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View Full Version : Why you should never ever mess with the Police

12-08-2005, 07:00 PM
because of their police dogs!

*warning* kinda graphic

^ amazing athleticism, and fearless courage by the dogs in this footage, however, it seems they are poorly trained..When the handlers say "out", the dogs don't always let go...and the perpetrator keeps getting mauled :eek:

12-08-2005, 07:16 PM
Did that guy grab his dogs collar and swing around and then hit it?
or did the dog bite his hand and then hit?

either way what kind of training is that?

and the dog at the very end didnt look very happy either..

but i thought the opening sene was awesome.. how that dog just PINGED up and got that guys hand like that whie was driving.

12-08-2005, 08:16 PM
Almost all of that looks like a training session . They of course shouldn't hit the dog but each country has different standards.

12-08-2005, 08:22 PM
:eek: WOW! There's a guy with a German Shepherd dog on my block! He is really strong looking!

12-09-2005, 12:15 AM
Yeah i believe it's a training session. Me personally, I love the fearlessness of the dogs...THey freakin jump over cars at full speed to attack the "bad guys" ;)

12-09-2005, 08:28 AM
Yeah i believe it's a training session. Me personally, I love the fearlessness of the dogs...THey freakin jump over cars at full speed to attack the "bad guys" ;)

Me too. Unfortunatly in our world now-a-days we need this. It's getting to be a very bad place.

In that one shoot where the dog attacks the guy it looks like police officer removes the dog, then the dog attacks him, hanging onto his arm even while the officer lifts him off the ground. OR at least thats how it appears to me. Of course the dog is still in training but still, ouch.

12-09-2005, 08:32 AM
In that one shoot where the dog attacks the guy it looks like police officer removes the dog, then the dog attacks him, hanging onto his arm even while the officer lifts him off the ground. OR at least thats how it appears to me. Of course the dog is still in training but still, ouch.

Thats what it looked like to me too....Owww!!

I was just amazed at their athletic ability, the dogs just showed up out of the blue, amazing. I never ever want to be in that situation, thats for sure!

12-09-2005, 02:16 PM
My dad is a cop, and the dogs he's worked with have saved lives many times. It is a very fine line, training dogs to be that aggressive but also safe for their handlers and bystanders, but it certainly is an important job they do. According to my dad, a lot of suspects who aren't afraid of the cops and the guns will be terrified and surrender as soon as they mention sending the dogs in.

I believe the officer who got bit on the hand was going to attempt a 'helicopter', but either wasn't strong enough or it hurt too bad or whatever... when my dad went through police dog training schools overseas, they taught that if the dog turned on you you should grab it by the collar, swing it in a complete circle as high as you can (over your head was considered best) and then slam it to the ground. Looks like this guy may have been trained on the same move, but couldn't carry it out.

12-09-2005, 02:27 PM
I believe the officer who got bit on the hand was going to attempt a 'helicopter', but either wasn't strong enough or it hurt too bad or whatever... when my dad went through police dog training schools overseas, they taught that if the dog turned on you you should grab it by the collar, swing it in a complete circle as high as you can (over your head was considered best) and then slam it to the ground. Looks like this guy may have been trained on the same move, but couldn't carry it out.

Thats horrible! :( :eek:

12-09-2005, 02:27 PM
aww shoot!!! our school blocked this site, but i will look when i get home :eek:

12-09-2005, 04:29 PM
didnt watch all of it, but love it! :)