View Full Version : How to firm up soft stools?

12-09-2005, 10:56 PM
I recently switched Visa's food, and she's having diahrrea. The switch went well for the first day, so I'm surprised because it's never been this bad. She has digested blood in her stool as well (gives the stool a black, tarry appearance). The vet just says to give it time, but Visa has a very fast metabolism and she can't afford to be lose this much nutrition.

I've been increasing her intake of pumpkin (great for firming stool) which has always worked for her in the past, but it is working only minimally -- it's half firm, half diahrrea right now. I am also giving her digestive enzymes which also help, but I am still hoping for more ideas.

Belgians have ridiculously sensitive stomachs, it's too bad. I can't wait till I get a freezer and we can finally just go on RAW full time and avoid all of this!

12-10-2005, 08:44 AM
It works wonders for both of my pups, and being GSD's they have sensitive stomachs just like Belgians. Rice always firms things right up!
Also....just this past summer, Sierra killed and ate a bunny and got hook worm. Her intestines were irritated and because of that she had bright red flecks of blood in her watery diahrrea. My vet told me to give her Malox to settle everything down.

12-10-2005, 09:24 AM
Thanks! :)

I worry mixing rice with her food because it is very high protein and you aren't supposed to mix too many carbs in there --- but I guess that since it is only temporary until her stool firms up, it can't hurt. :) I have some white rice I will boil up for her tonight. What is Malox and where can I find it?