where he is half on the bottom cushion and half on the arm of the couch. We just got him to sit up, laid the pen on him, put the picture in front of him and snapped the picture. It actually only took 3 takes to get this one. I had the digital camera and Terry was helping with the posing (mainly standing the pen up after it kept falling). With digitals you can see the picture as soon as you take it and as soon as I saw this one, I said "Perfect!" Terry took a peek and agreed. I couldn't believe it turned out so good - and only 3 takes! See Tubby is a natural. :D

04-03-2002, 09:19 PM
I glad I am not the only who had heard of it. That's what happened to one my cat's liters and luckily I actually got the color of kitten I wanted.