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View Full Version : fritz having fun

12-10-2005, 11:32 AM
fritz is having fun with his Aunties.They brought him presents for him for Christmas of which one is some treats.He has been out on a couple of walks in his new coat and got a picture of him in it out in the snow.On the one walk ,he just stopped,he wanted Auntie irene to go along on the walk.Auntie irene was having her tea at lunch and he is sitting looking at her and sneezing,wanting some ,so she poured some on a saucer and he drank it down.He was out of the window like a shot when he saw them drive in and he just loved them up with kisses and jumping up and down wanting the treats that they always bring with them.Their computer isn't hooked up as the person who is doing it has an illness in the family and will get around to it when he can.Meantime,they can play games on it,Bejewelled 1 and 2 and are pretty good at it.Marlene doing pretty good,had a good sleep,but has a sore stomach from coughing from the cold she has had.got 6 inches of snow yesterday and fritz just loved running around the patio in it getting his whiskers wet.

12-10-2005, 12:01 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Fritz received some yummy goodies and was able to go out for a walk:D

12-10-2005, 12:03 PM
Awww fritz in your red coat, give anties kiss and tell marlene to get well..

12-10-2005, 03:06 PM
Thanks for the happy update, Barry! Sounds like Fritz is already enjoying a pawful of Chirstmas cheer:D Treats and auntie visits!!!:) Looking forward to more Christmas shots of Fritzy in his coat, in the snow! Glad to hear the family is doing well too, Barry! Aunties playing Bejeweled! lol That game really tests your nerves!:D

12-10-2005, 06:32 PM
Fritz, I'm glad you are enjoying your time with your Aunties. I can't believe you drink tea. You're funny. Can't wait to see pictures of you in your new coat. I bet you look sharp in it.


Daisy and Delilah
12-10-2005, 06:43 PM
Oh Fritzie, you fun loving scamp!! Sounds like nothing but fun at your house with the Aunties coming and bringing treats. We can imagine they loved you in you new little red coat. Is Taffy still there Fritz? Don't drink too much tea little buddy. That caffeine may keep you up all night ;) Give the Aunties a million kisses cutie and tell Marlene to get over that tummy problem and get well for good :D

Ginger's Mom
12-10-2005, 09:05 PM
Oh Fritzy, I am glad to hear that you are having so much fun with the Aunties today. I hope Barry got some good pictures of you running around and playing in the snow, I would love to see that. :)