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View Full Version : Drawing lessons

12-08-2005, 10:15 PM
A week ago, my dad got his haircut, and the hair dresser gave him a card with a web address. She told him about her drawings and such...and her website has some of her drawings. Anyway, he gave me the card and said "maybe she gives lessons. You've been saying forever now that you've wanted lessons.."

Anyway...I looked at the site and was like ok, these are photos??? But no, they are just REALLY good. Turns out she wasn't giving lessons, but she lives like down the street from me and asked if I wanted to meet for coffee. I said ok. Anyway, we met the other day, and started talking about drawing. She told me all these ways to do stuff and I was like "wow! sounds easy" (well, it SOUNDS easy..it's easier, but not easy :()

I went home and tried some of the things she showed me...and it's turning out better than I have done before...but it still sucks lol (keep in mind, I don't draw with pencils..I drawon the computer, so I have no skill with pencil) I asked her if she would give me a lesson or two to get me on my way, and she said she would. :) I'm nervous about it though, because I HATE doing stuff like that infront of anyone. I like to do my own thing...alone. I'm embarrassed about my picture too. I wanna give it to my mom for xmas if it looks ok (although if I gave it to my mom as is, she would love it :o)

ANYWAY...her website is www.kathrynsart.com

And here is the drawing I'm working on (note: it's not near done)

I did a drawing at work today, and I'm suprised cause I actually liked it...especially seeing I didn't have my good pencils, smudge things or anything else o_O I'll post it later...I forgot it.

(sorry it is so blurry..to lazy to scan/use a light lol)

12-09-2005, 08:05 AM
Omg! Your right, the pictures on the website look like pictures :eek: Wow...

I really like the drawing you attached, I could never ever draw something like that!

12-09-2005, 10:18 AM
Your picture is really really good, glad you met another artist.. :)

Suki Wingy
12-09-2005, 10:45 AM
oh, yours is really good! Hers do look like photos1 I finally found someone to do a portrait of Niņo for me! I will have to save forever though. Every time I find someone I really like, some of their art seems to be a little off.