View Full Version : What do you think.

12-09-2005, 08:45 PM
I was just wondering what people’s thoughts are on this.

I had my nails painted black (It was actually supposed to be a dark blue but it looked more black) at school. I got comments from almost all of the teachers asking if I was going through a Goth faze. :rolleyes: Then one of them asked me to remove it because it looked "trashy". EXCUSE ME! I don't care if YOU think it looks trashy, I like it! I think it is absolutely ridiculous the amount of restrictions they try to put on us. I agree with some of them [No revealing clothing] but not wearing large jewelry or having dark nail polish...are you kidding me! I’m not sure if I will remove the nail polish for Monday…. . It really bothered me that she was implying that I look "trashy". I can’t think of one reason why we can’t have black nail polish. Are we all supposed to look like robots wearing bright colors :confused: :rolleyes:

Anyways, what do you think? Do you think it is fair to not allow black nail polish etc. Please explain...and this isn't supposed to turn into a conflict. I wont be offended either way, this is just what I personally think on the topic. :)

-Edit- And for school on Monday, should I take it off or keep it on?

12-09-2005, 08:53 PM
I dont mind dark nail polish. I think it looks cute!I like wearing black on my toe nails. and no,i dont think its fair to not allow black nail polish.Lots of people wear dark nail polish.

finn's mom
12-09-2005, 09:02 PM
I would find out what the rules are. If it's just the teacher's opinion, then she'll just have to deal with it. And, it's not really a teacher's place to tell a student that they look trashy. Even if you walked in there looking like a hooker on the corner, as a teacher, she should be a little more appropriate with the way she tells you it's inappropriate dress. But, yeah I'd find out what the actual rule is, then go from there. If it's the rule, and, I don't see how it would be, then take the nail polish off or if you really want to protest, find out how you would go about changing the rules. If it's not a rule, then tell the teacher hey i'm sorry you don't like my nail polish, but, it's not against the rules, and, i'm not removing it. good luck with it.

12-09-2005, 09:09 PM
I think its the teachers problem.. she just had a hair up her butt that day or something... someone i knew used to ware black polish all the time and she never got in trouble for it. nor did think she looked trashy..

that was plain rude for someone to say something like that,, and very judgemental

12-09-2005, 09:16 PM
Stupid teacher, what is she like 90 yrs old?

12-09-2005, 09:17 PM
hmmm... from the other side: in my kids' school, there's a huge problem with the preppies vs. goths. This year they had to introduce a new school policy like that -- no dark nail polish, no tee shirts with certain designs on it, etc. (there's loads more but I forget what it is) It REALLY has cut down on the number of incidents of goths/preppy kids fighting. Sounds absurd that nailpolish would make such an impact, but it does. Last year my daughter came home nearly every day with a tale of some new fight, and this year we hardly ever hear anything about it. Unfortunately, even among your peers, how you dress affects how others see you.

Its only nail polish -- why get yourself into trouble with teachers and administration?

12-09-2005, 09:29 PM
She's actually one of my favorite teachers but she gets edgy about this topic. She wasn't just having an off day, She is constantly getting people in trouble for stuff like this. Honestly. I am pretty offended, I am not trashy AT ALL!

hmmm... from the other side: in my kids' school, there's a huge problem with the preppies vs. goths. This year they had to introduce a new school policy like that -- no dark nail polish, no tee shirts with certain designs on it, etc. (there's loads more but I forget what it is) It REALLY has cut down on the number of incidents of goths/preppy kids fighting. Sounds absurd that nailpolish would make such an impact, but it does. Last year my daughter came home nearly every day with a tale of some new fight, and this year we hardly ever hear anything about it. Unfortunately, even among your peers, how you dress affects how others see you.

We don't have a problem like that in our school. Thanks for pointing this out, this could be the reason why they don't like this kind of stuff in my school. It's interesting how cutting down on all of the "goth stuff" has minimized the amount of fights.

Its only nail polish -- why get yourself into trouble with teachers and administration?
Yeah, thats a good point. I'm being stubborn about this now, I want to prove a point, but you're right, I will just end up getting myself in crap.

12-09-2005, 09:53 PM
I think it looks cute, as long as it's not flaking off, LOL.

In college, I always had blonde highlights in my naturally dark brown hair, so my hair was always a lot lighter than it naturally is. Right before graduation, I had the highlights removed . . . my natural color . . . much darker! . . . I got so many comments like, well, Christa, going goth? And I was like . . . no, actually I'm going back to being real! :rolleyes:

A lot of people are such idiots, they'll say whatever pops into their heads.

