View Full Version : A PT Elopement -- that failed!!!

12-10-2005, 02:43 AM
The Knight in Furry Armor/ the sexy Godlet of Cape Cod seeks his lady love:

Oh, the GODLET ESCAPED for several minutes today but thank God, was found quickly, crying at the door. I think he was on his way to find his Jeweliette, but got lost! Please tell Livvy he tried...........

Meanwhile, somewhat south of San Francisco, the beautious princess/ his sparkling Jeweliette was having adventures herself:

Small world. The day before yesterday, my Livvy escaped when I ran out to check the mail. It was drizzling and I was barefoot (not the brightest combo) and she ran between the camilla bush under my office window and the big bush under the bedroom window. (Primarily to yelp insults to Cassy, as best I can tell from his reactions.) I could NOT get her to come to me and was slowly getting soaked. I finally said to heck with it and came inside for shoes, dry clothes, and a potty break. Wilst seated in the bathroom, I heard an indignant yowl outside. I finally got to the front door where Livvy was curled up on the mat. She strolled in and chewed me out for leaving her ladyship alone in the rain, apparently. Cats, I love them, but sometimes ... SHEESH!

Do you think they were planning to elope and something went awry?

FYI: By running to the bedroom window, the furry princess was heading all but due WEST, precisely the opposite direction to where her furry Adonis is...

Oliver's Meowmy continues:

Now as for YOU miss Livvy! Just what have you and Oliver been up to??? Planning the elopement I fear! The rascals didn't get far, did they Amber! Oh, more laughs... you on the potty, her royal felineness waiting indignantly at the door to be let in! You can't make this stuff up! Livvy, you stay inside where it's safe and no more excursions!
His Furry Godletness sends love, bonks and purrrs to his most beloved, slightly damp Jeweliette! hehehe

Notes to would be elopers:
Coordinating days is vital, but so is coordinating locations. You both CAN'T sit on your doormats and make it work. There is over 3000 miles separating Cape Cod and Silicon Valley!!!

12-10-2005, 09:15 AM
We are praying that True Cat Love will find a way.
And those Cats can be together in spirit,if not in puurson.

12-10-2005, 11:31 AM
LOL Some day they'll find each other. :) I'm so glad that if my furkids get out the front door that it's just a hallway that I'm dealing with and not the scary outdoors. ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-11-2005, 01:11 PM
Nobody ever said romance was intelligent. ;) :D

12-11-2005, 01:26 PM
Don't worry there, sweet kitties. The path of true love never runs smooth. But things will work out, you'll see.

12-11-2005, 08:22 PM
Nobody ever said romance was intelligent. ;) :D

SNERK!!!! :D :p :D