View Full Version : IF you were to let kittens/cats wander in the back yard...

04-02-2002, 09:36 PM
when would be a good time? I dont want to right now, but say around June or so when the weather warms up my nephews who live right next door accidently leave the door open and if I happen to miss it once...

I dont want my kitties getting lost or hurt... and we have a nice size backyard... Not fenced in yet.... Id like to make a cat run or something...

But if they got out... or *really* wanted to go out....


04-02-2002, 10:02 PM
Both my cats are indoors only, however I would let them out if we were not near a busy road. :eek:
Still though, I feel bad sometimes that they don't go out. One of them REALLY WANTS to go out bad.
This spring or summer we are going to build a combination cat run/enclosed patio- I saw a design for it in Cat Fancy magazine. :D
It's made of 2x4's(I think?) spaced apart for support, then lattice which you can paint or stain. The entrance will be off our sliding glass door in our kitchen nook, and run down about half of our backside of the house.
It will be pretty large, for BOTH humans and kittys (& dog too).
We plan on putting our BBQ, patio furniture, some plants, windchimes, etc. ............and oh yes, some cat trees & perches too.
I liked this design because it looked pleasant, not like a cage, and we will get some use out of it too. :cool: :)

04-02-2002, 10:14 PM
Id love to see a picture when your done! My sister has a puppy (same age as the kittens) and well, I think he is part rottie and the kittens do not like him.... so Id build the run along the side of my house...

04-03-2002, 01:40 AM
I was letting Kylie out for a little bit under supervision until she ran away to the neighbor's and tried to fight the neighbor cat :( So now whenever she gets near the door I squirt her with the water bottle! No problem now!

04-03-2002, 06:48 AM
I allow my cats out on the patio under my supervision. Panda does have a tendancy to bolt and run, but she always comes back within the hour. Still I get very nervous when she's outside, I could get in trouble for letting her roam and she's subject to so many dangers out there.

04-03-2002, 07:23 AM
As long as the neighbors keep their large dogs confined, I have no problems about letting my kitties out, especially for a day's play in the yard. It does them good, to get out and climb the trees, chase birds, and run around chasing each other especially at "cat time" (at sun-up and sun-down) But during the day they mostly sleep under the car and around the awning areas. As far as a time of day, I'd say after about 9 AM is best to let them out, or anytime where they can be supervised because of loose dogs. One of the most dangerous times of the day to let them out is early in the morning about sun-up because if there are any loose dogs roaming around, this is the time their owners are not up to feed them, and that they are hungry.


Heather Wallace
04-03-2002, 07:32 AM
I let my 2 boys out. They where house cats up until 2 yrs ago. They love it, although Tatty has a really bad habit of wondering down to the local shop, sits outside looking handsome so that people will pet him. we have seen him do this one day when we where driving into the street.

Tatty also has a bad habit of walking in the middle of the road, something which scares me a lot.
I am having to put a tag on him again because of his bad habits.
Max is great, he either climbs the trees and watches the world go by or he stays in the garden.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-03-2002, 11:15 AM
Tubby and Peanut only go outside with a leash on. I don't want to take any chances. It will be hard if your nephews leave the door open, but you'll have to teach them to close the door, and hopefully your kitties will confine themselves to your backyard. I would be worried sick if one of mine got out.

04-03-2002, 12:30 PM
My nephews are 4, 2 and almost 1. :/ The 4 and 2 year old are the worst... :( we're always yelling @ them to close the door...

I worry b/c if we leave the door to the garage open they rip out there in a flash... so Im pretty sure if they had the chance, they'd be out the front door....

04-03-2002, 12:48 PM
My old cat would follow me around outside and would never wander. She was an exception to the rule I believe. People were amazed how fixated she was with me. If I left her view, she would run into the house. I often did my gardening with her right by my side. I miss her so.