I say wear it and wear it proudly. It's cute . . . who knows, you may set a trend!

12-09-2005, 09:57 PM
She's actually one of my favorite teachers but she gets edgy about this topic. She wasn't just having an off day, She is constantly getting people in trouble for stuff like this. Honestly. I am pretty offended, I am not trashy AT ALL!

We don't have a problem like that in our school. Thanks for pointing this out, this could be the reason why they don't like this kind of stuff in my school. It's interesting how cutting down on all of the "goth stuff" has minimized the amount of fights.

Yeah, thats a good point. I'm being stubborn about this now, I want to prove a point, but you're right, I will just end up getting myself in crap.

You really show good sense about this..that is very admirable.. :)

12-09-2005, 11:19 PM
I say wear it and wear it proudly

Yup, thats what I'm thinking I should do. :p

I'm going to go see if there is a rule against it on Monday.

12-10-2005, 06:09 AM
Nail polish??? Oh PUHLEEZE!!!!! What about the jeans down to their ass with only their belt ? Or the REALLLLY short skirts and bare midriff??? When I went to school, I wasn't even allowed to wear jeans! :confused: :confused: I hardly think nail polish is going to hinder your ability to get a good education.

Do whatever YOU feels is best. Good luck!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-10-2005, 06:32 AM
My daughter paints her nails black ALL the time! And to be honest: it is beautiful on her, as she has a dark coloured skin! As long as it is not against the rules, go for it!!
This is her :)

12-10-2005, 08:05 AM
I agree that if it's not against the rules and as long as you like it than wear it.

I have a somewhat similar story- Justin (my husband) and I have been together since high school. During our senior year there was a rule that you could not wear all black, if you were caught wearing all black you'd be given a bright purple t-shirt to wear and they'd take your shirt from you. Well, Justin came to school wearing dark blue Jeans and a black t-shirt that had a bible verse on the front. A teacher sent him to the office for wearing all black and he was given a purple shirt to wear. I can't completly remember, I think he went home and changed out of the purple shirt at lunch.

12-10-2005, 08:17 AM
She really said that?? WOW! A teacher should not be saying stuff like that. If you like it keep it on. I mean it's not anyone elses opinion how you dress. I like dark nail polish personally. Its not fair for them to tell you you can't wear it. What's the reason? Something stupid. I am for some of the dress code. But not wearing hats,sunglasses,heavy coats, PJ pant,ect. Thats stupid. The teacher is stupid. Just keep it on if you like.

12-10-2005, 09:09 AM
I was pretty self conscious in high school, so I wore a lot of black clothes since black is slimming. Black jeans, black tee shirts or sweatshirts, and other dark clothes. People were always asking if I was goth. I never quite understood that. I think I painted my nails black once or twice too (or at least a dark color that looked black). We never had any problems with goth vs. preppy kids, so I didn't get into any trouble or anything. I agree with what someone else siad, find out what the rule is. I would have been a little offended also by the teacher calling you trashy. That was wrong.

12-10-2005, 11:24 AM
My daughter paints her nails black ALL the time! And to be honest: it is beautiful on her, as she has a dark coloured skin! As long as it is not against the rules, go for it!!
This is her :)

She's beautiful!

Thanks for replying guys :)

Miss Z
12-10-2005, 11:38 AM
At my school, we're not allowed to wear nail varnish or make-up or jewellery of any kind:rolleyes: but i wear nail polish outside school, and i don't think that black symbolises goths:rolleyes:

Suki Wingy
12-10-2005, 12:02 PM
wow that is harsh! We're alowed to wear almost anything. Someone wore a bannanna suit to school yesterday

12-10-2005, 03:57 PM
Someone wore a bannanna suit to school yesterday

:eek: That's kind of weird!

12-10-2005, 04:10 PM
I wear black nail polish too. I don't find it that "goth" at all, I am a COMPLETE prep and ppl would never think of me as a goth. They sometimes would throw comments like "punk" and stuff but who cares! :D I think it is just fine to wear dark or black nail polish!

Miss Z
12-10-2005, 04:49 PM
wow that is harsh! We're alowed to wear almost anything. Someone wore a bannanna suit to school yesterday

I know we risk getting a detention if we do:rolleyes: banana suit? that is so weird! Do you wear school uniform in the USA? We have to, my school is quite strict.